Coronavirus vs Trump

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More Deep State Fake News intended to undermine our POTUS (sent you us from God according to his press secretary) and cast aspersions on patriot governors.

Florida scientist says she was fired for refusing to change Covid-19 data 'to support reopen plan'

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calbear93 said:

Big C said:

chazzed said:

He's unadulterated filth but, hey, he's the face of the Republican party. That party does know and stick to its priorities.

Yes, that, to me, is one of the real stories here...

What does it say that the vast majority of people who were for Trump 3 years ago are still for him, after seeing this s*** show?

What about the ultra-partisan-or-spineless Republicans in Congress, who, in theory should be smarter and more educated than most of the people who attend Trump's rallies? Have they no shame?
I am certain of two things.

What carried Trump over the hump in the 2016 election was that certain people who never would have voted for someone that disgusting did so because Clinton took positions that were not even hers. And the sad things is that she has always been a moderate, with strong belief in the importance of US in global politics, ending discrimination instead of catering to identify politics, and applying moderate fiscal policies. But she thought she had to win over the far left wing of the party and cater to the Sanders supporters (who never were going to fully support her anyway). And once those in center left or center right, especially in the Rust Belt, were forced to choose, a big enough portion chose Trump and many have not looked back until Biden won the primary.

If Biden avoids those mistakes and instead tries to be a unifying leader, taking moderate positions that may not play as well to the progressives, he will win and win big. If he loses his way the same way Clinton did instead of being who he has always been, he will lose and we will be screwed again for another 4 years. You cannot please everyone. I hope Biden knows that. He doesn't need to be another Sanders or Warren. He can be more like Bill Clinton or Obama.
Clinton lost because years ago she massively dissed a way of life prevalent in the Midwest with her baking cookies and not standing by her man references and she never in the intervening years made it up to them. They hate her personally. No one cares about a few policy positions. Polls of counties in the Midwest that turned from Obama to Trump taken in the months following the election showed Obama and Sanders with higher approval ratings than Trump and about 30 points higher than Clinton. That was the problem. Her approval rating was in the dumper there. And, as a kicker, she barely campaigned there.

I think she would be a competent president, but she ran terrible campaigns. In 2008 they laughed at Obama and didn't think he was a serious threat when it should have been obvious that he was the only candidate that could break her hold on the Black vote and that was the only way she could lose. In 2016 she couldn't squash a socialist and then lost to a guy with the lowest approval ratings to ever win. I'm not saying she should or should not have taken liberal or moderate policies. In an election that close, 10 individual things could have put her over the top. But the biggest factors were the personal dislike of her and her incompetent campaign.
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"Clinton lost because years ago she massively dissed a way of life prevalent in the Midwest with her baking cookies and not standing by her man references and she never in the intervening years made it up to them. They hate her personally."

Boy , they really taught Hill, our country, and the world a lesson they won't soon forget, didn't they. I will never disrespect them as long as I live. Wonderful people, one and all. I hope none of them get The Stank fighting for our rights......

....because that would be a real crying f@ucking shame.
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The CDC and States Are Misreporting COVID-19 Test Data - The Atlantic

" You've got to be kidding me," Ashish Jha, the K. T. Li Professor of Global Health at Harvard and the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told us when we described what the CDC was doing. "How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess."
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chazzed said:

Hydroxycholoroquine may not be useful in the fight against COVID-19, and may be harmful:

Hydroxychloroquine has been proven to be effective against covid19 in widespread use in several countries if (and only if) properly administered, which definitely wasn't the case in these two studies:


The patients who received hydroxychloroquine tended to be more severely ill than those who did not receive the drug. Authors of both studies noted that randomized controlled trials which assign patients either to the medication or a placebo control at random are needed.

HCQ is effective when used with Azithromycin and ideally, zinc supplements, and patients treated before the onset of late stage pulmonary damage, at which point the virus is no longer the main pathogen and HCQ is practically useless.

HCQ works as an adjuvant, by allowing the delivery of zinc into cell structures, zinc being a key ingredient of the immune system in the prevention of viral replication. The covid virus blocks the entrance of zinc into the cell.

The protocol for the use of HCQ was fine-tuned at the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire in Marseille, France, where the mortality rate of infected patients treated with HCQ was 7 times lower than in Paris, a site where HCQ was not used. IIRC a total of 26,000 covid patients were treated in Marseille, with very high success rates.

