2020 Election - Catch-all Thread

305,635 Views | 2434 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by Unit2Sucks
Another Bear
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Unit2Sucks said:

Another Bear said:

Mayor Pete and Yang would both make good cabinet appointments.

Based on their interest in being President? I think they both have interesting ideas but being an effective agency leader is much more than that. I would like to think the president chooses the best person for each job and it's unlikely to be either of those two, just as Ben Carson and Rick Perry were not the best people for HUD and Energy.

Both Pete and Yang should continue in public service and one day may be the best people to run agencies or this country. As far as I'm concerned, that time is not now.
I base my opinion on the ideas they presented and the ability to present new ideas. I didn't do a deep dive but from the debate reports and general press. They both obviously smart, can think and present new ideas and can handle the debates. However the kicker is in light of the Trump administration...both Pete and Yang are as qualified as anyone. Jesus Christ they have to be better than Tillerson, Mnuchin, Ross...and the 8 other criminals who passed through. But really, might develop some younger, millennial age leadership for the future. Grow the farm team.
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Facebook and Twitter spread Trump's lies, so we must break them up
Robert Reich


Fox News Poll: Biden leads nomination race, tops Trump by 12 points in matchup | Fox News

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bearister said:

Which is about the same as it is for every President. That's the same polling base that never left Nixon.
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bearister said:

ast week in a dinner speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., Princeton professor Robert George had some advice for social and religious conservatives: "You must fight."
It was an exhortation that does him no good in the academic world. A distinguished Ivy League scholar and teacher isn't supposed to talk about the "culture war." George has strong connections with the established conservative world, too, which balks at the confrontational style. In my year at the James Madison Program at Princeton, which George directs, visitors included George Will, Steve Forbes, and Andrew Napolitano. But the other night was a firm declaration of resistance.
It was fantastic.

One of the people cheering at the end was William Barr, who delivered his own call to arms last month in a speech at Notre Dame. "I think we all recognize that over the past 50 years religion has been under increasing attack," he said. Traditional believers have felt the "force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault" again and again. Barr called it "organized destruction," a deliberate campaign to destroy the religious foundations of American society.
What progressives have rosily characterized as a noble movement for equality and freedom is no such thing, Barr argued. It is a coordinated effort of academia, popular culture, mass communication, and the entertainment industry to remove faith and the faithful from the public square, forever.

It, too, was a marvelous speech. No soft rejoinders to people who want to force bakers to design same-sex cakes, no attribution of benign motives to the other side.

In the last year I have seen Tucker Carlson deliver three speeches. In the first, in St. Louis, he described his transformation from young libertarian to middle-aged social conservative who believes in God, family, and country, but in a self-mocking mode.
"I was so stupid back then," Carlson said, "because I actually believed liberals when they professed to favor free speech, individual rights, and religious conscience" (I'm paraphrasing from memory). It was exactly what we wanted to hearnot only the commitment to a finer conservatism, but also an acknowledgment that what has counted so long as conservative inside the Beltway is a smug form of navet.
Carlson knows better now; he recognizes the actual character of the opposition. It has changed him. The boyish quibbler of the '00s has become the moral force one sees every weeknight. In the third speech, which he gave at an American Greatness/New Criterion conference in Washington, D.C., last month, he admitted that there are very few places he can dine in the city and not fear an attack or something done to his food. An Antifa gang stormed his house in November 2018. But 10 seconds in Carlson's presence tell you he isn't going to waver.

