OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

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Before Federal agents rush the White House to remove him after impeachment tRump will launch against NK and Iran and end civilization.

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bearister said:

Before Federal agents rush the White House to remove him after impeachment tRump will launch against NK and Iran and end civilization.

You're joking and I am guessing that there are already operatives and contingencies in place to limit his military authority...but I think his ego is such that if he felt that he would be humiliated, lose all wealth and power, and that his beloved Ivanka was headed to jail, he would want the whole world to disappear first. He seems to have the same psychology and sociopathology of a mass shooter who wants others to go down with him in a suicide by cop.

Yeah, I think that little of his character and sense of decency.
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Will this be before or after the Nobel?
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Anarchistbear said:

Will this be before or after the Nobel?

Another Bear
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Surprise, surprise... Alt-right web domain names registered to company that paid Cohen

(CNN) At least eight alt-right website domain names were registered to Columbus Nova, the company that paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen, according to internet records reviewed by CNN.

The domains, which include alternate-right.com, alt-rights.com and alternate-rt.com, were created in August 2016 during the presidential campaign season. That same month, CNN and other news outlets reported on the rising profile of the alt-right movement and its white nationalist connections.

Records show an employee, Frederick Intrater, whose brother Andrew Intrater is the CEO of Columbus Nova, used his company email address to register the web domains, and listed Columbus Nova as the registrant organization, along with the company's address.

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Our system of government isn't on trial, our economic system is. Capitalism thrives on chaos and destruction- the financial meltdown of 2008 is the prime example. Out of the ashes came an inconsequential President promising "hope and change" Trump is not an aberration but an extension of that chaos and insecurity

Here is what one philosopher wrote in 1848

"Capitalism has subjected the country to the rule of the towns. It has created enormous cities. Capitalism has agglomerated population, centralised means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands.

Capitalism has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous 'cash.

Capitalism cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the means of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the capitalist epoch from all earlier ones. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed.

In place of the old wants, satisfied by the productions of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes."

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Anarchistbear said:

Our system of government isn't on trial, our economic system is. Capitalism thrives on chaos and destruction- the financial meltdown of 2008 is the prime example. Out of the ashes came an inconsequential President promising "hope and change" Trump is not an aberration but an extension of that chaos and insecurity

Here is what one philosopher wrote in 1848

"Capitalism has subjected the country to the rule of the towns. It has created enormous cities. Capitalism has agglomerated population, centralised means of production, and has concentrated property in a few hands.

Capitalism has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous 'cash.

Capitalism cannot exist without constantly revolutionising the instruments of production, and thereby the means of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the capitalist epoch from all earlier ones. All old-established national industries have been destroyed or are daily being destroyed.

In place of the old wants, satisfied by the productions of the country, we find new wants, requiring for their satisfaction the products of distant lands and climes."

Liberalism is designed to be the moderating influence, keeping the innovative goodness of capitalism but moderating the harshness. That is the post WWII order established by FDR and the other western democracies.

In general terms, communism was created as a response to laissez-faire conservatism, fascism was created fundamentally to stop the spread of communism, and liberalism was created to stop the spread of fascism.

It was working well until about 1980 when average folks had it good for a couple generations, did not know the harshness of laissez-faire conservatism and started voting for it again. So the cycle continues. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Liberalism wasn't just an alternative. It was created out of fear- there were two competing systems and the capitalist one had to survive. One has to understand that there was a thriving socialist movement in the US. Accordingly both parties agreed that return on labor had to be rewarded as a bulwark against socialism-.strong unions, social services, etc. In the 1980's return on capital and globalization became the guiding light of both parties vs return on labor ( not coincidentally with the fall of the Soviet Union) - and we have the current wreckage. It doesn't have much to do with "average folks"- in fact, that's the issue.
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Anarchistbear said:

Liberalism wasn't just an alternative. It was created out of fear- there were two competing systems and the capitalist one had to survive. One has to understand that there was a thriving socialist movement in the US. Accordingly both parties agreed that return on labor had to be rewarded as a bulwark against socialism-.strong unions, social services, etc. In the 1980's return on capital and globalization became the guiding light of the voters, wittingly or unwittingly
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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If you're going to change my quotes at least try and not make them moronic
Another Bear
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Bill M can be hit or miss, and can rub many the wrong way, but that is pretty spot on.