It was also found that in Italy, patients already on HCQ for conditions such as lupus and arthritis were found to be more than 90% less likely to contract covid19, so its use as prophylactic is definitely warranted. This is the scientific basis that has been presented to Trump, and the reason he is now using HCQ as a prophylactic. I think that Trump has gotten ahold of this through the very successful use of HCQ by Dr. Zelenko, who has treated patients in the Hasidic community of NYC.

The adverse side effects (mostly heart arrhythmia) which have been much amplified in the media actually occurred at a rate of less than 1 in 500 in France. Those side effects are very well established, HCQ having been successfully used in the treatment of malaria and other diseases for nearly 70 years. It has been an OTC drug for decades, commonly administered to travelers to sub-saharan Africa and in nearly all other tropical regions subject to malaria.

HCQ is now approved and widely administered in Italy, and has been made available to anyone presenting covid or flu symptoms free of charge across all pharmacies in northern Italy.

Several countries have ordered large quantities of HCQ including the UK, Canada and most of Africa. Algeria has recently received a huge order of HCQ, while most African countries already have large stocks and are starting to use it for covid19 treatment. Going into June, there will be a global run on HCQ similar to the run on masks and ventilators that took place earlier this year, once the unfounded, largely cultural resistance to HCQ recedes. There is a plentiful global supply to treat all covid patients, but not enough to treat a much bigger pool of people for preventive use the way Trump is currently using it.

There is still a lot of resistance against its use in many western nations, partly because there are no profits in HCQ, a very old generic drug which has a total treatment cost of around $10 per patient, vs well over $1,000 for new patented drugs like Gilead's Remdesivir whose effectiveness hasn't been proven, or vs. the trillion dollar global vaccine program, which HCQ could render unnecessary. In the US and other western countries, big pharma dominates the political landscape and the media, being one of the largest lobbyist and advertiser, as well as being a dominant influence over the medical establishment and research centers, which it largely funds.

In the US as well HCQ has become associated with Trump, which has exacerbated the negative media coverage and cultural bias against it in a large segment of the media and population. This is a very unfortunate turn of events IMHO as HCQ has proven to be one of the main/best exit strategies for the covid pandemic.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."

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Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

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" For the last four weeks, counties newly designated as having a high prevalence of coronavirus cases meaning at least 100 cases per 100,000 people were more likely to have voted for President Trump than Hillary Clinton in 2016, Axios Vitals author Caitlin Owens writes from a Brookings analysis.

The newer high-risk counties tend to be in the South and the Midwest.
Why it matters: There's a notable partisan split in views of the virus.

Republicans are more willing than Democrats or independents to attend in-person gatherings, according to Axios-Ipsos polling.
The bottom line: The virus doesn't care about politics." Axios

tRump's staff goofed him. The mask is sound proof.
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> This is low grade Fox propaganda..

right, same as the rest
muting more than 300 handles, turnaround is fair play
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Cal88 said:

In the US as well HCQ has become associated with Trump, which has exacerbated the negative media coverage and cultural bias against it in a large segment of the media and population. This is a very unfortunate turn of events IMHO as HCQ has proven to be one of the main/best exit strategies for the covid pandemic.
And now we're back to pseudoscience.
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BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

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Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Let's bottom line this. Are you taking it and, if not, why not?

I usually do not roll the dice with medicine. I have to know that the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Nothing about this would indicate this is beneficial.

And quite honestly, I do not think he is taking it. I think he painted himself into a corner where he pushed something that was not supported and is doubling down with another lie.
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Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Citing Africa as an example when the jury is still out on its effects within that continent is jumping the gun. Does Africa have the ability to report accurately all deaths related to COVID 19? Most estimates indicate that Africa will see over 300,000 deaths due to COVID 19. Also, it appears that South America is starting to show significant increases in the number of people confirmed positive for COVID 19 and deaths due to COVID 19 as Brazil was reporting 10,000 cases a day and now is looking at reporting 20,000 positive COVID 19 cases a day. These points would dispel the belief that COVID 19 is a western disease. The reason that it may be a "western disease" may have to do with the delayed response in dealing with the disease.
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I'm in favor of anything that lowers voter turnout for tRump.*

*That graph looks like it belongs in a sex education book
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BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Citing Africa as an example when the jury is still out on its effects within that continent is jumping the gun. Does Africa have the ability to report accurately all deaths related to COVID 19? Most estimates indicate that Africa will see over 300,000 deaths due to COVID 19. Also, it appears that South America is starting to show significant increases in the number of people confirmed positive for COVID 19 and deaths due to COVID 19 as Brazil was reporting 10,000 cases a day and now is looking at reporting 20,000 positive COVID 19 cases a day. These points would dispel the belief that COVID 19 is a western disease. The reason that it may be a "western disease" may have to do with the delayed response in dealing with the disease.