I wonder if these figures realize how extraordinarily satisfying and innervating their statements are to people who have experienced progressivism in America as a steamroller leveling their workplaces, schools, and shopping zones for a good half-century. Did Lindsey Graham suspect that social conservative households would erupt in cheers when he finally had enough of the Kavanaugh hearings and thundered his objections? Did Donald Trump suspect in 2015 that a simple insistence on national borders would resound so loudly among Americans who regard the United States as their home, not their accidental place of residence?
How can other Republican leaders and conservative commentators remain unaware of how much social, religious, and national conservatives want them and need them to assume a fighting stance? Those of us who work in professional spacesacademia, big business, medicine, mainstream media, public schoolsretreated into foxholes years ago, and we await backup.
Two years ago, after speaking to a small religious group in Atlanta, my host drove me home but not before asking how I got along with my colleagues.
"Just fine," I answered, "Emory is a good place, with mostly good people. Sure, they can't understand how anyone could have supported Trump, but they never mistreat me."
"Wait," he interrupted, "they don't get it?"
"About Trumpno," I said, "but that goes for just about any college campus you can name."
He didn't hesitate: "Then it's war."
He wasn't excited, he wasn't angry, just matter-of-fact. His logic was pat. If a political opponent won't listen to you, if he considers your politics inexplicable, it isn't so big a leap to judging you indecent, repugnant, deplorable. From there, yes, it's war. Unless, of course, you give up before the fighting even starts, or you've become so accustomed to losing that you don't even imagine that the winners despise you no matter how many times they beat you down.
This summer at a conference at a well-known university, I sat down with the head of a new institute on campus who was just as blunt. For some reason, the 2012 ticket came up, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. He offered a summary remark: "At this point, if you can't answer yes to a basic question, nothing else counts. Doesn't matter where you stand on taxes, foreign policy, regulations . . ." He then shook his head.
"What's the question?" I asked.
"Are you ready to fight?"
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he replied with a shrug, "that's it."
No more compromise, no more calls for bipartisanship. Republicans have been outfoxed on that score every time. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) is retiringgood. The old liberal promises of compromise and conciliation were and are false (remember the pledge that when we get same-sex marriage we'll be done with sex and gender issues?). Barack Obama's reasonableness was a disguise, Joe Biden's Scranton liberalism a pose. Obergefell was but a step in the never-ending reduction of traditional sex roles. The inclusion of minority literature and history in the curriculum during the 1970s and '80s wasn't to serve the ideals of diversity. It was to redefine America as a racist creation from 1619 to the present.
The Left has been making war by other means for 50 years, changing history textbooks, peddling films that mock fatherhood and faith, designing bogus studies that show pay gaps and systemic racism. But it's been a war nonetheless, and a successful one because conservative leaders and intellectuals have failed to assess the other side. And when conservatives have identified it for what it is, as in Pat Buchanan's prescient 1992 speech, they were made a laughingstock in the press.
No more. Awakened conservatives don't care what ABC News says about them. They've learned the Alinsky tactics of the Left, and they acknowledge that Alinsky was a brilliant man. But they have also discovered that Alinsky methods fail if the target refuses to be intimidated and announces that if you continue this war we will march into battle.
As the parade of illiberal violations of civic norms continues and leftists proceed from one malicious absurdity to another ("collusion," Michael Cohen, James Comey, Stormy Daniels, the Covington Catholic High School boys, Kavanaugh, Jussie Smollett . . .), more and more conservative leaders are gaining the adversarial confidence that liberal politicians and intellectuals have enjoyed for decades. It is a great awakening, and it's spreading.

It's coming folks!

Mark Bauerlein
Another Bear
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Bias Rating for Catholic Information Center. Seems like your typical Opus Dei mother*uckers.



Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information, therefore fact checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

  • Overall, we rate Catholic Online far right biased and Mixed for factual reporting based on the promotion of both conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.

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Culture War? What about this war? How can there be absolution and redemption without doing the only appropriate penance for child rape, aiding and abetting child rape, and being an accessory after the fact to child rape: serving a prison sentence.

Almost 1,700 priests and clergy accused of sex abuse are unsupervised


This is the wrong path to redemption for the Church (I never consented to have my donations fund this):

Catholic Church scandal: Church spent $10.6 million on lobbyists to fight legislation that would benefit victims of child sex abuse - CBS News


*Thank God these lobbyists failed in California: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1619
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kelly09 said:

bearister said:

ast week in a dinner speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., Princeton professor Robert George had some advice for social and religious conservatives: "You must fight."
It was an exhortation that does him no good in the academic world. A distinguished Ivy League scholar and teacher isn't supposed to talk about the "culture war." George has strong connections with the established conservative world, too, which balks at the confrontational style. In my year at the James Madison Program at Princeton, which George directs, visitors included George Will, Steve Forbes, and Andrew Napolitano. But the other night was a firm declaration of resistance.
It was fantastic.

