bearister said:
Dave Chappelle criticizes Israel's bombing and triggers show walkout
Interesting take on what happened
bearister said:
Dave Chappelle criticizes Israel's bombing and triggers show walkout
Okay, but you still have to read his whole statement, and not simply what somebody decided was a highlight, or you take Obama out of context. I would encourage people here to read his entire statement.smh said:
> I agree with the context of Obama's entire speech, but even he would be upset by the way you cherry-picked his comments
ohh-kay, but the shared quote was's only designated "Top highlight" fwiw
BearGoggles said:
Some pretty fascinatingly polling here
I don't want to derail the thread with the domestic political polling date. The Middle East questions start on page 39.
One take away is that (perhaps expectedly), the responders in the 18-24 demo are confused and/or not bright. Apparently a majority of the 18-24 group think that Hamas 10/7 acts were terrorism and BUT ALSO JUSTIFIED. Lots of other weird answers. The venn diagram would be insane.
tequila4kapp said:The government deciding which speech is allowed/preferred AND they think there are justifications for, I'm getting old and/or our youth are absolutely freaking idiots.BearGoggles said:
Some pretty fascinatingly polling here
I don't want to derail the thread with the domestic political polling date. The Middle East questions start on page 39.
One take away is that (perhaps expectedly), the responders in the 18-24 demo are confused and/or not bright. Apparently a majority of the 18-24 group think that Hamas 10/7 acts were terrorism and BUT ALSO JUSTIFIED. Lots of other weird answers. The venn diagram would be insane.
MinotStateBeav said:We should never be in favor of shadow banning or speech suppression ESPECIALLY with speech we disagree with. Point out where they are wrong or you think they are lying. Just an fyi I didn't read this article...but just as an overall point. Unless that speech is a call to violence against a person or persons.tequila4kapp said:Maybe it's shadow banned for being one sided misinformation.10% For The Big Guy said:Apparently this article, "Why peace in Israel failed," and @battleforeurope are being shadow banned/censored by X. This is FAR above the level of my international worldview, but I found it calm & transparent abt the failures of both nations. Pls share.
— Ann Bauer (@annbauerwriter) October 24, 2023
MinotStateBeav said:
Did it hurt your feelies? lol.
I still think you saying I hate Bibi is avoiding talking about the issues I bring up. I don't like Bibi for the factual reasons I stated - I believe he is an impediment towards achieving the most likely outcome to peace - a two-state solution. And I believe that because that's what he has said, that's what his party has said, that's what his governing coalition has said, and that's what his actions, words, and stated worldview supports. I don't like Bibi for the things he has said and the things he has done, your point is that I shouldn't be so hard on Bibi for the imaginary things he can do but has as of yet never done - like form a coalition government with the left and work towards a two-state solution. I think that is utterly fantastical thinking based on events, actions, and words that have transpired.BearGoggles said:
I never said I support Netanyahu or oppose getting rid of him. Its odd that you keep going back to him, as if he's the reason Hamas exists. Did Bibi cause Hamas to massacre people on 10/7 - or did Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Qatar and Iran have something to do with that? You do the "but Bibi" the way many people say "but Trump". Is just a distraction that you can't get away from because you hate him.
But even assuming for the moment that you're correct and Netanyahu supported Hamas for cynical reasons and is a current obstacle to peace. You're ignoring a few keys facts - Netanyahu is democratically elected and, more importantly, can be removed via popular vote (as he has in the past). And he will certainly be done politically after this war because he will be blamed. He's politically dead for good.
There are mechanisms for change in Israel and a large left that very much is pro-peace. Israel has shown it will make peace under the correct circumstances. The right leaning parties are not guaranteed to remain in power - far from it. And of course it was Likud (right leaning) that made peace before.
In stark contrast, Gaza will never change as long as Hamas (which will never hold elections) retains power by force. If you care for Gazans, you should want Hamas to be removed at all costs. I disagree that Hams is militarily "as strong" - but that is irrelevant.
In terms of Iran, this is all traceable to the Obama/Biden policy which sought to normalize the Iran regime and bolster its economy. Iran is behind all of this and many other middle east instability (Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, and Hamas). I agree there is/was no coherent policy. Obama and his spawn (which includes Biden) have been too proud and stubborn to admit the fallacy of their policy. Iran's current regime will never change - for many of the same reasons Hamas's will not change (religion and grievance). That doesn't mean we should attack Iran. But we should restore a full embargo and immediately respond firmly to provocations. Iran surrogates (Yemen and Hezbollah) have been launching missiles at US forces. Biden has been passive and Iran doesn't fear him. Trump was crazy - but Iran feared him. And that was important.