There are a million Chinese citizens living in Africa, a mobile population that travels back and forth from their homeland, and extensive large infrastructure projects across that continent staffed mostly with Chinese labor. You really have to wonder why covid19 never took off there.

Egypt for example was an early hot spot, my cousin who lives in Canada went on a family vacation trip there in early March against my advice and came down with it after returning, infecting his family. Why is it that their death per capita rate has been incredibly low, 15 times lower than that of Denmark, one of the best performing western countries, and nearly 100 times lower than that of Spain? This is a country with poor health facilities for their masses, very dense and unsanitary, highly urbanized population concentrated in the northern Nile Valley and Delta, coivd19 was present there at about the same time it was in Spain, yet it never took off in that country. You have small crowded restaurants where the dishes, cups and utensils aren't properly sanitized, far worse a terrain than in Spain or any other western nation by orders of magnitude..

(Incidentally, the pattern in his family was almost identical with that of all my friends who came down with covid: fathers hard hit with the worst flu of their lives, being bed-stricken for several weeks, while their wives got a "regular-size" case of the sniffles for a couple of days and were back on their feet and fully recovered within days, and their kids got next to nothing...)

Most of Africa has been largely unscathed despite there being a large number of potential vectors, and next to zero in terms of stringent confinement and social distancing. Your estimate of 300,000, which is still below the death count of the US on a per capita basis, looks like a bit of a stretch at this point; I doubt we will ever reach that, time will tell.

One African country that might be more vulnerable is South Africa, which with its southern hemisphere weather pattern is just entering its flu season.
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Cal88 said:

Be said:

Citing Africa as an example when the jury is still out on its effects within that continent is jumping the gun. Does Africa have the ability to report accurately all deaths related to COVID 19? Most estimates indicate that Africa will see over 300,000 deaths due to COVID 19. Also, it appears that South America is starting to show significant increases in the number of people confirmed positive for COVID 19 and deaths due to COVID 19 as Brazil was reporting 10,000 cases a day and now is looking at reporting 20,000 positive COVID 19 cases a day. These points would dispel the belief that COVID 19 is a western disease. The reason that it may be a "western disease" may have to do with the delayed response in dealing with the disease.

One point that needs to be addressed here is that most African nations have a very capable, often western-educated elite, and that they take their epidemiology very, very seriously there, given what they've had to deal with in terms of pandemics like AIDS, Ebola, TB and well before that native infectuous diseases like malaria that were always part of their terrain.

An MD friend of mine who was from Abidjan and lived in the room next to mine at I-House went back to his country after he got his Cal MPH, he has served as the chief epidemiologist and top medical administrator in several west African nations. I haven't heard from him in ages and am going to try to reach out to him soon to get his assessment on the situation there.

My friend K. got his Cal degree and went back to Cote d'Ivoire afterwards. One discussion I've had with him that will always stay with me is him telling me that though he could make millions staying in the US as an MD with a masters from Cal, he was fully intent on going back and putting his education towards serving his country instead in a time of great need (during the African AIDS crisis in the early 90s).

Five years later, he was the national director of the national AIDS and Tuberculosis in his country. He then went on to become CDC director for the region. I am certain that K. has saved thousands of lives in his native region; guys like him are national heroes in Africa, rightfully so. So as far as addressing the bold part above, I can guarantee you that K. would approach his mission with an incredibly high level of dedication and professionalism. Being around people like K., smart, extremely dedicated and upright people like him was one of the great highlights of attending Cal.

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Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Mr/Ms Psuedo science is back again!
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Thomas Friedman on Bill Maher just now:

"There is one network that makes people angry and stupid."

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calpoly said:

Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Mr/Ms Psuedo science is back again!

And a good morning to the labcoat hall monitor, right on cue.
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calbear93 said:

Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Let's bottom line this. Are you taking it and, if not, why not?

I usually do not roll the dice with medicine. I have to know that the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Nothing about this would indicate this is beneficial.

And quite honestly, I do not think he is taking it. I think he painted himself into a corner where he pushed something that was not supported and is doubling down with another lie.

