OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

566,858 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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BearNIt said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

Character flaws: Trump is irresponsible and bad at protecting others.

Mnuchin advised while at UCLA that sanctions on Russia will be announced by 3/28/18
Anyone want to take bets on whether it happens?

Remember what Trump said about Isis?


"I'm going to convene my top generals and give them a simple instruction," he says. "They will have 30 days to submit to the Oval Office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice."

Or how about labelling China a currency manipulator on day one?


"I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator."
Or how about Trump's original travel ban which was supposed to last 90 days to give him time to implement a permanent policy?

The list could go on and on of deadlines that Trump and his administration have promised and failed to adhere to.
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Trump + Stone + Wikileaks( Assange + Russians) = Collusion
Mueller will know before he interviews Trump.
The noose is getting tighter and tighter.

A day after testifying before a Congressional Committee, Hope Hicks has resigned as the White House Communications Director. Holy **** Batman! What does this mean and what did she tell the FBI and Mueller?
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"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and ..."
18 U.S. Code 2381 -

Do you think the Government will exercise the death penalty option for any of the members of the tRump Crime Family and their associates? Will tRump accept a blindfold and a cigarette or waive same? Last meal menu items? Form of execution? Choice of final conjugal visit partner?

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BearNIt said:

....and what did she tell the FBI and Mueller?

She rated her White House lovers on a scale of 1-10.
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blungld said:

dajo9;842840269 said:

We all know we are a few months away from President Pence and right wingers like Strykur trying to take the moral high ground and claiming it was their actions that saved the country from Trump.

Yep. It's precisely these type of fake conservatives who like to boast and preach of principle who are in fact the ones who slide the line of right and wrong to suit their needs and pretend that nothing has changed or that they were never wrong. This pattern been repeated over and over again through Iraq war to now. They are incapable of learning from their mistakes and amending their world view.
Trump will try to get a plea deal by testifying against Pence.

My guess is that Mueller already knows that Papadopoulos told Manafort or Trump Jr. and that Gates will testify to Manafort or Trump Jr. telling Trump that the Russians had the emails. Through Stone and Wikileaks Trump weaponized the emails and BOOM, we have COLLUSION. The rats will be fleeing the USS Trump as it sinks into the frigid waters.
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This is Beauregard's and Rosenstein's way of signaling that they have it on good information that the reign of the tRump Crime Family is in its death throes:


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Another Bear said:

THIS JUST IN: Robert Mueller has flipped Rick Gates, reaching a plea deal. Gates will testify against Manafort, his former partner.

Things just got very interesting...

Manafort's trial starts on September 17, right in the heart of midterm campaign. Trump was previously inclined to let Manafort twist on the wind, but won't be great to have Gates testify about how and why the campaign watered down the Russian plank in the GOP platform. Best case scenario for Trump is the trial gets delayed. Pre-emptive pardon of Manafort isn't a great option.
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Reading the tea leaves and the bizarre jigsaw of events this past week, I think the investigation is wrapping up. I think Mueller has him on knowing about Russian actions and either directly or tacitly approving (collusion), abetting foreign power in acts against country (we will see if a treason charge is brought), obstruction of justice (misinformation and firings), and money laundering. I'd put odds of Trump surviving his term at very low and now it's just a question oh how many others (Pence, Ivanka, Kushner, members of senate) go down too (a lot I think) and if they end up in jail. I think we are about to see the real swamp cleaning and it's going to be ugly.

Then we'll see if that 30% has the moral compass to say they were wrong and work to clean up the corruption...or they double down on "deep state" "coup" "Obama" "Hillary." This is the test of their cognitive dissonance. I asked at the start what the line was and if they would just keep moving what was okay to accommodate changing revelations (that they swore were not true and were lies). Get ready for a dose of reality.
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Usually, I'm very optimistic.

But I find myself taken aback by the certainty of some on this Board that the virtuous Aramgeddon that will clean out this blight on our nation (which I fear encompasses the Trump electorate and Fellow Travelers, beyond just Trump, more than we would like to believe) is at hand.

I find myself, for reasons I don't have time to drag up from my unconscious, more inclined to believe that, even if the forces of Good prevail here, the evidence that will be producible through the filters of (a) not revealing sources or methods, and/or (b) Fox News Tribalism, won't be strong enough to prevent a 21st Century version of "Dolchstosslegend" from capturing the 35%, perhaps to rise higher if a real economic crash happens at some point.