I don't know that I will ever be able to make sense of "why this guy" as it relates to Trump.

I would have thought that a smug, unctuous, holier-than-thou would be the white savior that this base would line up behind...how the heck do they square their alleged personal values with the things this man did and continues to do? It's cognitive dissonance and tribalism at levels I thought simply were not possible in America. They literally adopt any position he tweets and have no issue with the attacks on justice and checks & balance: anything that makes a Liberal upset must be good. It's a mob mentality of Nazi (and I do not throw that word lightly) proportions. I believe that many of his followers could be brought on board programs of violence against dissent. I think we are already there with a not so insignificant number.

There are so many examples but look at this insanity: boo a black athlete as unpatriotic for kneeling during the anthem, but take no issue with disparaging and mocking an American war hero who once was the Republican nominee for President. It's freaking insane. These people are completely lost to propaganda and can not think for themselves.

Nunes and every member of Congress that abandoned their oath and who instead works in service of a cover up and protection of the White House needs to end up in jail. There has to be a high high price for this kind of treason to prevent its reoccurrence.

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Next time one of your buddies says, "There is no evidence of any collusion," lay this summary on them and say, "Only enough evidence to get every judge in the land to issue a warrant."

"One thing is true of all major political scandals: What we know in the moment is but a tiny, obscured, partial view of the full story later revealed by investigators.

That's what makes the Trump-Russia drama all the more remarkable.
Forget all we don't know. The known facts that even Trump's closest friends don't deny tell a damning tale that would sink most leaders.

Here's a guide that Jim VandeHei and I put together to the known knowns of Russia:

We know Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chair, has been indicted on 32 counts, includingconspiracy and money laundering. We know he made millions off shady Russians and changed the Republican platform to the benefit of Russia.

We know that the U.S. intelligence community concluded, in a report released in January 2017, that Russian President Vladimir Putin "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election," to "denigrate" Hillary Clinton and with "a clear preference for ... Trump."

We know that in May 2016, Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat Russia had political dirt on Hillary. "About three weeks earlier," according to the N.Y. Times, "Papadopoulos had been told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton."

We know that in June 2016, Trump's closest aides and family members met at Trump Tower with a shady group or Russians who claimed to have dirt on Hillary. The meeting was billed as"part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

We know the Russian lawyer who helped set it up concealedher close ties to Putin government.

We know that in July 2016, Trump said: ""Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Hillary] emails that are missing," and urged their publication.

We know that on Air Force One a year later, Trump helped his son, Don Jr., prepare a misleading statement about the meeting. We know top aides freaked out about this.

We know Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting.

We know Michael Flynn, former national security adviser and close campaign aide, lied to Vice President Pence and FBI about his Russia-related chats. We know he's now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller. We know Trump initially tried to protect Flynn with loyalty and fervency rarely shown by Trump to others.

We know that during the transition, Jared Kushner spoke with the Russian ambassador "about establishing a secret communications channel between the Trump transition team and Moscow." We know Kushner omitted previous contacts with Russians on his disclosure forms.

We know Trump initially liedabout why he fired James Comey, later admitting he was canned because of the "Russia thing."

We know Michael Cohen was a close adviser and lawyer, the fixer and secret-keeper. We know Trump seethed when the FBI raided Cohen's office.

We know that in January 2016, just before Republicans began voting, Michael Cohen tried to restart a Trump Tower project in Moscow.

We know Mueller questioned a Russian oligarch who made payments to Cohen who used the money to pay off a porn star who allegedly had an affair with Trump.
We know that oligarch was a bad enough dude that the Trump administration sanctioned him.

Be smart: The undisputed known knowns about Trump, Russia and his associates are damning and possibly actionable. But the known unknowns of how much more Robert Mueller knows that is publicly unknown is what spooks Trump allies most.

Remember: No one in the media saw Mueller's indictments of Russian oligarchs coming until the second they were announced, and no one knew until this week that Mueller's team questioned AT&T five months ago about its payments to Cohen.

Mueller has every incentiveto keep the public and Trump himself in suspense. " Axios
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bearister said:

Next time one of your buddies says, "There is no evidence of any collusion," lay this summary on them and say, "Only enough evidence to get every judge in the land to issue a warrant."

