2020 Election - Catch-all Thread

309,193 Views | 2434 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Unit2Sucks
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Biden is a "good" guy but I have a hard time believing a guy who did that poorly in school (apparently bottom third at University of Delaware, and bottom decile at Syracuse) is sharp enough to lead this country. I like having smart presidents like Obama and Clinton. I'm not saying academic performance is the be all end all but in a country of 300 million plus can't we find someone who gave enough effort to do well in school?
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concordtom said:

Sure way to defeat Trump?

Biden-Flake ticket.
How many GOP would not go for that?
How many Dems would be so disgusted that they would vote Trump. Flake was anti trump enough to see him as a non-trump, which is mission #1.

Let Biden win the ticket, then declare his secret "beat Trump" VP candidate.

ha, I know this is nuts, but I just can't wait for trump to go down.

For me that would be a dream come true because it would mean the Democrats were blown asunder and there would be a serious third candidate from the left- Biden- Flake would finish third, maybe fourth.

Alas, no chance. Everyone hates Flake- Democrats and Republicans.
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Well he did admit to plagiarism in law school which explains his higher than expected results.
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Anarchistbear said:

concordtom said:

Yogi Bear said:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
Honestly, I don't know him.
Why do you say that?
I just liked the interview.

It may be time for more moral disillusionment for you. Newsome had a scandalous affair with his campaign manager's wife plus his ex wife Kimberly Guilfoyle is a Fox News babe and Donald Trump Jr's girlfriend. So he and Trump Jr have shared the same foxhole.

Also for someone who claims to be well informed you seem universally uninformed. Why is that?

That's the kind of scandal that only hurts you if you're a Democrat. I'm over it.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Anarchistbear said:

Well he did admit to plagiarism in law school which explains his higher than expected results.
Hey, he went to law school?
I bet his daddy didn't buy his admission, or his grades.
Point to Biden!
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concordtom said:

Anarchistbear said:

Well he did admit to plagiarism in law school which explains his higher than expected results.
Hey, he went to law school?
I bet his daddy didn't buy his admission, or his grades.
Point to Biden!

He and Trump both had atrocious grades, so it's pretty clear no one was paying for A's.

Does Biden present an improvement in all ways over 45? Without a doubt. So do hundreds of millions Of Americans. But does Biden possess the kind of intellect we deserve to manage through what can be incredibly complex policy and other operational decisions? He's just not the best person for the job and is a symbol of the old boy's network. He's not the best person for the job but maybe is the best old white guy with experience. We are past that as a country.

Here's where I am sourcing my info by the way: http://mentalfloss.com/article/28826/9-presidential-candidates-who-werent-great-students


By all accounts, Biden wasn't the world's greatest student, but he made up for his academic shortcomings with sheer likability. Biden ranked 506th out of 688 students in the University of Delaware's class of 1965, but a professor still recommended him for law school "on grounds of personality and general promise." The future VP didn't exactly turn on the jets once he got to law school, either. He finished 76th in his class of 85 students at Syracuse, and admitted to plagiarism in his first year of law school. But again, a dean recommended him for a job on the basis of his "confidence," "general physical appearance," and "general speaking ability."

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All I know is that he appears to be the best chance of defeating trump.
Works for me!
Genocide Joe 58
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sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

concordtom said:

This dude is gonna run one day!

From today:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
What makes you say so?
Genocide Joe 58
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Anarchistbear said:

concordtom said:

Sure way to defeat Trump?

Biden-Flake ticket.
How many GOP would not go for that?
How many Dems would be so disgusted that they would vote Trump. Flake was anti trump enough to see him as a non-trump, which is mission #1.

Let Biden win the ticket, then declare his secret "beat Trump" VP candidate.

ha, I know this is nuts, but I just can't wait for trump to go down.

For me that would be a dream come true because it would mean the Democrats were blown asunder and there would be a serious third candidate from the left- Biden- Flake would finish third, maybe fourth.
A 3 party race elects Trump easily dolt.
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No. A Biden- Flake ticket re-elects Trump. And you would display your superior intelligence by actually voting for Biden- Flake and wondering how stupid Americans are. Good luck with that a second time.
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Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

concordtom said:

This dude is gonna run one day!

From today:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
What makes you say so?

I did forget about this affair thing. Definitely slimy. Still, that was over a decade ago.

On the other point: I don't really care about Guilfoyle being his ex. He can't control what she does with her future career.
Genocide Joe 58
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sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

concordtom said:

This dude is gonna run one day!

From today:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
What makes you say so?

I did forget about this affair thing. Definitely slimy.
The whole state did. Apparently, the gay marriage move really worked for him.
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Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

concordtom said:

This dude is gonna run one day!

From today:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
What makes you say so?

I did forget about this affair thing. Definitely slimy.
The whole state did. Apparently, the gay marriage move really worked for him.
Definitely his savviest move as a politician, and I thought so at the time.
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For those of us who were not paying attn at the time, can you refresh the particulars of that?
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Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

sycasey said:

Yogi Bear said:

concordtom said:

This dude is gonna run one day!