Also, I can't help being reminded by the current skillful "faux news" manipulation by the Russian Secret Service that it is this same organization which, some 150 years ago produced the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which so fueled the Dolchstosslegend" to result in what still is the most massive human destruction of all times in terms of millions upon millions of people killed, maimed, tortured, and displaced.
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bearister said:

The only question now is, does he want to die in prison in his cell or does he want to die outside of prison surrounded by his family.

The thought had crossed my mind that Puty could put a hit on he and his family if he talks. WITSEC could be his only shot.
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BearNIt said:

bearister said:

The only question now is, does he want to die in prison in his cell or does he want to die outside of prison surrounded by his family.

The thought had crossed my mind that Puty could put a hit on he and his family if he talks. WITSEC could be his only shot.

What keeps me up at night is wondering whether in prison they will provide proper hair care for Manafort and the tRumps.
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Stephen Colbert Grabs Capitol Hill By The Memo

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Another Bear
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Scoop: Mueller's hit list

Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena that Robert Mueller's team sent to a witness last month.
What Mueller is asking for: Mueller is subpoenaing all communications meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. that this witness sent and received regarding the following people:

  • Carter Page
  • Corey Lewandowski
  • Donald J. Trump
  • Hope Hicks
  • Keith Schiller
  • Michael Cohen
  • Paul Manafort
  • Rick Gates
  • Roger Stone
  • Steve Bannon
  • [/ol]The subpoena asks for all communications from November 1, 2015, to the present. Notably, Trump announced his campaign for president five months earlier on June 16, 2015.

    Bottom line: In December, the president's lawyer Ty Cobb told me the White House would be free of the Mueller investigation "shortly after the first of the year absent some unforeseen delay."

    We know very little about what's keeping the investigators so busy, but the breadth of this subpoena means Mueller's team could easily stumble into goodies about Trump's inner circle given so many people are coughing up material. (Cobb didn't respond to a request for comment.)

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    .....for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee, tRump.
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    Another Bear said:

    Scoop: Mueller's hit list

    Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena that Robert Mueller's team sent to a witness last month.
    What Mueller is asking for: Mueller is subpoenaing all communications meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. that this witness sent and received regarding the following people:

  • Carter Page
  • Corey Lewandowski
  • Donald J. Trump
  • Hope Hicks
  • Keith Schiller
  • Michael Cohen
  • Paul Manafort
  • Rick Gates
  • Roger Stone
  • Steve Bannon
  • [/ol]The subpoena asks for all communications from November 1, 2015, to the present. Notably, Trump announced his campaign for president five months earlier on June 16, 2015.

    Bottom line: In December, the president's lawyer Ty Cobb told me the White House would be free of the Mueller investigation "shortly after the first of the year absent some unforeseen delay."

    We know very little about what's keeping the investigators so busy, but the breadth of this subpoena means Mueller's team could easily stumble into goodies about Trump's inner circle given so many people are coughing up material. (Cobb didn't respond to a request for comment.)

    The fact that Mueller is requesting all documents via subpoena from Nunberg means he already knows what's in those documents. He just wants to see what will be handed over. Don't forget there have been comments by people who have been interviewed by Mueller and his team who have reported that when they went in to speak to them, that Mueller and his team had charts, already knew who was in the room, what they were wearing, and what was said. Now the Kushner and Trump families looks like they are going to need a family plan for the federal prison system as it looks like U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East was used to punish countries that didn't invest or provide loans to the Kushners for their building on Park Avenue. Lets not even talk about the Chinese approving trademarks for Ivanka after meetings were held with Chinese President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan or the Vancouver real estate deal which the FBI is investigating. Mueller already has enough for lying to the FBI or Congress, money laundering, obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct. Mueller is currently attempting to put the iron locks on the collusion question and appears to be making sure that there is no way out for Trump, Ivanka, Donald Jr., Jared, Nunes, and Manafort. The only Trumps who may escape prison could be Eriic, Baron, and Tiffany.



