Coronavirus vs Trump

254,586 Views | 2120 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by concordtom
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OBear073akaSMFan said:

Please don't encourage the moron to wear a mask. Maybe my prayer will finally be answered!!

It is too late for that, The Stank is closing in on tRump and F Troop like the worm monsters in Tremors.

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Unit2Sucks said:

Has anyone heard about the recent allegation that Fauci sexually assaulted someone a few years back? To precisely no one's surprise, it was driven by right wing activists and it has completely unraveled in a hilarious fashion. The specific activist is Jacob Wohl and his "business" partner Burkman who have been caught in a number of these idiotic scams.

The actual story isn't that interesting but what I did find interesting was the formulation of the death cult philosophy that I think is beginning to spread in right wing circles. I think it's quite dangerous.


"Let me tell you something, Diana," says Burkman. "This guy shut the country down. He put 40 million people out of work. In a situation like that, you have to make up whatever you have to make up to stop that train and that's the way life works, OK? That's the way it goes."

Andrade counters that he and Wohl are not taking COVID-19 seriously. "It's not just any virus. I mean, it's a huge deal.I think you guys think it's something made up, and it's not."

"Mother Nature has to clean the barn every so often," Burkman counters. "How real is it? Who knows? So what if 1 percent of the population goes? So what if you lose 400,000 people? Two hundred thousand were elderly, the other 200,000 are the bottom of society. You got to clean out the barn. If it's real, it's a positive thing, for God's sake."

Not that it would alter his opinions, but I suppose this Burkman clown never crunched the numbers on how many people actually constitute 1 percent of the (US) population...
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GBear4Life said:

Holy smokes the last few days worth of posts in this thread did not disappoint! The positive side of Corona is it's given BI posters another outlet to unburden themselves.
The only cure for TDS is clorox. BI won't help.
Eastern Oregon Bear
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Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Has anyone heard about the recent allegation that Fauci sexually assaulted someone a few years back? To precisely no one's surprise, it was driven by right wing activists and it has completely unraveled in a hilarious fashion. The specific activist is Jacob Wohl and his "business" partner Burkman who have been caught in a number of these idiotic scams.

The actual story isn't that interesting but what I did find interesting was the formulation of the death cult philosophy that I think is beginning to spread in right wing circles. I think it's quite dangerous.


"Let me tell you something, Diana," says Burkman. "This guy shut the country down. He put 40 million people out of work. In a situation like that, you have to make up whatever you have to make up to stop that train and that's the way life works, OK? That's the way it goes."

Andrade counters that he and Wohl are not taking COVID-19 seriously. "It's not just any virus. I mean, it's a huge deal.I think you guys think it's something made up, and it's not."

"Mother Nature has to clean the barn every so often," Burkman counters. "How real is it? Who knows? So what if 1 percent of the population goes? So what if you lose 400,000 people? Two hundred thousand were elderly, the other 200,000 are the bottom of society. You got to clean out the barn. If it's real, it's a positive thing, for God's sake."

Not that it would alter his opinions, but I suppose this Burkman clown never crunched the numbers on how many people actually constitute 1 percent of the (American) population?
Well, they always say there are 325 million people in the US, but has anyone ever seen more than 4 million people? I haven't.
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Big C said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Has anyone heard about the recent allegation that Fauci sexually assaulted someone a few years back? To precisely no one's surprise, it was driven by right wing activists and it has completely unraveled in a hilarious fashion. The specific activist is Jacob Wohl and his "business" partner Burkman who have been caught in a number of these idiotic scams.

The actual story isn't that interesting but what I did find interesting was the formulation of the death cult philosophy that I think is beginning to spread in right wing circles. I think it's quite dangerous.


"Let me tell you something, Diana," says Burkman. "This guy shut the country down. He put 40 million people out of work. In a situation like that, you have to make up whatever you have to make up to stop that train and that's the way life works, OK? That's the way it goes."

Andrade counters that he and Wohl are not taking COVID-19 seriously. "It's not just any virus. I mean, it's a huge deal.I think you guys think it's something made up, and it's not."

