Cal88 said:
BearGoggles said:
Cal88 said:
BearGoggles said:
Cal88 said:
tequila4kapp said:
Well Duh. They were just invaded, had civilians killed, kidnapped and tortured and they see civilian Palestinians celebrating as Israeli prisoners are paraded about. Who in their right mind see that and says "yeah, let's negotiate with them to be our permanent neighbors. They seem trustworthy and likely to be good neighbors."
They tried this path years ago when they forcibly removed Israeli's from Gaza in the land for peace deal. They got the October massacre as Thanks.
There never was an Israeli "land for peace" deal that featured a viable Palestinian state.
Except the Israeli's have made several offers for a two state solution that were rejected by Arafat. That is a verifiable fact.
You just pile lie after lie after lie. Truly remarkable.
If the Palestinians laid down their weapons and acknowledged Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, there would be a Palestinian state. Instead, the have a toxic culture - accurately described as a death cult - where they prefer dead Palestinians over peace with Jews.
None of these offers were viable, according to Mearsheimer, and also Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was part of the negotiation process and one of the most prominent US diplomats/policymakers in the past several decades.
Those are minority opinions which you quote as fact and without any explanation. The real reason the proposals weren't was because the Palestinians didn't accept them because they are not willing to accept a two state solution where Israel is a Jewish state. Full stop. And then Arafat started an Intifada which effectively killed the peace process for generations.
It doesn't matter if Israel is Jewish to the Palestinians, as a matter of fact they have had a local Jewish population as well as a large Christian minority before the Zionists took their land and concentrated them in reservations representing around 10% of their original land.
It doesn't matter if the Zionists are Jewish, Hindus, Presbytarian or Martian, the problem is that they established a colonial project on top of an existing country and drove the natives out through a series of bloody massacres and a massive ethnic cleansing projects, including the one ongoing. This is the basic truth that you are trying to gaslight away with your fake weaponized passive aggressive victimhood.
You consistently defend Hamas and can't criticize the worst Hamas' behavior without a "but Israel." You have nothing to say about their ghoulish and abhorrent treatment of hostages - or for that matter that they took hostages including infant children. Hamas started a war and all of the Palestinian suffering follows from that. Your refusal to acknowledge that condemns the Palestinians to more suffering.
The war started in 1948, with a long series of massacres committed by the Israelis that dwarf the events of October 7.
As a reminder, you are a supporter of the group that takes babies as hostages and recently held a parade to celebrate the death of those babies.
You're the one gaslighting on history. The Palestinian leadership has not accepted Israel as a Jewish state. Many oppose the existence of Israel in any form - Hamas being a notable example. And as to the others (PA), by insisting on a "right of return", they are implicitly rejecting the continued existence of Israel as Jewish state.
And you are wrong, the history did not start in 1948 - when incidentally the surrounding Arab states all attacked Israel (something you ignore). Fighting literally goes back centuries when the Arab/Muslim armies conquered Jerusalem - the
Arabs were the original colonizers/imperialists/conquerers. Al Aqsa is literally built on top of a Jewish Temple - what does that tell you about history? Who was there first? Who established a "colonial project"?
We know the Jews have been in Israel (Judea and Samaria) for literally thousands of years. In contrast, there has NEVER been a Palestinian state.
Beyond that, in modern times there has been fighting and attacks on both sides. Pre-1948, there was fighting. For example, the Hebron Massacre in 1923. According to you, Jews were the only ones fighting or attacking. It is not only false, but silly.
You deny Palestinians all agency - and therefore absolve them of any responsibility for their own actions and inactions. Hamas attacked Israel on 10/7 and intentionally massacred hundreds of innocent people.
They took babies as hostages. Even if in your warped mind that was somehow justified (it is not), then Israel's reaction is also fully justified. Hamas and the Palestinians could have returned the hostages and stopped fighting - they decided not to. Israel is under no obligation to surrender - no country would do that.
Your type of thinking and whitewashing of history ultimately harms the Palestinians. They will suffer as long as people like you advocate for actions/inactions that perpetuate suffering.