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    BearNIt said:

    Another Bear said:

    Scoop: Mueller's hit list

    Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena that Robert Mueller's team sent to a witness last month.
    What Mueller is asking for: Mueller is subpoenaing all communications meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. that this witness sent and received regarding the following people:

  • Carter Page
  • Corey Lewandowski
  • Donald J. Trump
  • Hope Hicks
  • Keith Schiller
  • Michael Cohen
  • Paul Manafort
  • Rick Gates
  • Roger Stone
  • Steve Bannon
  • [/ol]The subpoena asks for all communications from November 1, 2015, to the present. Notably, Trump announced his campaign for president five months earlier on June 16, 2015.

    Bottom line: In December, the president's lawyer Ty Cobb told me the White House would be free of the Mueller investigation "shortly after the first of the year absent some unforeseen delay."

    We know very little about what's keeping the investigators so busy, but the breadth of this subpoena means Mueller's team could easily stumble into goodies about Trump's inner circle given so many people are coughing up material. (Cobb didn't respond to a request for comment.)

    The fact that Mueller is requesting all documents via subpoena from the people on the list means he already knows what's in those documents. He just wants to see what people on that list will hand over. Don't forget there have been comments by people who have been interviewed by Mueller and his team who have reported that when they went in to speak to them, that Mueller and his team had charts, already knew who was in the room, what they were wearing, and what was said. Now the Kushner and Trump families looks like they are going to need a family plan for the federal prison system as it looks like U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East was used to punish countries that didn't invest or provide loans to the Kushners for their building on Park Avenue. Lets not even talk about the Chinese approving trademarks for Ivanka after meetings were held with Chinese President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan or the Vancouver real estate deal which the FBI is investigating. Mueller already has enough for lying to the FBI or Congress, money laundering, obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct. Mueller is currently attempting to put the iron locks on the collusion question and appears to be making sure that there is no way out for Trump, Ivanka, Donald Jr., Jared, Nunes, and Manafort. The only Trumps who may escape prison could be Eriic, Baron, and Tiffany.




    Mueller is not asking documents from the people on the list. The subpoena is issued to an unnamed person for his/her correspondences with these people.
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    The best and brightest.
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    BearChemist said:

    BearNIt said:

    Another Bear said:

    Scoop: Mueller's hit list

    Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena that Robert Mueller's team sent to a witness last month.
    What Mueller is asking for: Mueller is subpoenaing all communications meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. that this witness sent and received regarding the following people:

  • Carter Page
  • Corey Lewandowski
  • Donald J. Trump
  • Hope Hicks
  • Keith Schiller
  • Michael Cohen
  • Paul Manafort
  • Rick Gates
  • Roger Stone
  • Steve Bannon
  • [/ol]The subpoena asks for all communications from November 1, 2015, to the present. Notably, Trump announced his campaign for president five months earlier on June 16, 2015.

    Bottom line: In December, the president's lawyer Ty Cobb told me the White House would be free of the Mueller investigation "shortly after the first of the year absent some unforeseen delay."

    We know very little about what's keeping the investigators so busy, but the breadth of this subpoena means Mueller's team could easily stumble into goodies about Trump's inner circle given so many people are coughing up material. (Cobb didn't respond to a request for comment.)

    The fact that Mueller is requesting all documents via subpoena from the people on the list means he already knows what's in those documents. He just wants to see what people on that list will hand over. Don't forget there have been comments by people who have been interviewed by Mueller and his team who have reported that when they went in to speak to them, that Mueller and his team had charts, already knew who was in the room, what they were wearing, and what was said. Now the Kushner and Trump families looks like they are going to need a family plan for the federal prison system as it looks like U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East was used to punish countries that didn't invest or provide loans to the Kushners for their building on Park Avenue. Lets not even talk about the Chinese approving trademarks for Ivanka after meetings were held with Chinese President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan or the Vancouver real estate deal which the FBI is investigating. Mueller already has enough for lying to the FBI or Congress, money laundering, obstruction, and conspiracy to obstruct. Mueller is currently attempting to put the iron locks on the collusion question and appears to be making sure that there is no way out for Trump, Ivanka, Donald Jr., Jared, Nunes, and Manafort. The only Trumps who may escape prison could be Eriic, Baron, and Tiffany.