I would definitely take HCQ if I did present symptoms. I am not very high on the risk/comorbidity scale, nor am I working in exposed areas, mostly confined at home, so I am not overly panicked about it, though I do take common sense precautions. I also think I might have had covid last year, but haven't tested for antibodies yet.

If you're in a high risk profession like Trump meeting people every day, it makes sense to use HCQ as a prophylactic. It should be standards for medical and nursing home staff, at least until the epidemic subsides.

The side affects from HCQ are very well known, they have been grossly overblown in the media. This is a drug that has been administered around 1 billion times since its introduction 70 years ago, and sold over the counter in many countries around the world.
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Cal88 said:

This is a drug that has been administered around 1 billion times since its introduction 70 years ago, and sold over the counter in many countries around the world.
when talking about the topic with my better half the contrary view heard is some sort of dosage difference for CV compared to malaria. yes, no, or maybe.. color me clueless.
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From Mayo Clinic website:

" The FDA has authorized two malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for use in some people hospitalized because of COVID-19 who aren't eligible for clinical trials. These drugs can cause many side effects, including serious and even fatal heart rhythm problems. For this reason, doctors must closely monitor people receiving them. These drugs can also cause serious drug interactions. Ongoing research and trials study their effectiveness and safety in treating or preventing COVID-19."
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Cal88 said:

calbear93 said:

Cal88 said:

BearNIt said:

Cal88 said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Even the Republican posters on here can agree that they hope that the president isn't lying to Americans about personally taking hydroxychloroquine, though he probably is.

This is low grade Fox propaganda.

Hydroxychloroquine is an established, safe and effective drug if used properly (ie normal dosage), with few side effects, it has been dispensed over the counter in most countries, used by hundreds of millions of people to date. Several members of my family have used it, including my parents, my uncle, and many friends who have traveled and worked in W. Africa.

It's also a very popular drug in S. America, notably in Brazil, where it is now greenlighted as a treatment for covid19, and going forward it is the main C19 treatment across African countries. Those countries have used hydroxychloroquine for decades, so statements like that of the Fox idiot above will be laughed at by any African health official or pharmacist. Unfortunately it's the kind of bad science that also seems to afflict supposedly more serious media sources that are repeating the canard of HCQ being a dangerous drug...


Professor William Ngatchou is a cardiovascular surgeon at the General Hospital in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. When FRANCE 24 asked him if he had heard of Professor Raoult, he responded with amusement: "Everyone knows Professor Raoult in Cameroon! Some even consider him like a national hero." Like many health professionals in the country, Ngatchou thinks that the effectiveness of dual therapy combining that antimalarial and antibiotic has been proven: "It's been almost two months that this protocol has been in use for patients with Covid-19. I myself have noticed significant improvements in patients with its use, and the debate about the side effects of chloroquine seems very exaggerated to me."
When given the choice of taking the advice of the U.S. medical community and that of the Cameroonian medical community I will follow the advice of the U.S. medical community without question. The side effects of seizures, asystole with syncope, deafness, corneal changes, retinal changes, Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, alopecia, and the lack of clinical trials are enough to warrant a wait and see position.

The "side effect" of covid19 is death, and that side effect, whose frequency is currently listed at 1.4%, is orders of magnitude greater than any of the hydroxychloroquine side effects you've listed above.

The US medical community does not have the kind of extensive, generational and personal first hand knowledge about and experience with hydroxychloroquine that the medical communities of African countries have had over the past decades.

Africa as well seems to be doing quite well in this pandemic, with only 3,095 death for a population of 1.2 billion, compared to the US, which has had 30 times the covid19 death rate of that continent:

Dr. Didier Raoult, the leading researcher on infectious diseases in France, has asserted that the West's overreliance on new, expensive drugs at the expense of tried and proven older generics could be the main reason that covid19 has largely been a western disease, a point that is very dramatically illustrated in the chart above.

Dr. Raoult as the head of the main hospital in Marseille processing covid19 cases in southern France has overseen the treatment of more covid19 patients than any other doctor in the West. He is also the most successful in terms of his results, his death rate to date with the largest cohort of covid19 patients in the West is 0.17%, seven times lower than the death rate in the Paris region, where HCQ was not used. The only notable side effect observed in his treatment with HCQ was temporary heart arrhythmia, which happened in less than 1 in 500 covid19 cases treated with the drug.

Let's bottom line this. Are you taking it and, if not, why not?

