Coronavirus vs Trump

254,478 Views | 2120 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by concordtom
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bearister said:

prospeCt said:

I'll raise you a Keith Don't Go:

* Rolling Stone thought this was the best album of 1975
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My memory was inaccurate regarding Nils' album:

" In 2007, nearly 32 years after the release of Nils Lofgren, the album was again praised by Rolling Stone in the "Fricke's Picks" column, where David Fricke said it was one of 1975's best albums." Wikipedia
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B.A. Bearacus
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T's tv network in lockstep. The only references to CV19 at the top of right now are these...

How many Americans will these motherfuuckers help to kill?
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B.A. Bearacus said:

T's tv network in lockstep. The only reference to CV19 at the top of right now...

Well, since Fox News is the sole source of news for the elderly part of tRump's base, the orange demon may be short a few voters come November.
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Remember when the deplorables here asked us if any of us had been personally negatively impacted by Trump's policies or actions?

Nothing like an international pandemic to show you how an incompetent leader who only cares about himself can be detrimental to individual citizens. I don't know how much tragedy could have been avoided by competence in the white house but I do know that what he is doing now seems designed to maximize the devastation. He went from being a joke to shooting past Dubya as the worst president in history in a few weeks time.
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When does Mar a Lago open up its hallowed gates and clutch the primarily tRump voting passengers on these floating Petri dishes to its bosom?

".. more than a dozen of those 30 ships are bound for the Florida cities of Key West, Cape Canaveral, Fort Lauderdale and Miami."
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okaydo said:

The King has spoken: "I dismiss you."
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blungld said:

okaydo said:

The King has spoken: "I dismiss you."

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Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources - Reuters
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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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Today we Democrats and Independents collectively reached that moment where nothing can surprise us anymore in terms of measures taken or events canceled to try to contain the spread. No more wow moments.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Today we Democrats and Independents collectively reached that moment where nothing can surprise us anymore in terms of measures taken or events canceled to try to contain the spread. No more wow moments.
nuh uh, betcha.
muting more than 300 handles, turnaround is fair play
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Golden One said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Golden One said:

blungld said:

OaktownBear said:

blungld said:

OaktownBear said:

dimitrig said:

Coronavirus: 1, Trump: 0

If Coronavirus kills off half the US population, Trump will convince his supporters that it would have been 3/4 without his perfect response. If the only ones left are Trump and Pence, Pence will thank him
The Trump supporter believes that a man who routinely denies science; doesn't read or get briefed; and just learned that the flu kills over 25,000 a year is ALSO the bold leader who is setting well-informed public health policy like no other president or administration could--and that any failure to protect American lives is not the result of his ignorance, narcissism, self-interest, budget cuts, or lack of expertise-based governance, but simply a Dem hoax.

This entire presidency is just a huge mass of people wanting to feel like they still have a place in the world by having a president who reflects who they are back at them: ignorant, inarticulate, uneducated, and bigoted. So glad it is they who are shaping the nationand allowing the criminals to do business with impunity behind the MAGA smokescreen.

I'm wondering when Trump will realize the primary at risk population is made up of his voters
I'm wondering when America has their eye-opening moment and realizes that the "infectious disease" that is the Coronavirus is a perfect metaphor for Trumpism, and the man's response to it a perfect testimony to his 3 years of incompetency, lies, and criminal negligence to the oath of office.
You must be having a bad dream. Whatever you think about Trump, his response to the corona virus has been outstanding--swift and comprehensive. And he is being advised by the world's leading epidemiologists and infectious disease experts. What would you do differently?

I'm not a public health expert with the caliber of expertise of Pence or Trump, and I'm just spitballing here, but I would start by actually testing people. The fact that Trump claimed victory when we haven't even begun large scale tests is naive. I read we've only tested 4500 people as of this weekend. China is testing 1.6 million per week.

