If tRump wins a 2nd term:
" Leon Panetta, a former defense secretary and CIA director, said: "For too long I kept telling myself that it was a matter of time before he would recognize what he needed to do in order to have a more lasting legacy in history. But the bottom line is that he's not somebody who learns, doesn't want to learn and will basically continue to do the things that he's done in the first four years the second four years with perhaps even greater damage to our democracy."
Panetta, co-founder of the Panetta Institute for Public Policy in California, added: "The way he's dealing with Covid is just a good example that under no circumstances is he going to admit failure. Under no circumstances is he going to take the actions that need to be taken in order to deal with it. Under no circumstances is he going to listen to advisers or more experienced people who understand these issues.
"And for that reason, we're going to have another four years of Trump unleashed and I don't know what direction that takes the country except into further trouble." The Guardian
Joe Biden leads President Trump by double digits nationally, USC poll suggests
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“98 yards with my boys” Yeah, sure.