"Mother Nature has to clean the barn every so often," Burkman counters. "How real is it? Who knows? So what if 1 percent of the population goes? So what if you lose 400,000 people? Two hundred thousand were elderly, the other 200,000 are the bottom of society. You got to clean out the barn. If it's real, it's a positive thing, for God's sake."

Not that it would alter his opinions, but I suppose this Burkman clown never crunched the numbers on how many people actually constitute 1 percent of the (American) population?
So it's their own admission to this:

The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying
B.A. Bearacus
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Does he feel the same way about STD tests for porn stars he's banging while his wife is with their newborn?

Please, we beg you. Stop being a terrible leader during this pandemic. Please transition, then transition again in November.

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Eastern Oregon Bear said:

Big C said:

Not that it would alter his opinions, but I suppose this Burkman clown never crunched the numbers on how many people actually constitute 1 percent of the (American) population?
Well, they always say there are 325 million people in the US, but has anyone ever seen more than 4 million people? I haven't.
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BearChemist said:

So it's their own admission to this:

The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying"

"Economists are in near-unanimous agreement that the safest path requires building the capacity to contain the virus before reopening the economyprecisely because new waves of deaths will drive Americans back into self-imposed isolation, destroying the consumer spending that powers economic growth. The federal government can afford the necessary health infrastructure and financial aid; it already shelled out hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to wealthy Americans. But the people in charge do not consider doing so to be worthwhileRepublicans have already dismissed aid to struggling state governments that laid off a million workers this month alone as a "blue-state bailout," while pushing for more tax cuts for the rich."
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Opinion | Live and Let Die, Trump-Style - The New York Times
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B.A. Bearacus
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Burn the whole country down and start over again.

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72 got COVID-19 after being at large event

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One thing I've been thinking about: The Blue Angel flyovers.

This is a national tragedy, but somehow the troops aren't involved.

And doctors, nurses and grocery store workers are getting the "hero" status usually reserved for our military.

So they've tried to assert themselves in the story with the flyovers.

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okaydo said:

One thing I've been thinking about: The Blue Angel flyovers.

This is a national tragedy, but somehow the troops aren't involved.

And doctors, nurses and grocery store workers are getting the "hero" status usually reserved for our military.

So they've tried to assert themselves in the story with the flyovers.

Actually, I have thought about this a lot. We have a bunch of healthy young people getting paid to protect us and we have not put them to good use. Sure, the two hospital ships were sent out, but otherwise the military does not seem to be doing anything.

In fact, our local newspaper had a Letter to the Editor written by someone who was asking the commander of a nearby Marine base to please make sure his soldiers wear masks because most of them are out and about in town without them.

The California National Guard has been sending teams to assist in nursing homes. Each team consists of a nurse, 5 medics, and a sergeant for administrative purposes. I think the military could be doing a lot more such as enforcing the law, delivering meals to people unable to leave the house or order online, and just overall lending a helping hand.
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The military, along with Erik Prince and his private army, Academi, are currently on maneuvers practicing to shore up the tRump Crime Family Regime after tRump declares the 2020 Election null and void because of fraudulent mail in ballots.

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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I would gladly remove my mask when meeting Pence or Trump.
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Well, I heard this Republican talking point on the golf course yesterday morning which caused me to research it. I found the first article after I got home. The second article is in the NY Times today. I wonder how if my golfing buddies know Brad Parscale is manipulating them through Facebook and their Evangelical church?

Fight Over Virus's Death Toll Opens Grim New Front in Election Battle - The New York Times
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Given that the recent talking point for re-opening the economy is that, low-risk folks should return to normal life and high-risk groups should be protected. I was just wondering how is this implemented? You can not leave your house, not even for a walk, if you are over 65 until a vaccine becomes available? Btw Trump just said we don't really need a vaccine so old people are effectively condemned to house confinement till death because, priority. Protect yourself if you have underlying conditions such as high blood pressure or obesity, because your healthy is not the responsibility of 'regular' folks?
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Well if they are in the house or dead his biggest constituency can't vote for him so there's always a silver lining.
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bearister said:

Well, I heard this Republican talking point on the golf course yesterday morning which caused me to research it. I found the first article after I got home. The second article is in the NY Times today. I wonder how if my golfing buddies know Brad Parscale is manipulating them through Facebook and their Evangelical church?