"One thing is true of all major political scandals: What we know in the moment is but a tiny, obscured, partial view of the full story later revealed by investigators.

That's what makes the Trump-Russia drama all the more remarkable.
Forget all we don't know. The known facts that even Trump's closest friends don't deny tell a damning tale that would sink most leaders.

Here's a guide that Jim VandeHei and I put together to the known knowns of Russia:

We know Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chair, has been indicted on 32 counts, includingconspiracy and money laundering. We know he made millions off shady Russians and changed the Republican platform to the benefit of Russia.

We know that the U.S. intelligence community concluded, in a report released in January 2017, that Russian President Vladimir Putin "ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election," to "denigrate" Hillary Clinton and with "a clear preference for ... Trump."

We know that in May 2016, Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat Russia had political dirt on Hillary. "About three weeks earlier," according to the N.Y. Times, "Papadopoulos had been told that Moscow had thousands of emails that would embarrass Mrs. Clinton."

We know that in June 2016, Trump's closest aides and family members met at Trump Tower with a shady group or Russians who claimed to have dirt on Hillary. The meeting was billed as"part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump."

We know the Russian lawyer who helped set it up concealedher close ties to Putin government.

We know that in July 2016, Trump said: ""Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Hillary] emails that are missing," and urged their publication.

We know that on Air Force One a year later, Trump helped his son, Don Jr., prepare a misleading statement about the meeting. We know top aides freaked out about this.

We know Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting.

We know Michael Flynn, former national security adviser and close campaign aide, lied to Vice President Pence and FBI about his Russia-related chats. We know he's now cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller. We know Trump initially tried to protect Flynn with loyalty and fervency rarely shown by Trump to others.

We know that during the transition, Jared Kushner spoke with the Russian ambassador "about establishing a secret communications channel between the Trump transition team and Moscow." We know Kushner omitted previous contacts with Russians on his disclosure forms.

We know Trump initially liedabout why he fired James Comey, later admitting he was canned because of the "Russia thing."

We know Michael Cohen was a close adviser and lawyer, the fixer and secret-keeper. We know Trump seethed when the FBI raided Cohen's office.

We know that in January 2016, just before Republicans began voting, Michael Cohen tried to restart a Trump Tower project in Moscow.

We know Mueller questioned a Russian oligarch who made payments to Cohen who used the money to pay off a porn star who allegedly had an affair with Trump.
We know that oligarch was a bad enough dude that the Trump administration sanctioned him.

Be smart: The undisputed known knowns about Trump, Russia and his associates are damning and possibly actionable. But the known unknowns of how much more Robert Mueller knows that is publicly unknown is what spooks Trump allies most.

Remember: No one in the media saw Mueller's indictments of Russian oligarchs coming until the second they were announced, and no one knew until this week that Mueller's team questioned AT&T five months ago about its payments to Cohen.

Mueller has every incentiveto keep the public and Trump himself in suspense. " Axios

Just a few more off the top of my head.

Trump sold a white elephant McMansion in South Florida to a Russian Oligarch for double what he'd paid for it not long before, and the figures are very high, like $25,000,000 and $50,000,000, FOR A HOUSE (that, IIRC, no one has ever used, except for trading money); and that Oligarch's private jet was seen more than once alongside Trump's private jet in the equally out-of-the-way airports where Trump appeared during the campaignedlf

At a certain point, Trump abandoned his highly bragged-about "built on mountains of debt" strategy, and started buying properties, especially in Europe (e.g., golf courses, other big properties), for multiples of what they were valued at, WITH ALL CASH.

An obscure bank in Cyprus, notorious for laundering Russian criminal money: (a) is majority owned by a Russian Oligarch (Vekselberg), with at least one other Oligarch, (b) had the current American Secretary of Commerce (Wilbur Ross) on its Board of Directors, and (c) other connections to Trump that I can't remember; and Vekselberg (and other Oligarchs) contributed into seven figures to Trump's campaign and inauguration.

Trump's inauguration (which was half the size of Obama's) received twice as much money (i.e., ca. $100,000,000, compared with ca. $50,000,000); and $25,000,000 of that went to a start-up owned by a close friend of Melanie's (and it is not clear what it went for).

My name-sake married into a Ukarinian family with some ties to organized crime, with whom he was associated trying to do business in Russia. His personal injury practice is reputed to have involved Russian criminals in classic insurance fraud scams with manufactured accidents, and on-board doctors and re-hab facilities that ran up the medical costs substantially (if not more) greater than medically justiified.