I usually do not roll the dice with medicine. I have to know that the benefits will outweigh the negatives. Nothing about this would indicate this is beneficial.

And quite honestly, I do not think he is taking it. I think he painted himself into a corner where he pushed something that was not supported and is doubling down with another lie.

I would definitely take HCQ if I did present symptoms. I am not very high on the risk/comorbidity scale, nor am I working in exposed areas, mostly confined at home, so I am not overly panicked about it, though I do take common sense precautions. I also think I might have had covid last year, but haven't tested for antibodies yet.

If you're in a high risk profession like Trump meeting people every day, it makes sense to use HCQ as a prophylactic. It should be standards for medical and nursing home staff, at least until the epidemic subsides.

The side affects from HCQ are very well known, they have been grossly overblown in the media. This is a drug that has been administered around 1 billion times since its introduction 70 years ago, and sold over the counter in many countries around the world.

You are supportive of the president taking it but state that you would take it if you showed symptoms.

Is Trump showing symptoms?

Then you say it is effective as a prophylactic without side effect. Then why aren't you taking it? It seems like you view it as a seatbelt type of common sense. Why wait until you show symptoms if it is a prophylactic?

I usually assess strength of belief based on behavior.
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front page of sunday's nytimes top to bottom / left to right (continued on page 12) is given to the dead.

Departments across The Times have been robustly covering the coronavirus pandemic for months. But Ms. Landon and her colleagues realized that "both among ourselves and perhaps in the general reading public, there's a little bit of a fatigue with the data."

"We knew we were approaching this milestone," she added. "We knew that there should be some way to try to reckon with that number."

Putting 100,000 dots or stick figures on a page "doesn't really tell you very much about who these people were, the lives that they lived, what it means for us as a country," Ms. Landon said. So, she came up with the idea of compiling obituaries and death notices of Covid-19 victims from newspapers large and small across the country, and culling vivid passages from them.

Alain Delaqurire, a researcher, combed through various sources online for obituaries and death notices with Covid-19 written as the cause of death. He compiled a list of nearly a thousand names from hundreds of newspapers. A team of editors from across the newsroom, in addition to three graduate student journalists, read them and gleaned phrases that depicted the uniqueness of each life lost:

"Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with 'the most amazing ear' "

"Theresa Elloie, 63, New Orleans, renowned for her business making detailed pins and corsages "

"Florencio Almazo Morn, 65, New York City, one-man army "

"Coby Adolph, 44, Chicago, entrepreneur and adventurer "

muting more than 300 handles, turnaround is fair play
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" Then you say it is effective as a prophylactic .."

...but I have always heard that the POTUS has a penchant for raw doggery.
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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I think when tRump supporters die of the virus that it is all part of God's plan for them.

At least some of this crew will die for a the service of the Mad King.

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smh said:

front page of sunday's nytimes top to bottom / left to right (continued on page 12) is given to the dead.

Departments across The Times have been robustly covering the coronavirus pandemic for months. But Ms. Landon and her colleagues realized that "both among ourselves and perhaps in the general reading public, there's a little bit of a fatigue with the data."

"We knew we were approaching this milestone," she added. "We knew that there should be some way to try to reckon with that number."

Putting 100,000 dots or stick figures on a page "doesn't really tell you very much about who these people were, the lives that they lived, what it means for us as a country," Ms. Landon said. So, she came up with the idea of compiling obituaries and death notices of Covid-19 victims from newspapers large and small across the country, and culling vivid passages from them.

Alain Delaqurire, a researcher, combed through various sources online for obituaries and death notices with Covid-19 written as the cause of death. He compiled a list of nearly a thousand names from hundreds of newspapers. A team of editors from across the newsroom, in addition to three graduate student journalists, read them and gleaned phrases that depicted the uniqueness of each life lost:

"Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with 'the most amazing ear' "

"Theresa Elloie, 63, New Orleans, renowned for her business making detailed pins and corsages "

"Florencio Almazo Morn, 65, New York City, one-man army "

"Coby Adolph, 44, Chicago, entrepreneur and adventurer "

Last winter, 80,000 Americans died from the flu, and the NYT barely noticed.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S.

I guess that reporting that the death toll from flu viruses this year is 25%-35% above last year's doesn't make as dramatic a headline.
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bearister said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

I think when tRump supporters die of the virus that it is all part of God's plan for them.

At least some of this crew will die for a the service of the Mad King.

