Matthew Patel said:
What details are there to be had? My choices are for a conman who uses the power of his presidency to benefit himself and screw the rest of the country or a guy who has lied so many times over the years and presided over a country that favors Wall Street and large banks to the detriment of ordinary citizens and screw the rest of the country.
There are no details. Both these options suck and you all should be embarrassed that these are the two choices that the citizens of this country decided were the two best options to lead it.
Well, I am not sure why I personally should be embarrassed, but I agree that the choices of candidates are terrible. What I am trying to get at is if/how you differentiate between them or if, as your quote above seems to indicate, you don't differentiate, what would you choose, and why. I won't push it after this as it seems maybe you just are not interested in sharing your thought process, but I'll try one more time first.
It seems to me, under the current system (I agree the current system sucks and should be changed so we can choose from among better candidates) you have 4 choices: vote for Trump, vote for Biden, write in another name, don't vote. It seems to me that one of Trump or Biden will be the winner, so that if you choose onr of the other two choices, you are not part of the decision, so if you make one of those choices, why did you choose not to be part of the decision (remember, in this discussion we are talking about if you were a swing state voter to your choice could actually help affect the outcome). If you choose one of the two prinicple candidates, what are the factors that influence your decision?