From today:

I'll never understand why his career didn't end at Mayor. Dude is a slime.
What makes you say so?

I did forget about this affair thing. Definitely slimy.
The whole state did. Apparently, the gay marriage move really worked for him.
1/3 of the state have gone through something similar, 1/3 of the state doesn't care if their politicians do that kind of thing (that's me), and 1/3 of the state are hypocritical Trump supporting Republicans.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
golden sloth
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And Beto O'Rourke Jumps in:


The 46-year-old O'Rourke, a former three-term U.S. congressman and a punk rocker in his youth, pledged to tackle "the interconnected crises in our economy, our democracy and our climate."


In his six years in Congress representing a region of West Texas along the border with Mexico, O'Rourke largely did not ally himself with progressives, instead joining the centrist "New Democrat" coalition.

"I'm not big on labels," O'Rourke told reporters in December when asked whether he could be considered a progressive.

Last month, he appeared to attempt to separate himself further from that wing of the party when he pointedly called himself a capitalist. "I don't see how we're able to meet any of the fundamental challenges that we have as a country without, in part, harnessing the power of the market," O'Rourke said.


I'm kind of annoyed at the tactical framing in this article (yes, I wanted that vox video on the GND), the article talks about the race, Trump and his opponents for the majority of the article, and only turns slightly towards his positions or platform in the final paragraph or two. Sure, they use his quote about 'the interconnected crises in our economy, our democracy and our climate' but they don't explain how he seeks to address these challenges.
golden sloth
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As an aside, I don't want Andrew Yang to win the nomination, but I do really hope he can stay in the race until Super Tuesday. I believe he can't win against Trump, which is why I don't want him to win the nomination, but I do believe he has an important message about the disruption to the economy stemming from automation, and I want that message to be broadcast to the country and the country's heartland loud and clear. I do believe this is an issue we need to address and soon, and I do believe a lot of people have their blinders on regarding this issue.
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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I have never heard Andrew Yang speak and didn't know he was running. Just listened to him for 15 minutes this morning. I think his ideas should be heard and be part of the conversation.

B.A. Bearacus
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We need to get out of our small mental boxes and understand that reading is not inherently good. It's just, like, whatever.

Another Bear
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Lots of good talent and candidates making a run...Pete from South Bend, Yang...many more. These guys should be running for senate and congress if they're not already there.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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"As the Stag Party nominee I propose a simple dollars-and-cents solution to Vietnam," said Paulson at a "campaign rally." "If you figure the number of enemy casualties and the amount we're spending on the war, you discover it's costing an average of $600,000 for every Viet Cong. I think we can buy 'em off cheaper than that."

golden sloth
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Another Bear said:

Lots of good talent and candidates making a run...Pete from South Bend, Yang...many more. These guys should be running for senate and congress if they're not already there.
It Pete's case, there is no Indiana Senate seat available until 2022. The thing about the Senate, is that unless there is a major crisis (like the Great Recession), there are very few seats which can flip barring some sort of miracle candidate. Looking at the 2020 Senate map, I can only see Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Arizona as potential flips (and I'm really only confident in Colorado), which only gets the Dem's to 49 (unless the independents finally designate themselves D's), maybe Georgia and North Carolina if there is a great candidate. I also fully expect Democrats to lose Alabama (bring them back down 48).
Another Bear
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golden sloth said:

Another Bear said:

Lots of good talent and candidates making a run...Pete from South Bend, Yang...many more. These guys should be running for senate and congress if they're not already there.
It Pete's case, there is no Indiana Senate seat available until 2022. The thing about the Senate, is that unless there is a major crisis (like the Great Recession), there are very few seats which can flip barring some sort of miracle candidate. Looking at the 2020 Senate map, I can only see Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Arizona as potential flips (and I'm really only confident in Colorado), which only gets the Dem's to 49 (unless the independents finally designate themselves D's), maybe Georgia and North Carolina if there is a great candidate. I also fully expect Democrats to lose Alabama (bring them back down 48).
Fair enough about the limited senate seats. Still no shame in running for congress. Look at California's congressional delegation...lots of smart people, leading the house (Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, many more). Congressional seats are the natural leadup to senator. Northwest Indiana is relatively progressive and Pete should be able to win that seat (not knowing anything about it), move up...and then senate?
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

golden sloth said:

Another Bear said:

Lots of good talent and candidates making a run...Pete from South Bend, Yang...many more. These guys should be running for senate and congress if they're not already there.
It Pete's case, there is no Indiana Senate seat available until 2022. The thing about the Senate, is that unless there is a major crisis (like the Great Recession), there are very few seats which can flip barring some sort of miracle candidate. Looking at the 2020 Senate map, I can only see Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Arizona as potential flips (and I'm really only confident in Colorado), which only gets the Dem's to 49 (unless the independents finally designate themselves D's), maybe Georgia and North Carolina if there is a great candidate. I also fully expect Democrats to lose Alabama (bring them back down 48).
Fair enough about the limited senate seats. Still no shame in running for congress. Look at California's congressional delegation...lots of smart people, leading the house (Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, many more). Congressional seats are the natural leadup to senator. Northwest Indiana is relatively progressive and Pete should be able to win that seat (not knowing anything about it), move up...and then senate?
Indiana is also pretty gerrymandered into safe districts. The blue corners already have Democratic reps, and the red districts are very red. Not much opportunity for Mayor Pete there either.
golden sloth
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sycasey said:

Another Bear said:

golden sloth said:

Another Bear said:

Lots of good talent and candidates making a run...Pete from South Bend, Yang...many more. These guys should be running for senate and congress if they're not already there.
It Pete's case, there is no Indiana Senate seat available until 2022. The thing about the Senate, is that unless there is a major crisis (like the Great Recession), there are very few seats which can flip barring some sort of miracle candidate. Looking at the 2020 Senate map, I can only see Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Arizona as potential flips (and I'm really only confident in Colorado), which only gets the Dem's to 49 (unless the independents finally designate themselves D's), maybe Georgia and North Carolina if there is a great candidate. I also fully expect Democrats to lose Alabama (bring them back down 48).
Fair enough about the limited senate seats. Still no shame in running for congress. Look at California's congressional delegation...lots of smart people, leading the house (Pelosi, Waters, Schiff, many more). Congressional seats are the natural leadup to senator. Northwest Indiana is relatively progressive and Pete should be able to win that seat (not knowing anything about it), move up...and then senate?
Indiana is also pretty gerrymandered into safe districts. The blue corners already have Democratic reps, and the red districts are very red. Not much opportunity for Mayor Pete there either.
Governorships are also pretty important, perhaps he goes to governor rather than Washington.
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B.A. Bearacus
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Another Bear
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Corey making the "power couple" move. Need a partner of equal stature and coolness for maximum effect. Somehow it can help deflect heat, while making him seem more normal.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Rosario voted for Jill Stein. Hopefully she has more sense than to vote for him.
Another Bear
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Beto O'Rourke was a hacker as a teen, on Cult of the Dead Cow.

Anyone ever been on CDC, or similar pre-web BBS hacker/pirate sites, like nirvananet and others? As I remember, wasn't much hacking but more goofing around. Some software "trading" but nothing like election hacking. In the late 80s I was on some of those pirate board/message networks. I remember CDC but wasn't a member.

Beto O'Rourke used to be a member of a legendary computer hacktivist group


Beto O'Rourke and the Cult of the Dead Cow, explained
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Another Bear said:

Beto O'Rourke was a hacker as a teen, on Cult of the Dead Cow.

Anyone ever been on CDC, or similar pre-web BBS hacker/pirate sites, like nirvananet and others? As I remember, wasn't much hacking but more goofing around. Some software "trading" but nothing like election hacking. In the late 80s I was on some of those pirate board/message networks. I remember CDC but wasn't a member.

Beto O'Rourke used to be a member of a legendary computer hacktivist group


Beto O'Rourke and the Cult of the Dead Cow, explained

Though we should clarify, as the term "hacker" raises images in people's heads. He doesn't seem to have been out there stealing people's bank account info and whatnot, rather he helped create programs that allowed people to "hack" and modify their own Windows machines.
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I'm not supporting anyone but I think I'm anti Beto. I understand his Congressional record is very conservative.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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sycasey said:

Another Bear said:

Beto O'Rourke was a hacker as a teen, on Cult of the Dead Cow.

Anyone ever been on CDC, or similar pre-web BBS hacker/pirate sites, like nirvananet and others? As I remember, wasn't much hacking but more goofing around. Some software "trading" but nothing like election hacking. In the late 80s I was on some of those pirate board/message networks. I remember CDC but wasn't a member.

Beto O'Rourke used to be a member of a legendary computer hacktivist group


Beto O'Rourke and the Cult of the Dead Cow, explained

Though we should clarify, as the term "hacker" raises images in people's heads. He doesn't seem to have been out there stealing people's bank account info and whatnot, rather he helped create programs that allowed people to "hack" and modify their own Windows machines.
Good point!
Lots of people who like to learn how to program, or code, or use computers for novel solutions, call themselves "hackers".

Ever heard of the Hacker Lab in Rocklin?
They have tools like welding machines for users. It's just people coming together to find collective solutions.
Another Bear
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sycasey said:

Another Bear said:

Beto O'Rourke was a hacker as a teen, on Cult of the Dead Cow.

Anyone ever been on CDC, or similar pre-web BBS hacker/pirate sites, like nirvananet and others? As I remember, wasn't much hacking but more goofing around. Some software "trading" but nothing like election hacking. In the late 80s I was on some of those pirate board/message networks. I remember CDC but wasn't a member.

Beto O'Rourke used to be a member of a legendary computer hacktivist group


Beto O'Rourke and the Cult of the Dead Cow, explained

Though we should clarify, as the term "hacker" raises images in people's heads. He doesn't seem to have been out there stealing people's bank account info and whatnot, rather he helped create programs that allowed people to "hack" and modify their own Windows machines.
Most definitely, hacker from the late 80s, early 90s is something very different from today. A lot of the stuff was stuff like telephoney, hacking long distance calls, that sort of stuff. Nerd and geek hobbyists really.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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