    Mueller is not asking documents from the people on the list. The subpoena is issued to an unnamed person for his/her correspondences with these people.
    My mistake, it's Nunberg that he has asked for all documents. He has previously requested docs from people on that list. It looks like Nunberg is going the Manafort route and refusing to cooperate. Nunberg doesn't look like the type of guy who will make many friends in lock up with his big mouth.

    Mueller will use Nunberg to get to Roger Stone.
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    How can anyone say that this administration and specifically Trump is not negligent in protecting the American voting process from Russian interference?

    He has been taking it in the ass from Putin and still does nothing despite incontrovertible evidence that the U.S. is under attack. What the hell is he waiting for?

    The Republican Congress sits on their asses, does nothing, and protects the Putin loyalist within our government.
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    BearNIt said:

    How can anyone say that this administration and specifically Trump is not negligent in protecting the American voting process from Russian interference?

    He has been taking it in the ass from Putin and still does nothing despite incontrovertible evidence that the U.S. is under attack. What the hell is he waiting for?

    The Republican Congress sits on their asses and does nothing and protects the Putin loyalist within our government.
    Because it's all Obama's fault and because there is nothing to see here, the real criminal is Hillary and all legitimate investigation should be into her email and Benghazi. Evidence of Trump treason and money laundering is all just a coup of the Deep State and witch hunt by the Liberal media. Why can't you people see how obvious this all is!!!!
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    blungld said:

    BearNIt said:

    How can anyone say that this administration and specifically Trump is not negligent in protecting the American voting process from Russian interference?

    He has been taking it in the ass from Putin and still does nothing despite incontrovertible evidence that the U.S. is under attack. What the hell is he waiting for?

    The Republican Congress sits on their asses and does nothing and protects the Putin loyalist within our government.
    Because it's all Obama's fault and because there is nothing to see here, the real criminal is Hillary and all legitimate investigation should be into her email and Benghazi. Evidence of Trump treason and money laundering is all just a coup of the Deep State and witch hunt by the Liberal media. Why can't you people see how obvious this all is!!!!
    I stand corrected. You have convinced me of the innocence of the Russians, Trump, Jared, Ivanka, Trump Jr., Flynn, Manafort, Gates, and Papadopoulos. The only thing left is how do we rid ourselves of this Deep State, the Liberal media, and the jack booted government thugs that serve Mueller.
    Another Bear
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    State Dept. Was Granted $120 Million to Fight Russian Meddling. It Has Spent $0.
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    tRump stiffing his own attorney for the hush money his attorney fronted to he porn Star is hysterical. Being crooked is so deeply imbedded in tRump's DNA that he will even act against his own self interest.

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    The Sam Nunberg media blitz yesterday was quite entertaining. That guy is in a bad place. All that obstinate refusal to cooperate yesterday and then this morning he says he'll cooperate. Team Trump is really cracking up - except for the dead enders on this site.
    "The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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    Is there really a person on the board who still thinks this administration is innocent and that it is all fake news? That this is the way government should be run? That this is making America great? And that you support the President?

    Or, more importantly, is there anyone on this board who held those views who can now see how their own beliefs and partisanship were used against them. Things will not get better if those who are manipulated are unable to see and admit when they are manipulated so it doesn't happen again.

    Liberals and Conservatives need to come together and clean up this mess. We can't cling to the propaganda narratives of Libtards, etc. We can't let wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion, and gun control be used to distract from the REAL problem: money in politics. We can't let any politician be beholden to money, lobby, or favor over serving constituents. We need comprehensive campaign, ethics, and election reform and to vote for politicians who see public service as an honor rather than a means to wealth or success in the private sector. The public good and NOT corporate profit needs to drive the system. Republicans and Democrats alike need a huge wake up call.
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    dajo9 said:

    The Sam Nunberg media blitz yesterday was quite entertaining. That guy is in a bad place. All that obstinate refusal to cooperate yesterday and then this morning he says he'll cooperate. Team Trump is really cracking up - except for the dead enders on this site.

    Omarosa, Nunberg, and Roger Stone are such embarrassing clowns, who did they turn down to work for Trump? Roy Moore's braintrust was more impressive.
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    blungld said:

    Or, more importantly, is there anyone on this board who held those views who can now see how their own beliefs and partisanship were used against them. Things will not get better if those who are manipulated are unable to see and admit when they are manipulated so it doesn't happen again.