One of the people cheering at the end was William Barr, who delivered his own call to arms last month in a speech at Notre Dame. "I think we all recognize that over the past 50 years religion has been under increasing attack," he said. Traditional believers have felt the "force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault" again and again. Barr called it "organized destruction," a deliberate campaign to destroy the religious foundations of American society.
What progressives have rosily characterized as a noble movement for equality and freedom is no such thing, Barr argued. It is a coordinated effort of academia, popular culture, mass communication, and the entertainment industry to remove faith and the faithful from the public square, forever.

It, too, was a marvelous speech. No soft rejoinders to people who want to force bakers to design same-sex cakes, no attribution of benign motives to the other side.

In the last year I have seen Tucker Carlson deliver three speeches. In the first, in St. Louis, he described his transformation from young libertarian to middle-aged social conservative who believes in God, family, and country, but in a self-mocking mode.
"I was so stupid back then," Carlson said, "because I actually believed liberals when they professed to favor free speech, individual rights, and religious conscience" (I'm paraphrasing from memory). It was exactly what we wanted to hearnot only the commitment to a finer conservatism, but also an acknowledgment that what has counted so long as conservative inside the Beltway is a smug form of navet.
Carlson knows better now; he recognizes the actual character of the opposition. It has changed him. The boyish quibbler of the '00s has become the moral force one sees every weeknight. In the third speech, which he gave at an American Greatness/New Criterion conference in Washington, D.C., last month, he admitted that there are very few places he can dine in the city and not fear an attack or something done to his food. An Antifa gang stormed his house in November 2018. But 10 seconds in Carlson's presence tell you he isn't going to waver.

I wonder if these figures realize how extraordinarily satisfying and innervating their statements are to people who have experienced progressivism in America as a steamroller leveling their workplaces, schools, and shopping zones for a good half-century. Did Lindsey Graham suspect that social conservative households would erupt in cheers when he finally had enough of the Kavanaugh hearings and thundered his objections? Did Donald Trump suspect in 2015 that a simple insistence on national borders would resound so loudly among Americans who regard the United States as their home, not their accidental place of residence?
How can other Republican leaders and conservative commentators remain unaware of how much social, religious, and national conservatives want them and need them to assume a fighting stance? Those of us who work in professional spacesacademia, big business, medicine, mainstream media, public schoolsretreated into foxholes years ago, and we await backup.
Two years ago, after speaking to a small religious group in Atlanta, my host drove me home but not before asking how I got along with my colleagues.
"Just fine," I answered, "Emory is a good place, with mostly good people. Sure, they can't understand how anyone could have supported Trump, but they never mistreat me."
"Wait," he interrupted, "they don't get it?"
"About Trumpno," I said, "but that goes for just about any college campus you can name."
He didn't hesitate: "Then it's war."
He wasn't excited, he wasn't angry, just matter-of-fact. His logic was pat. If a political opponent won't listen to you, if he considers your politics inexplicable, it isn't so big a leap to judging you indecent, repugnant, deplorable. From there, yes, it's war. Unless, of course, you give up before the fighting even starts, or you've become so accustomed to losing that you don't even imagine that the winners despise you no matter how many times they beat you down.
This summer at a conference at a well-known university, I sat down with the head of a new institute on campus who was just as blunt. For some reason, the 2012 ticket came up, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. He offered a summary remark: "At this point, if you can't answer yes to a basic question, nothing else counts. Doesn't matter where you stand on taxes, foreign policy, regulations . . ." He then shook his head.
"What's the question?" I asked.
"Are you ready to fight?"
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he replied with a shrug, "that's it."
No more compromise, no more calls for bipartisanship. Republicans have been outfoxed on that score every time. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) is retiringgood. The old liberal promises of compromise and conciliation were and are false (remember the pledge that when we get same-sex marriage we'll be done with sex and gender issues?). Barack Obama's reasonableness was a disguise, Joe Biden's Scranton liberalism a pose. Obergefell was but a step in the never-ending reduction of traditional sex roles. The inclusion of minority literature and history in the curriculum during the 1970s and '80s wasn't to serve the ideals of diversity. It was to redefine America as a racist creation from 1619 to the present.
The Left has been making war by other means for 50 years, changing history textbooks, peddling films that mock fatherhood and faith, designing bogus studies that show pay gaps and systemic racism. But it's been a war nonetheless, and a successful one because conservative leaders and intellectuals have failed to assess the other side. And when conservatives have identified it for what it is, as in Pat Buchanan's prescient 1992 speech, they were made a laughingstock in the press.
No more. Awakened conservatives don't care what ABC News says about them. They've learned the Alinsky tactics of the Left, and they acknowledge that Alinsky was a brilliant man. But they have also discovered that Alinsky methods fail if the target refuses to be intimidated and announces that if you continue this war we will march into battle.
As the parade of illiberal violations of civic norms continues and leftists proceed from one malicious absurdity to another ("collusion," Michael Cohen, James Comey, Stormy Daniels, the Covington Catholic High School boys, Kavanaugh, Jussie Smollett . . .), more and more conservative leaders are gaining the adversarial confidence that liberal politicians and intellectuals have enjoyed for decades. It is a great awakening, and it's spreading.