The best way to avoid a war with Iran is to make sure Iran understands it will lose. Biden has lost all deterrence and financial leverage. Iran is emboldened and unless the US pushes back, they will continue to exploit the void.
I understand you think there is no "pathway". What is your solution? Israel accepting Hamas as a continued government? The US backing down to Iran's threats? What is your proposed strategy and how does it end?
Ep. 33 Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this?
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 23, 2023
For Biden to say "I have no notion if Palestinians are telling the truth...I'm sure innocents have been killed & it is the price of waging war" is effectively telling the IDF that mass civilian casualties are OK because we won't believe the numbers anyway and hey "it is the price…
— Ryan Grim (@ryangrim) October 25, 2023
bearister said:
"I'd posit that youth today are much smarter than youth of yesterday."
With grade inflation, limited attention spans, unwillingness to put in the time to achieve perfection of their gift or skill, false senses of self esteem, and their fragility and anxiety when they find out not everyone thinks their bowel movements are perfect like their parents told them, if they are smarter, they have little to show for it.*
*Except for my kids, naturally, who were raised by the same playbook my parents used (i.e. Always try your hardest, respect everyone, be loyal, always be truthful, and be accountable for the consequences of your conduct).
dajo9 said:
Here are the Republicans in Congress telling a journalist to shut up because they don't like the question
MinotStateBeav said:
Did it hurt your feelies? lol. Talk to me when every main stream outlet isn't censoring President Trump when he speaks. MSNBC "We refuse to play anything Trump says!! Reeeeeeeee"
Nobody has ever gotten more coverage of what they say in the history of the world than Traitor Trump. But you have made it clear you are fine with the right kind of censorship and your previous blatherings about free speech are meaningless.MinotStateBeav said:
Did it hurt your feelies? lol. Talk to me when every main stream outlet isn't censoring President Trump when he speaks. MSNBC "We refuse to play anything Trump says!! Reeeeeeeee"
QUESTION: Are Israelis operating within the rules of war that you talked about being so important?
— Matt Orfalea (@0rf) October 26, 2023
wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
dimitrig said:wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
movielover,movielover said:
How does this all work when Palestinian children are taught that Jews are monkeys, and part of their official manifesto is the complete destruction of Israel?
My understanding is that the relatively recent Black September (PLO, 1970) is an example of why no other Arab countries want to welcome them. And over $1 Billion in funds sent to help them ended up with Arafats family, which was living in Paris?
One person floated the idea of giving the Sinai to the Palestinians ... President Trump made progress with the Abraham Accords.
A sober Colonel Douglass McGregor is not happy with the war drums beating in DC, and believes we should save Israel from herself. He claims we lost some Special Ops forces in Gaza, that Hezbollah has 130,000 missiles, that Iran has invested heavily in missile technology, and that if this thing starts spreading, Russia may jump in. Ugly.Ep. 33 Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this?
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 23, 2023
tequila4kapp said:
Israel releases info in support of their claim that Hamas HQ is underneath Gaza's largest hospital, and that Hamas has a network of sites connected to hospitals.
dimitrig said:Link?wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
Striking facilities in Syria for "self-defense." Maybe there's a town in Ohio called "Syria" that was captured by militants
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 27, 2023
Israel did broaden the war.wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
concordtom said:Israel did broaden the war.wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
They took out their rage against the actions of 2-3000 on 2 Million.
What a bummer to be a non-voting resident of Gaza.
Or Hamas did by integrating their weaponry to civilian locations and denying Palestinians the ability to move to avoid bombing.concordtom said:Israel did broaden the war.wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
They took out their rage against the actions of 2-3000 on 2 Million.
What a bummer to be a non-voting resident of Gaza.
oski003 said:concordtom said:Israel did broaden the war.wifeisafurd said:
Apparently the US is bombing Iranian troop positions in Syria for rocket attacks against US facilities in the mideast, for those who thought it would be Israel that broadened the war.
They took out their rage against the actions of 2-3000 on 2 Million.
What a bummer to be a non-voting resident of Gaza.
You are implying that the citizens of Gaza are hostages and not participants of their government. Shouldn't someone then take out their government?
concordtom said:
I don't think dozens of nukes will go.
But some day a terrorist like bin Laden or er whoever did Oct 7 from Gaza will just suddenly evaporate cities like NYC. Could be anywhere. The world will be shocked, but will it be all that shocking?
Absolutely not.
We're merely waiting for it.
Who can disagree?
Biden Expresses Doubts That Enough Palestinians Have Died
— The Onion (@TheOnion) October 26, 2023