    People don't like to admit they were wrong and many will never do so. You still have a lot of people who will acknowledge Trump is a disaster but claim "but Hillary" as if their problems with her were with an order of magnitude of Trump's many manifest failings.

    What I think will happen is over time Republicans will deny having ever supported or voted for Trump, similar to what they've done with Bush II. It's like the inverse of the 1982 Big Game where more fans claim to have attended than actually have. People can convince themselves of anything.

    I expect that when Trump meets his downfall Republicans will be very happy with Pence as President and will claim victory. If anything, what we can learn from Trump is that some people are just as happy claiming victory as they are when actually winning.
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    blungld said:

    Is there really a person on the board who still thinks this administration is innocent and that it is all fake news? That this is the way government should be run? That this is making America great? And that you support the President?

    Or, more importantly, is there anyone on this board who held those views who can now see how their own beliefs and partisanship were used against them. Things will not get better if those who are manipulated are unable to see and admit when they are manipulated so it doesn't happen again.

    Liberals and Conservatives need to come together and clean up this mess. We can't cling to the propaganda narratives of Libtards, etc. We can't let wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion, and gun control be used to distract from the REAL problem: money in politics. We can't let any politician be beholden to money, lobby, or favor over serving constituents. We need comprehensive campaign, ethics, and election reform and to vote for politicians who see public service as an honor rather than a means to wealth or success in the private sector. The public good and NOT corporate profit needs to drive the system. Republicans and Democrats alike need a huge wake up call.
    I don't think we will be able to move forward until we see this as a problem of the Republican Party. Both-sideism will just lead to more of the gridlocked same and the eventual end of America as a beacon of freedom. Sure, Republicans and Democrats disagree on policy, but only the Republican Party has moved away from the norms of democracy and instituted corruption across government.

    I am talking about the one-sided bias in their media, the criminalization of politics going back to Newt Gingrich, the extensive gerrymandering, the voter suppression, the denial of an Obama Supreme Court Justice, the acceptance across the GOP of a President who is not defending us from Russia, and finally, the unprecedented levels of corruption in the Trump Administration.

    I don't expect Republicans to agree with my assessment above. I am not asking them to agree with me. I am sure they can find examples of Democrats doing almost everything I have outlined above, the difference being a few one-offs vs. a pervasive and comprehensive strategy. I simply believe America will be saved because Republicans will die off and the next generation(s) will destroy them at the polls until they become a pro-democracy organization again. The kids aren't having it.
    "The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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    I think you're probably right. It's hard to admit you were wrong. I can only hope that there is a private moment, when alone that SOME of these people self-assess. It's not that they need to feel shame or guilt about who they elected, it's seeing that he wasn't who they elected. I would hope that they can come to some terms that their ideology makes them very vulnerable to anger and therefore manipulation. That he was never who he said he was -- and more importantly, who they THOUGHT he was wasn't the solution they needed. They were wrong on both counts: wrong on their judgement of his character and wrong about what they and the country need.

    You can't construct a positive world or create a thriving middle class through policies and belief predicated simply on wanting the OTHERS to lose (the whole wanting to see Liberals cry phenomenon). The tossing of red meat is a game the corporate masters play to get the dogs feeding while they loot the store. Those who voted for Trump need to wise up and lose the taste for red meat or this whole thing will just repeat.

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    dajo9 said:

    blungld said:

    Is there really a person on the board who still thinks this administration is innocent and that it is all fake news? That this is the way government should be run? That this is making America great? And that you support the President?

    Or, more importantly, is there anyone on this board who held those views who can now see how their own beliefs and partisanship were used against them. Things will not get better if those who are manipulated are unable to see and admit when they are manipulated so it doesn't happen again.

    Liberals and Conservatives need to come together and clean up this mess. We can't cling to the propaganda narratives of Libtards, etc. We can't let wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion, and gun control be used to distract from the REAL problem: money in politics. We can't let any politician be beholden to money, lobby, or favor over serving constituents. We need comprehensive campaign, ethics, and election reform and to vote for politicians who see public service as an honor rather than a means to wealth or success in the private sector. The public good and NOT corporate profit needs to drive the system. Republicans and Democrats alike need a huge wake up call.
    I don't think we will be able to move forward until we see this as a problem of the Republican Party. Both-sideism will just lead to more of the gridlocked same and the eventual end of America as a beacon of freedom. Sure, Republicans and Democrats disagree on policy, but only the Republican Party has moved away from the norms of democracy and instituted corruption across government.