What has Trump done right other than limit travel?
Your lack of awareness is telling. Large scale testing is now underway. Limiting travel very early in this saga (January 2020) is a key to minimizing the ability of the virus to crossinto our country.

Let me give you a little reminder of history. In 2009 President Obama (your messiah) was faced with a similar crisis due to the H1-N1 virus. Before he took the steps Trump has already taken (including a travel ban), Obama waited 6 months, by which time there were already 20,000 Americans hospitalized and 1,000 Americans dead. Don't led your TDS color your ability to reason and think rationally.
I just want to come back to this post from Golden One from March 2.

Golden One - still care to lecture us about our lack of awareness?
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"Sean Hannity used his syndicated talk-radio program on Wednesday to share a prediction he had found on Twitter about what is really happening with the coronavirus: It's a "fraud" by the deep state to spread panic in the populace, manipulate the economy and suppress dissent."

"The Fox Business anchor Trish Regan told viewers on Monday that the worry over coronavirus "is yet another attempt to impeach the president."

But interestingly enough, Right Wing radio host Michael Savage (who has doctorate degree in nutrition from Cal and whose son just became a billionaire selling Rockstar Energy Drink) said:

" It's a matter of public health. How can these shills face their followers after all the lies and deceit?" asked Michael Savage, the radio host and author who was one of Mr. Trump's earliest supporters in conservative media and urged him to run for president in 2011."

"Are these mouthpieces without any social conscience?" added Mr. Savage, who called the words of Mr. Limbaugh and others "criminal negligence.". All quotes from NY Times
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Cave Bear
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The inertia of the administration is incredible. The market is waterfalling and a pandemic has struck the US which is projected to kill hundreds of thousands this year and the public response from the president is focused on attacking his political enemies while maybe getting a tax cut. It's almost as though he doesn't realize his presidency is on the line right now. Not everyone who works for him is an idiot so there must be some thought process behind this. What are they thinking?

Are they thinking the market slide will end soon and a recovery will occur before November? Are they thinking the death toll from Covid-19 will be vastly smaller than projected and they will be able to claim victory in their handling of the pandemic?

Why is the administration not treating the pandemic and market damage as a national emergency of the highest order? Why fight with the media over the scale of the emergency? Why not use the "panic" as an opportunity to use emergency powers that at the very least will give the impression that action is being taken to protect the people of the United States and safeguard the value of their property? Isn't that what the President of the United States is supposed to do in a national emergency?

Trump should issue an executive order authorizing a bigly expensive medical and economic response by both federal and local agencies. Throw federal money at anything that can move. Produce enough Covid-19 detection kits to test the entire Western Hemisphere. Have thousands of new doctors, nurses, and techs hired immediately (or as fast as bureaucracy can move) with grants to hospitals and counties. Have the US Army Corps of engineers build emergency ICU units at all of the major metropolitan areas in the country and have army air units on standby to fly patients to treatment centers. Extend generous emergency unemployment benefits to anyone who lost their job because of the coronavirus, and extend optional emergency Medicare service to all infected. Throw in the payroll tax cut too. This all would cost trillions, but that's the point. The bigger the response, the more presidential it will appear.

Instead they're just going to hunker down and hope this whole thing blows over before November? Just seems like a terrible strategy. If it does basically all blow over by November, they can claim victory best with a vigorous response now. If it doesn't all blow over by November, a vigorous response would give them the best defense against criticism of their handling of the outbreak.
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bearister said:

"Sean Hannity used his syndicated talk-radio program on Wednesday to share a prediction he had found on Twitter about what is really happening with the coronavirus: It's a "fraud" by the deep state to spread panic in the populace, manipulate the economy and suppress dissent."

"The Fox Business anchor Trish Regan told viewers on Monday that the worry over coronavirus "is yet another attempt to impeach the president."