It's coming folks!

Mark Bauerlein

I love this post. It is exactly what is driving people from your ranks in droves.

California conservatives lead the way in taking a fighting posture and now the state that was ruled by Republican governors for 24 out of 28 years is viewed as crazy liberal after that stance was rejected. So conservatives have taken the paranoid hostility national.

The most rapidly growing "religious" group in America is no religion. Up 50% in 10 years to 23%. Millennial nones are at 36%. Even among the religious, including evangelicals, young people are turning away from the fighting posture of their elders. The paranoid and irrational victim hood of the William Barr type extreme is ludicrous on its face. It is basically just a group of people mad that they can no longer tell everyone else what to do. Because the only thing the other side is telling you to stop doing is interfering with the rest of us.

So call to arms! Fight! The more you turn to the dark side, the more people will turn against you. The underpinnings of Christianity are very much a philosophy of love. The more you turn your back on the teachings of Christ, the more Christians will turn their backs on you.
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bearister said:

There are only two polling groups that matter- Republicans and swing state voters. Right now, both are against removal.
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Who cares? tRump will have a large sh@it stain on his presidential legacy which no amount of scrubbing will ever remove. For me, that's enough. Let the ignorant have their Clown Prince. In the end tRump will cause them real financial pain. I'm personally cleaning up under this traitor's reign.
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Stain? Is that a blue dress reference? If so, we'll done.
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kelly09 said:

bearister said:

ast week in a dinner speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., Princeton professor Robert George had some advice for social and religious conservatives: "You must fight."

It's coming folks!

Mark Bauerlein
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OaktownBear said:

I love this post. It is exactly what is driving people from your ranks in droves.

California conservatives lead the way in taking a fighting posture and now the state that was ruled by Republican governors for 24 out of 28 years is viewed as crazy liberal after that stance was rejected. So conservatives have taken the paranoid hostility national.

The most rapidly growing "religious" group in America is no religion. Up 50% in 10 years to 23%. Millennial nones are at 36%. Even among the religious, including evangelicals, young people are turning away from the fighting posture of their elders. The paranoid and irrational victim hood of the William Barr type extreme is ludicrous on its face. It is basically just a group of people mad that they can no longer tell everyone else what to do. Because the only thing the other side is telling you to stop doing is interfering with the rest of us.

So call to arms! Fight! The more you turn to the dark side, the more people will turn against you. The underpinnings of Christianity are very much a philosophy of love. The more you turn your back on the teachings of Christ, the more Christians will turn their backs on you.
If you're dumb enough to believe in a God that made himself known to people 6,000 years ago, but not at all in the past 2,000, a text that claims the sun revolves around the Earth, and a heaven located up in the sky with a hell down under the ground, you're probably dumb enough to believe any lies that Republicans tell you if they only tell you that they support Christianity too.