    I am talking about the one-sided bias in their media, the criminalization of politics going back to Newt Gingrich, the extensive gerrymandering, the voter suppression, the denial of an Obama Supreme Court Justice, the acceptance across the GOP of a President who is not defending us from Russia, and finally, the unprecedented levels of corruption in the Trump Administration.

    I don't expect Republicans to agree with my assessment above. I am not asking them to agree with me. I am sure they can find examples of Democrats doing almost everything I have outlined above, the difference being a few one-offs vs. a pervasive and comprehensive strategy. I simply believe America will be saved because Republicans will die off and the next generation(s) will destroy them at the polls until they become a pro-democracy organization again. The kids aren't having it.

    Making corruption and cheating a formal strategy is most certainly a Republican practice. It is the worst of our politics and it makes me sick to know that they mostly get away with that it because of their phony veneer of Christianity. Most of these guys have NOTHING in common with true Christian values but they say the word God and check a few boxes "Pro-Life" "Pro-gun" (pretty damn sick that support for guns is a Christian calling card) and that's all that's needed to get the R next to your name and a bunch of votes to continue the cycle of un-Christian policy that widens income inequality and destroys the public good. It's more than toxic or deceptive, it's reprehensible.
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    Putin knows how to take care of an entire family. I would be concerned right now if I was a member of tRump's clown troop. They are little more than loose ends.

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    dajo9 said:

    blungld said:

    Is there really a person on the board who still thinks this administration is innocent and that it is all fake news? That this is the way government should be run? That this is making America great? And that you support the President?

    Or, more importantly, is there anyone on this board who held those views who can now see how their own beliefs and partisanship were used against them. Things will not get better if those who are manipulated are unable to see and admit when they are manipulated so it doesn't happen again.

    Liberals and Conservatives need to come together and clean up this mess. We can't cling to the propaganda narratives of Libtards, etc. We can't let wedge issues like gay marriage, abortion, and gun control be used to distract from the REAL problem: money in politics. We can't let any politician be beholden to money, lobby, or favor over serving constituents. We need comprehensive campaign, ethics, and election reform and to vote for politicians who see public service as an honor rather than a means to wealth or success in the private sector. The public good and NOT corporate profit needs to drive the system. Republicans and Democrats alike need a huge wake up call.
    I don't think we will be able to move forward until we see this as a problem of the Republican Party. Both-sideism will just lead to more of the gridlocked same and the eventual end of America as a beacon of freedom. Sure, Republicans and Democrats disagree on policy, but only the Republican Party has moved away from the norms of democracy and instituted corruption across government.

    I am talking about the one-sided bias in their media, the criminalization of politics going back to Newt Gingrich, the extensive gerrymandering, the voter suppression, the denial of an Obama Supreme Court Justice, the acceptance across the GOP of a President who is not defending us from Russia, and finally, the unprecedented levels of corruption in the Trump Administration.

    I don't expect Republicans to agree with my assessment above. I am not asking them to agree with me. I am sure they can find examples of Democrats doing almost everything I have outlined above, the difference being a few one-offs vs. a pervasive and comprehensive strategy. I simply believe America will be saved because Republicans will die off and the next generation(s) will destroy them at the polls until they become a pro-democracy organization again. The kids aren't having it.
    My opinion on this is that we are seeing the last gasps of Reaganism, taken to its dead-end extreme. The idea Reagan promoted and popularized was that the "government" could not do anything right and that everything should be left to the free market. Decades of policy shift in this direction have left us with a government that literally cannot do anything to help its people, only to cut taxes and services. It has also left us with the first President who has literally no experience in government or public service.

    As you say, the kids aren't having it. They believe the government should have a responsibility to educate (student loan forgiveness), protect (gun control), and maintain the well-being (universal health care) of its citizens. Perhaps Reaganism was a more valid and attractive option following years of very active governments (New Deal through Great Society), and people seeing the unfortunate dead-end of big-government hubris unfold before their eyes (Vietnam). Here's the thing: Millennials don't remember any of that. The next few election cycles will be interesting.
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