But interestingly enough, Right Wing radio host Michael Savage (who has doctorate degree in nutrition from Cal and whose son just became a billionaire selling Rockstar Energy Drink) said:

" It's a matter of public health. How can these shills face their followers after all the lies and deceit?" asked Michael Savage, the radio host and author who was one of Mr. Trump's earliest supporters in conservative media and urged him to run for president in 2011."

"Are these mouthpieces without any social conscience?" added Mr. Savage, who called the words of Mr. Limbaugh and others "criminal negligence.". All quotes from NY Times
A virus that is disproportionately lethal to Trump and Biden voters and non-lethal to Sanders voters?

That's a shame.
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Cave Bear said:

The inertia of the administration is incredible. The market is waterfalling and a pandemic has struck the US which is projected to kill hundreds of thousands this year and the public response from the president is focused on attacking his political enemies while maybe getting a tax cut. It's almost as though he doesn't realize his presidency is on the line right now. Not everyone who works for him is an idiot so there must be some thought process behind this. What are they thinking?

Are they thinking the market slide will end soon and a recovery will occur before November? Are they thinking the death toll from Covid-19 will be vastly smaller than projected and they will be able to claim victory in their handling of the pandemic?

Why is the administration not treating the pandemic and market damage as a national emergency of the highest order? Why fight with the media over the scale of the emergency? Why not use the "panic" as an opportunity to use emergency powers that at the very least will give the impression that action is being taken to protect the people of the United States and safeguard the value of their property? Isn't that what the President of the United States is supposed to do in a national emergency?

Trump should issue an executive order authorizing a bigly expensive medical and economic response by both federal and local agencies. Throw federal money at anything that can move. Produce enough Covid-19 detection kits to test the entire Western Hemisphere. Have thousands of new doctors, nurses, and techs hired immediately (or as fast as bureaucracy can move) with grants to hospitals and counties. Have the US Army Corps of engineers build emergency ICU units at all of the major metropolitan areas in the country and have army air units on standby to fly patients to treatment centers. Extend generous emergency unemployment benefits to anyone who lost their job because of the coronavirus, and extend optional emergency Medicare service to all infected. Throw in the payroll tax cut too. This all would cost trillions, but that's the point. The bigger the response, the more presidential it will appear.

Instead they're just going to hunker down and hope this whole thing blows over before November? Just seems like a terrible strategy. If it does basically all blow over by November, they can claim victory best with a vigorous response now. If it doesn't all blow over by November, a vigorous response would give them the best defense against criticism of their handling of the outbreak.
Betcha people wished they had a national health care system right about now
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okaydo said:

Of course, it does. He is nothing but transparent. He has fumbled the needed response from the federal government to this Pandemic and it will cost our economy and lives. The capacity to hospitalize and treat more than a million people at once should the numbers of the infected reach over a million is just not possible. We just won't have enough hospital beds nationally to provide treatment as we have about a million hospital beds nationally. Some estimates put the numbers of the infected at 70 million on the conservative side. Imagine if just 5% needed hospitalization in a short period of time and you can see how overwhelmed the U.S. healthcare system will be overwhelmed and hospital operations and staffing will be decimated. Italy is having a difficult time treating those with the COVID 19 virus as their healthcare system is overwhelmed.

We are dangerously behind in testing which will be reflected in the number of cases that will come to light over the next 2-4 weeks and then it will be bedlam.
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Are there any Republicans who think Trump is doing a good job? Does anyone have any confidence he can lead this country through a crisis like this? Does anyone think he has any ability to acknowledge that the response has been inadequate and needs to change?

Please help me understand why anyone trusts the President.
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Cave Bear said:

The inertia of the administration is incredible. The market is waterfalling and a pandemic has struck the US which is projected to kill hundreds of thousands this year and the public response from the president is focused on attacking his political enemies while maybe getting a tax cut. It's almost as though he doesn't realize his presidency is on the line right now. Not everyone who works for him is an idiot so there must be some thought process behind this. What are they thinking?