And kelly09 is the dumbest one of all.
B.A. Bearacus
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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

If you're dumb enough to believe in a God that made himself known to people 6,000 years ago, but not at all in the past 2,000, a text that claims the sun revolves around the Earth, and a heaven located up in the sky with a hell down under the ground, you're probably dumb enough to believe any lies that Republicans tell you if they only tell you that they support Christianity too.

And kelly09 is the dumbest one of all.
Lots to not like about Kelly09's inability to process new information because it's inconvenient, but not all Christians are fundamentalists or interested in being more equal than other Americans. That said, there is nothing wrong with having religious beliefs that don't make logical sense, as long as those beliefs don't impinge on the right of others to not believe that or that dishonor the separation of church and state. There are people who are more intelligent than anyone in the history of BI who believe details of the Bible that are scientifically ridiculous. To have a belief system that helps people through life is a good thing and many have beliefs that aren't as easily mocked but are just as illogical (how many millions think that karma is real, that everything happens for a reason, or that ghosts exist?).

In any case, I have contributed my share of mockery and shade at Evangelicals, but... don't think that believing in Christianity or other organized religion is, by itself, a sign of a lack of intelligence or a handicap to adherence to our Constitution.
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"There are no atheists in foxholes."
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If you read all this bulls$it, you'd think the country was in turmoil. Yet, where are the people in the street like France, Hong Kong and Chile, where are the general strikes, where are the student uprisings?. Nowhere. It's all turmoil by twitter. My feeling is that Trump may we'll get the-elected because nobody really gives a s$It one way or the other but the die hard on social media.
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kelly09 said:

....more and more conservative leaders are gaining the adversarial confidence that liberal politicians and intellectuals have enjoyed for decades. It is a great awakening, and it's spreading.

It's coming folks!
I read that with jaw dropped. That was one of the darkest most horrible visions of the country I've read. How totally uninformed, cruel, vindictive, simple-minded, and boorish does one have to be to read this...and then agree...and take some sort of satisfaction in it?

Completely misrepresents everything in a weird contradictory mix of lies, empowerment, and victimhood. How can it be so hard for some people just to accept change and empathize with people unlike themselves? These people will always be a regressive anchor on society who Dunning Kruger their own sense of intellectual and moral superiority to the detriment of all.

Barr, an authority on morals and Christian values? Only in the most perverted and disturbed interpretation of Christ's teachings.
Another Bear
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They're looking at their phones or buying crap from Amazon. I'm quite serious about this. Internet companies spend billion annually on how to make it more addictive.

In Hong Kong, even the old folks are getting involved. Senior citizens have taken to obstructing police and running interference during protests to let the spry youngsters do their thing. The seniors are taking batons, tear gas and arrest...and they're doing so for a reason. They know what's at stake.

Americans...Netflix and chill.
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bearister said:

"There are no atheists in foxholes."
...is one of my least favorite and least true prosaism.

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Professor Turgeson Bear said:

OaktownBear said:

I love this post. It is exactly what is driving people from your ranks in droves.

California conservatives lead the way in taking a fighting posture and now the state that was ruled by Republican governors for 24 out of 28 years is viewed as crazy liberal after that stance was rejected. So conservatives have taken the paranoid hostility national.

The most rapidly growing "religious" group in America is no religion. Up 50% in 10 years to 23%. Millennial nones are at 36%. Even among the religious, including evangelicals, young people are turning away from the fighting posture of their elders. The paranoid and irrational victim hood of the William Barr type extreme is ludicrous on its face. It is basically just a group of people mad that they can no longer tell everyone else what to do. Because the only thing the other side is telling you to stop doing is interfering with the rest of us.

So call to arms! Fight! The more you turn to the dark side, the more people will turn against you. The underpinnings of Christianity are very much a philosophy of love. The more you turn your back on the teachings of Christ, the more Christians will turn their backs on you.
If you're dumb enough to believe in a God that made himself known to people 6,000 years ago, but not at all in the past 2,000, a text that claims the sun revolves around the Earth, and a heaven located up in the sky with a hell down under the ground, you're probably dumb enough to believe any lies that Republicans tell you if they only tell you that they support Christianity too.