Name-sake flipped three 4-5 story buildings in New York City, again about a year after he bought them, for again about twice as much as he bought them for.

There's a lot more,
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Ukrainian politician behind controversial "peace" proposal to appear in Mueller probe

KIEV, Ukraine A Ukrainian politician who communicated with Trump associates about a controversial plan to resolve Ukraine's conflict with Kremlin-backed rebels said Monday that he has been called to testify before a grand jury connected to special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Andrii Artemenko said he could not provide details of his upcoming appearance before the grand jury, which he said is scheduled for Friday. But he said he assumed he would be asked about the peace plan, about which he communicated with Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's longtime personal attorney, in early 2017.

"I received the subpoena last week," Artemenko told POLITICO by telephone, adding that he intended to comply with the request. He said he would appear in person.
A spokesman for Mueller declined to comment.

The Artemenko case is one of the more unusual developments in the investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. The New York Times reported in February 2017 that Artemenko had contacted Felix Sater, a former business associate of Trump's, to find out how he could make his plan for peace in Ukraine known to the Trump administration. Sater introduced Artemenko to Cohen, who left the plan in the office of then-national security adviser Michael Flynn, the Times reported. (Cohen has denied that, saying he threw the document away.)
Some are calling this is big scoop...and the "peace plan" was really a back channel.
B.A. Bearacus
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Let's remember the kind of man we have here in Robert Mueller.

The Untold Story of Robert Mueller's Time in Combat (Wired)

[Following excerpts from the piece compiled by @vermontgmg]

1) Mueller volunteered to go to Vietnam, inspired by Princeton classmate David Hackett, who joined the Marines and later died in combat. Mueller even spent a year recuperating from a knee injury so he join the Marines.

2) Mueller was profoundly shaped by his year in Vietnam combat seeing every day since as a blessing. The Marines and Vietnam instilled in Mueller a sense of discipline and a relentlessness that have driven him ever since.

3) Mueller told me: "I've always made my bed and I've always shaved, even in Vietnam in the jungle. You've put money in the bank in terms of discipline."

4) As Mueller prepared to deploy and take command of a platoon, he recalls being afraid. "You were scared to death of the unknown," he says. "More afraid in some ways of failure than death, more afraid of being found wanting."

5) Mueller went into some of the worst combat of Vietnam, units where the casualty rate was effectively 100%. Fighting along the DMZ, he faced exclusively the North Vietnamese Army, not the Viet Cong. "I don't think I ever saw a Viet Cong," he told me.

6) His unit was initially wary of him. "Word was out real fast Ivy League guy from an affluent family. That set off alarms. The affluent guys didn't go to Vietnam then and they certainly didn't end up in a rifle platoon," says one of his Marines.

7) "[Mueller] wanted to know as much as he could as fast as he could about the terrain, what we did, the ambushes, everything," recalls Marine VJ Maranto. "He was all about the mission, the mission, the mission."

8) Mueller's unit was described in Marine records as "nomadic." "You'd march all day, then you'd dig a foxhole and spend all night alternating going on watch," says a Hotel Company veteran. "We were always tired, always hungry, always thirsty."

9) Mueller's biggest day in combat was December 11, 1968, the battle of Mutter's Ridge. "There were wounded people everywhere," a Marine recalls. "We assaulted right out across the top of the ridge."

10) "[Mueller had] been in-country less than a month most of us had been in-country six, eight months," Maranto says. "He had remarkable composure, directing fire. It was sheer terror. They had RPGs, machine gun, mortars."

11) "That day was the second heaviest fire I received in Vietnam," a Marine recalled. "Lieutenant Mueller was directing traffic, positioning people and calling in air strikes. He was standing upright, moving. He probably saved our hide."

12) "The minute the **** hit the fan, [Mueller] was there," a Marine told me. "He performed remarkably. After that night, there were a lot of guys who would've walked through walls for him."

13) Until today, we've never known the name of the mortally wounded Marine Bob Mueller rescued at that battle of Mutter's Ridge. His name: John Liverman, of Silver Spring, MD. http://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/30912/

14) I tracked down the other wounded Marine Mueller rescued that day. "Hold on," he recalled Mueller shouting at him after he was shot, "We're coming down to get you."

