philly1121 said:
Are you ever going to answer me on what you want Trump to do first? Its very odd that you won't answer this very basic and essential political question.
See yesterday. So much to be done, and undone.
This will be a unique start given his prior knowledge, 2+ years to gear up, knowledge of the players, new megaphone X (Elon), and newly stated plenary power of the presidency by the Supremes, knee-capping a lot of the Lawfare games.
Seal the border; restart Wall construction
Unleash energy production, incl Alaska
Exit Paris Accord, WHO
Communicate positivity to the American public
Remove 1K - 3K Obama political plants
Install his people
Return all Federal workers to the office
Unleash DOGE, hopefully well timed
Kneecap IC traitors
Gut FBI political Brownshirts
Further Ukraine War talks
Start deportations
Push California to clean forests and store more water; Go Big
Newsom, who I don't like, should counter and demand that the Federal govt - likewise - clean (maintain) its 60% holding of Federal forests in our State. Immediately.
This aids employment, and should bring down prices for some wood products. Reducing (thinning) appropriate forests may also increase the health of the uncut trees, which will have more water and produce more sap to fight off beetle infestation. Remove non-native trees, where appropriate.
Go Big - Water: push to speed up Sites Reservoir construction; revisit the expansion of Los Vaqueros Reservoir; and immediately fast-track replenishing our aquifers. (Trillions of gallons of fresh water flow out to the Pacific every year.)