And kelly09 is the dumbest one of all.
Why do you always throw sh*t, professor. And next time I'm on Durant and Telegraph, don't be asking me for spare change. And professor, get those damn sores looked at.
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kelly09 said:

Professor Turgeson Bear said:

OaktownBear said:

I love this post. It is exactly what is driving people from your ranks in droves.

California conservatives lead the way in taking a fighting posture and now the state that was ruled by Republican governors for 24 out of 28 years is viewed as crazy liberal after that stance was rejected. So conservatives have taken the paranoid hostility national.

The most rapidly growing "religious" group in America is no religion. Up 50% in 10 years to 23%. Millennial nones are at 36%. Even among the religious, including evangelicals, young people are turning away from the fighting posture of their elders. The paranoid and irrational victim hood of the William Barr type extreme is ludicrous on its face. It is basically just a group of people mad that they can no longer tell everyone else what to do. Because the only thing the other side is telling you to stop doing is interfering with the rest of us.

So call to arms! Fight! The more you turn to the dark side, the more people will turn against you. The underpinnings of Christianity are very much a philosophy of love. The more you turn your back on the teachings of Christ, the more Christians will turn their backs on you.
If you're dumb enough to believe in a God that made himself known to people 6,000 years ago, but not at all in the past 2,000, a text that claims the sun revolves around the Earth, and a heaven located up in the sky with a hell down under the ground, you're probably dumb enough to believe any lies that Republicans tell you if they only tell you that they support Christianity too.

And kelly09 is the dumbest one of all.
Why do you always throw sh*t, professor. And next time I'm on Durant and Telegraph, don't be asking me for spare change. And professor, get those damn sores looked at.
Oh yeah. I read Acquinas and Augustine at CAL!
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I wrote a paper on St. Augustine in this professor's History 4B class:

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blungld said:

kelly09 said:

....more and more conservative leaders are gaining the adversarial confidence that liberal politicians and intellectuals have enjoyed for decades. It is a great awakening, and it's spreading.

It's coming folks!
I read that with jaw dropped. That was one of the darkest most horrible visions of the country I've read. How totally uninformed, cruel, vindictive, simple-minded, and boorish does one have to be to read this...and then agree...and take some sort of satisfaction in it?

Completely misrepresents everything in a weird contradictory mix of lies, empowerment, and victimhood. How can it be so hard for some people just to accept change and empathize with people unlike themselves? These people will always be a regressive anchor on society who Dunning Kruger their own sense of intellectual and moral superiority to the detriment of all.

Barr, an authority on morals and Christian values? Only in the most perverted and disturbed interpretation of Christ's teachings.
Kelly's text that you quoted speaks for itself. It could come just as easily from a extremist Islamic leader on the other side of the globe as he seeks to turn his country into a radicalized theocracy.

Revolution. Rebirth. Palingenesis. A once great legacy shall rise again.

We liberals would say, if you don't believe in gay marriage, of course don't marry a gay person. But when you look at 2 gay people marrying each other (or gay characters on TV) as a violation of your rights and religion, all bets are off. Just as we liberals would say you may of course choose to wear a hijab if you want. But again, when you look at someone else not wearing a hijab as a violation of your rights and religion, all bets are off.

Liberals are an enemy who must be vanquished, and (insert radical religion of your choice) is the only way.

History has shown far-right (religious or other) groups don't need a true majority to seize power either, including (though not necessarily) through the trappings of democracy. All it takes is a significant, hyper-committed minority who will crawl through broken glass for the cause while we liberals sip our lattes and wait for a candidate to fall in love with.
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Sexism prevails in the decaying rust belt
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Anarchistbear said:

Thanks uneducated conservative whites: the one demographic where Trump has overwhelming support. It is so wonderful to be governed by our worst in an increasingly bigoted Idiocracy.