High levels of anxiety and low levels of vitamin D will also put you at risk. If you're in a relatively low risk group, you shouldn't refrain from going to the beach with your family at this point in time.
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Eastern Oregon Bear
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Cal88 said:

bearister said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

I think when tRump supporters die of the virus that it is all part of God's plan for them.

At least some of this crew will die for a the service of the Mad King.

High levels of anxiety and low levels of vitamin D will also put you at risk. If you're in a relatively low risk group, you shouldn't refrain from going to the beach with your family at this point in time.
Yeah, those high risk people that might catch something from you are unimportant. Just their tough luck.
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Cal88 said:

smh said:

front page of sunday's nytimes top to bottom / left to right (continued on page 12) is given to the dead.

Departments across The Times have been robustly covering the coronavirus pandemic for months. But Ms. Landon and her colleagues realized that "both among ourselves and perhaps in the general reading public, there's a little bit of a fatigue with the data."

"We knew we were approaching this milestone," she added. "We knew that there should be some way to try to reckon with that number."

Putting 100,000 dots or stick figures on a page "doesn't really tell you very much about who these people were, the lives that they lived, what it means for us as a country," Ms. Landon said. So, she came up with the idea of compiling obituaries and death notices of Covid-19 victims from newspapers large and small across the country, and culling vivid passages from them.

Alain Delaqurire, a researcher, combed through various sources online for obituaries and death notices with Covid-19 written as the cause of death. He compiled a list of nearly a thousand names from hundreds of newspapers. A team of editors from across the newsroom, in addition to three graduate student journalists, read them and gleaned phrases that depicted the uniqueness of each life lost:

"Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with 'the most amazing ear' "

"Theresa Elloie, 63, New Orleans, renowned for her business making detailed pins and corsages "

"Florencio Almazo Morn, 65, New York City, one-man army "

"Coby Adolph, 44, Chicago, entrepreneur and adventurer "

Last winter, 80,000 Americans died from the flu, and the NYT barely noticed.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S.

I guess that reporting that the death toll from flu viruses this year is 25%-35% above last year's doesn't make as dramatic a headline.

That wasn't this year. This year the estimates are 24-62k. I'm not sure how relevant it is to refer to the flu - we do have a flu vaccine that people can take which helps reduce mortality annually, so it's not like we ignore the seasonal flu either.

We have good flu years and bad flu years. That is neither here nor there when discussing a novel virus like COVID.

Why the misinformation?

Look at what you posted 2 months ago about COVID and please let us know why you are singing a completely different tune now.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Cal88 said:

smh said:

front page of sunday's nytimes top to bottom / left to right (continued on page 12) is given to the dead.

Departments across The Times have been robustly covering the coronavirus pandemic for months. But Ms. Landon and her colleagues realized that "both among ourselves and perhaps in the general reading public, there's a little bit of a fatigue with the data."

"We knew we were approaching this milestone," she added. "We knew that there should be some way to try to reckon with that number."

Putting 100,000 dots or stick figures on a page "doesn't really tell you very much about who these people were, the lives that they lived, what it means for us as a country," Ms. Landon said. So, she came up with the idea of compiling obituaries and death notices of Covid-19 victims from newspapers large and small across the country, and culling vivid passages from them.

Alain Delaqurire, a researcher, combed through various sources online for obituaries and death notices with Covid-19 written as the cause of death. He compiled a list of nearly a thousand names from hundreds of newspapers. A team of editors from across the newsroom, in addition to three graduate student journalists, read them and gleaned phrases that depicted the uniqueness of each life lost:

"Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with 'the most amazing ear' "

"Theresa Elloie, 63, New Orleans, renowned for her business making detailed pins and corsages "

"Florencio Almazo Morn, 65, New York City, one-man army "

"Coby Adolph, 44, Chicago, entrepreneur and adventurer "

Last winter, 80,000 Americans died from the flu, and the NYT barely noticed.

CDC: 80,000 people died of flu last winter in U.S.

I guess that reporting that the death toll from flu viruses this year is 25%-35% above last year's doesn't make as dramatic a headline.

That wasn't this year. This year the estimates are 24-62k. I'm not sure how relevant it is to refer to the flu - we do have a flu vaccine that people can take which helps reduce mortality annually, so it's not like we ignore the seasonal flu either.

We have good flu years and bad flu years. That is neither here nor there when discussing a novel virus like COVID.

Why the misinformation?

Look at what you posted 2 months ago about COVID and please let us know why you are singing a completely different tune now.
How dare you question the "statnews."
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