Biden spending plan could revive economy, Nobel winner Stiglitz says - Axios the Top 1% gas up the Panzer Division:
Top Republicans form new group to fight Biden tax hikes - Axios" AT&T lobbied aggressively in favor of the 2017 Trump tax cuts, promising to create 7,000 new jobs and invest $1bn in capital expenditures if it passed. AT&T saved an estimated $21bn when the tax cuts passed and the company saved an estimated $3bn annually due to the lower corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
It's an attack on this group of workers, the communities that they're in and on our union.
Since the tax cuts, AT&T eliminated more than 42,000 jobs even before the first retail store closures in June 2020 went into effect."
AT&T said Trump's tax cut would create jobs now it's laying off thousands of workers Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.