Who is tone-deaf here? Probably the folks not grappling with the issues and arguments at hand. Scroll up. Re-read the desperate use of ideology and sophistry as both a shield and a prop.Unit2Sucks said:
GB4L - do you have a point? What are you trying to accomplish? Unless you are trying to establish that you are a tone-deaf, argumentative Steven Miller lite, it's not working. If that is your aim - kudos to a job well done.
My point is obvious, which is to demonstrate that you and many others are wrong, and profoundly so. And not because it doesn't meet some standard of a personally held ideological principle, but rather due to the factors like the logical framework of the issue and the consistency of its moral reasoning, as demonstrated regarding the "physical autonomy" sophistry (which has still not been acknowledged nor refuted. Nor has anybody postulated a position on when it is suitable for states to put restrictions on abortion within the framework of the precedent SCOTUS abortion case, and why?)