Are they thinking the market slide will end soon and a recovery will occur before November? Are they thinking the death toll from Covid-19 will be vastly smaller than projected and they will be able to claim victory in their handling of the pandemic?

Why is the administration not treating the pandemic and market damage as a national emergency of the highest order? Why fight with the media over the scale of the emergency? Why not use the "panic" as an opportunity to use emergency powers that at the very least will give the impression that action is being taken to protect the people of the United States and safeguard the value of their property? Isn't that what the President of the United States is supposed to do in a national emergency?

Trump should issue an executive order authorizing a bigly expensive medical and economic response by both federal and local agencies. Throw federal money at anything that can move. Produce enough Covid-19 detection kits to test the entire Western Hemisphere. Have thousands of new doctors, nurses, and techs hired immediately (or as fast as bureaucracy can move) with grants to hospitals and counties. Have the US Army Corps of engineers build emergency ICU units at all of the major metropolitan areas in the country and have army air units on standby to fly patients to treatment centers. Extend generous emergency unemployment benefits to anyone who lost their job because of the coronavirus, and extend optional emergency Medicare service to all infected. Throw in the payroll tax cut too. This all would cost trillions, but that's the point. The bigger the response, the more presidential it will appear.

Instead they're just going to hunker down and hope this whole thing blows over before November? Just seems like a terrible strategy. If it does basically all blow over by November, they can claim victory best with a vigorous response now. If it doesn't all blow over by November, a vigorous response would give them the best defense against criticism of their handling of the outbreak.

Feels very Herbert Hoover.
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sycasey said:

Feels very Herbert Hoover.
lyrics from an immortal sitcom "all in the family"

Didn't need no welfare state
ev'rybody pulled his weight
gee our old LaSalle ran great
Those were the days

And you knew who you were then
girls were girls and men were men
Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again

People seemed to be content
fifty dollars paid the rent
freaks were in a circus tent
Those were the day
muting more than 300 handles, turnaround is fair play
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This article from a few weeks back is very good.

It explains a lot.
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Cave Bear said:

The inertia of the administration is incredible. The market is waterfalling and a pandemic has struck the US which is projected to kill hundreds of thousands this year and the public response from the president is focused on attacking his political enemies while maybe getting a tax cut. It's almost as though he doesn't realize his presidency is on the line right now. Not everyone who works for him is an idiot so there must be some thought process behind this. What are they thinking?

Are they thinking the market slide will end soon and a recovery will occur before November? Are they thinking the death toll from Covid-19 will be vastly smaller than projected and they will be able to claim victory in their handling of the pandemic?

Why is the administration not treating the pandemic and market damage as a national emergency of the highest order? Why fight with the media over the scale of the emergency? Why not use the "panic" as an opportunity to use emergency powers that at the very least will give the impression that action is being taken to protect the people of the United States and safeguard the value of their property? Isn't that what the President of the United States is supposed to do in a national emergency?

Trump should issue an executive order authorizing a bigly expensive medical and economic response by both federal and local agencies. Throw federal money at anything that can move. Produce enough Covid-19 detection kits to test the entire Western Hemisphere. Have thousands of new doctors, nurses, and techs hired immediately (or as fast as bureaucracy can move) with grants to hospitals and counties. Have the US Army Corps of engineers build emergency ICU units at all of the major metropolitan areas in the country and have army air units on standby to fly patients to treatment centers. Extend generous emergency unemployment benefits to anyone who lost their job because of the coronavirus, and extend optional emergency Medicare service to all infected. Throw in the payroll tax cut too. This all would cost trillions, but that's the point. The bigger the response, the more presidential it will appear.

Instead they're just going to hunker down and hope this whole thing blows over before November? Just seems like a terrible strategy. If it does basically all blow over by November, they can claim victory best with a vigorous response now. If it doesn't all blow over by November, a vigorous response would give them the best defense against criticism of their handling of the outbreak.

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