We need electoral reform stat or we will not be able to address climate change, income inequality, corruption, etc. The dumb white theocracy has so badly screwed this country, thinking themselves as representing what makes us "great," while adopting petty immoral beliefs.
B.A. Bearacus
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Is it not fair to say that Biden's relative competitiveness against T could be as attributable to name recognition and familiarity as much as anything else? Warren has less name recognition than Sanders, who has less name recognition than Biden (and that's the order in which they stack up). I feel that Warren and Sanders can plainly and authentically make the case that the economy has not improved for the majority in those states and that T has clearly not delivered on his economic promises.
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Yes, it's not too much different than the polls showing Clinton trouncing Trump. Note also that Sanders beats Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania with a populist message. Warren's message is more populist and naturally resonant with these voters than Biden's which is essentially, "I knew Barack Obama!," when my brain functioned
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Is it not fair to say that Biden's relative competitiveness against T could be as attributable to name recognition and familiarity as much as anything else?
Given that his advantage over the rest of the field remains pretty consistent across different states, yeah there is probably some of that behind his advantage right now. Remember, a lot of people don't pay attention until the primaries actually start (and still another group doesn't pay attention until the general election is upon us).

How much is down to name recognition? Very hard to say.
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blungld said:

kelly09 said:

....more and more conservative leaders are gaining the adversarial confidence that liberal politicians and intellectuals have enjoyed for decades. It is a great awakening, and it's spreading.

It's coming folks!
I read that with jaw dropped. That was one of the darkest most horrible visions of the country I've read. How totally uninformed, cruel, vindictive, simple-minded, and boorish does one have to be to read this...and then agree...and take some sort of satisfaction in it?

Completely misrepresents everything in a weird contradictory mix of lies, empowerment, and victimhood. How can it be so hard for some people just to accept change and empathize with people unlike themselves? These people will always be a regressive anchor on society who Dunning Kruger their own sense of intellectual and moral superiority to the detriment of all.

Barr, an authority on morals and Christian values? Only in the most perverted and disturbed interpretation of Christ's teachings.

I read it, too!
It began with Kelly007, and then I was finished reading it. Was an extremely quick read! You may consider utilizing my speed reading pattern, at no extra cost.
Another Bear
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Trump's 2020 election results will be predicated on if the Russkies help or not. If Trump gets foreign assistance on sodomizing the U.S. elections system, he wins again. There's a reason Moscow Mitch has crapped on how many elections security bills. There's a reason Trump gave Putin a public blowjob in Helsinki. The U.S. still has a major Russkie problem. Creditable sources are saying the current Ukraine impeachment mess is connected to the Russian elections scandal...they just don't know how yet.

Sure Trump can win...ask the fccking Russkies.
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Another Bear said:

Trump's 2020 election results will be predicated on if the Russkies help or not. If Trump gets foreign assistance on sodomizing the U.S. elections system, he wins again. There's a reason Moscow Mitch has crapped on how many elections security bills. There's a reason Trump gave Putin a public blowjob in Helsinki. The U.S. still has a major Russkie problem. Creditable sources are saying the current Ukraine impeachment mess is connected to the Russian elections scandal...they just don't know how yet.

Sure Trump can win...ask the fccking Russkies.

Throuplinksi, Russian style:

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golden sloth
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I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and I fully acknowledge this is baseless speculation, but I bet Russia would most like a narrow Democratic victory. However, Russia tampers with several states' election systems that narrowly went to the D's (which has already been attempted) providing plausible evidence for 'unfair elections' which Trump then seizes upon (at first he is BS'ing but Russia validates they tampered through 'a leak') to throw out the result of the election, and refusing to relinquish power. Thus, you have two political parties that both claim the Presidency with neither willing to relinquish power, and the country descends into chaos and conflict. That would be Russia's ideal outcome. If the USA is in the midst of severe domestic turmoil and violence, Russia will seize control in the power vacuum left behind on the International scene.
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blungld said:

Thanks uneducated conservative whites: the one demographic where Trump has overwhelming support. It is so wonderful to be governed by our worst in an increasingly bigoted Idiocracy.

We need electoral reform stat or we will not be able to address climate change, income inequality, corruption, etc. The dumb white theocracy has so badly screwed this country, thinking themselves as representing what makes us "great," while adopting petty immoral beliefs.

But the Basket of Deplorables has threatened to start a Civil War and hunt us down like dogs if we remove their Clown Prince.

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