Fight Over Virus's Death Toll Opens Grim New Front in Election Battle - The New York Times

Republicans love conspiracy theories.
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Under Trump, American exceptionalism means poverty, misery and death
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" If you listened to Trump last week you heard a president who was all over the place. One day he talked as though he wanted to follow Sweden in getting a lot of people back to work, even if many more will get infected by coronavirus. Another day, he boasted that we're testing just like China only more so. Another day he disputed the need for testing at all.
In brief: Trump talks like China, envies Sweden, prepares for neither and insists that his strategy is superior to both.

But the fact is he is not prepared to impose the kind of strict surveillance tracing and quarantining system that makes China's reopening work. And he is not ready to consider strategies like moving vulnerable people living in crowded homes to empty hotels or surrounding every nursing home with a public health testing units that might make a Swedish-style opening less dangerous.
So, I fear that we are heading for a roiling mess. Our coronavirus infections will be exacerbated by Trump's incompetence, while our hyper-political partisanship will be fed by his malevolence. After all, his whole political strategy is to divide us into red and blue, Republicans and Democrats, open-now advocates and go-slow advocates. That's the only politics he practices.
In sum, Covid-19 is sapping our economic and physical health, while Trump is undermining our institutions and national unity. We desperately need a vaccine and a 2020 election outcome that can give us herd immunity to this virus and this president."

Opinion | How to Make the Coronavirus Pandemic Even Worse - The New York Times
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After reviewing the video, a few questions for tTrump supporters:

1. Do you feel the video presents a false or misleading narrative? If your answer is yes, please describe in detail, with supporting facts, why you believe that to be the case;

2. If you believe the video presents the facts accurately, do you still intend to vote for tRump for president in 2020? If so, please explain why the facts presented in the video are not disqualifying in your mind with regard to tRump receiving your vote.
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Hydroxycholoroquine may not be useful in the fight against COVID-19, and may be harmful:
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Fauci is testifying today. Trump lashes out on twitter trying to distract.
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bearister said:

After reviewing the video, a few questions for tTrump supporters:

1. Do you feel the video presents a false or misleading narrative? If your answer is yes, please describe in detail, with supporting facts, why you believe that to be the case;

2. If you believe the video presents the facts accurately, do you still intend to vote for tRump for president in 2020? If so, please explain why the facts presented in the video are not disqualifying in your mind with regard to tRump receiving your vote.
I would add one. President says he has done a fantastic job... what would a bad job look like?
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If I were Donald Trump's speechwriter, this is the team talk I would suggest
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chazzed said:

Hydroxycholoroquine may not be useful in the fight against COVID-19, and may be harmful:
He should have just started with promoting forsythia.
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Go!Bears said:

bearister said:

After reviewing the video, a few questions for tTrump supporters:

1. Do you feel the video presents a false or misleading narrative? If your answer is yes, please describe in detail, with supporting facts, why you believe that to be the case;

2. If you believe the video presents the facts accurately, do you still intend to vote for tRump for president in 2020? If so, please explain why the facts presented in the video are not disqualifying in your mind with regard to tRump receiving your vote.
I would add one. President says he has done a fantastic job... what would a bad job look like?
In Trump-speak, fantastic, relative to the other superlatives he has used to praise himself, is quite damning. I think he is admitting to having done a horrible job.
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" Everything is partisan in the US now, even death. As such, masks have become a political statement. Democrats are far more likely than Republicans to say that they will wear one (76% versus 59%), according to a recent poll. Wearing one signals that you believe in science; that you believe in putting the greater good ahead of your individual comfort. To some people, they are a sign of solidarity; to others, they signify that you are a liberal snowflake."

Snowflake or safety first? How face masks were drawn into Trump's culture wars
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okaydo said:

If that was found in Jarvanka's refrigerator that may qualify as one of the required miracles for sainthood.
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B.A. Bearacus
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