15) Then, in April, Mueller himself was shot by an AK-47. "Seriously wounded during the firefight, he resolutely maintained his position and, ably directing the fire of his platoon, was instrumental in defeating the [enemy]," his commendation said.

16) One his former Marine comrades says he knows Mueller isn't sweating the pressure today. "I watch people on the news talking about the distractions getting to him," the former Vietnam vet with Mueller says. "I don't think so."
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What a fabulous story. And to think, because of the culture war, Fox News, and white man fear of minorities and immigrants, 40 % of our Country thinks Mueller is a dishonest political hack and agent of the Deep State, and they take the side of a wh@remongering coward, pathological liar and business cheater.
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Whose house are we meeting at tomorrow to celebrate the one year anniversary of this thread?

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B.A. Bearacus
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Here's a batshiit crazy Fox panelist trying to argue that the real reason for Don Jr's meeting was to get dirt that could be used by Hillary against Trump. Fox panelist with some semblance of a brain is like, well, maybe there's another reason.

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You don't have to talk to people very long before you figure out they watch Fox News. The limited number of Talking Points are repeated so many times that the audience is able to easily memorize and regurgitate them. What I find interesting is how many of these casualties of propaganda I really get along with and enjoy as long as we don't discuss US or world political events.
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Robert Mueller's Most Important Accomplishment


The special counsel's Russia investigation has a lot to show for its 12 months of work, but one feat stands out.

Though he's been one of the dominant figures in American politics for the last year, Mueller doesn't give interviews, hold press conferences, or make speeches. Avid followers of the Russia investigation's twists and turns may have noticed that news outlets keep using the same photos of him over and over again. That's because he hasn't been seen in public since last June, save for an eagle-eyed Twitter user who spotted him at a downtown D.C. crosswalk in March. This relatively blank slate allows Americans to project their own beliefs and biases onto the former FBI director.

Gotta like this man's style. Low profile, few words...carries a really big fuuckin stick, defending democracy. This is a good read.

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The story du jour:

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Mueller must have seen Nixon Tattoo Boy shooting off his mouth on The Circus Sunday night. Roger seemed stoned to me during that Circus interview.
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bearister said:

Mueller must have seen Nixon Tattoo Boy shooting off his mouth on The Circus Sunday night. Roger seemed stoned to me during that Circus interview.

Stone got a free meal at Legacy Records out of it. He ain't all that dumb.
B.A. Bearacus
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Rex Tillerson, former Exxon CEO and first Secretary of State for President Trump, didn't mention Trump by name while addressing graduating cadets at Virginia Military Institute yesterday, but he didn't have to:

"If we do not as Americans confront the crisis of ethics and integrity in our society and among our leaders in both the public and private sector and regrettably at times even the nonprofit sector then American democracy as we know it is entering its twilight years."

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."

Tillerson added that "America's future [should] be fact-based not based on wishful thinking, not hoped-for outcomes made in shallow promises."

N.Y. Times Quote of the Day ... Tillerson: "When we as people, a free people, go wobbly on the truth even on what may seem the most trivial matters, we go wobbly on America." Axios
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golden sloth
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bearister said:

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."
Says the guy who helped make climate change deniers a thing.
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Long but interesting read from Seth Abramson: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/996775709967355904.html
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bearister said:

Whose house are we meeting at tomorrow to celebrate the one year anniversary of this thread?

The Bastille!
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golden sloth said:

bearister said:

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."
Says the guy who helped make climate change deniers a thing.
Oh, this will be the path that every single current Trump worker takes.
Enthusiasts, supporters, apologists, then finger pointers from the other side of the fence, they will try to blend in and mix with the rest of society, like German concentration camp guards did.
Voters should simply have to go around with a scarlet letter: S for stupid! "I was stupid."
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5 years from now every Republican Trump enabler will be boasting about the one or two anti-Trump comments they made and pretending all the enabling didn't exist. That will be true of commenters on this site as well.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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golden sloth said:

bearister said:

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."
Says the guy who helped make climate change deniers a thing.
I guess he suddenly found his balls.
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Donald J. tRump: "I did not collude. There was no collusion. I was not colluding. They lie when they say I colluded. They erroneously claim tRump colludes. There was never any colludetivity. There was no colludeness or colludeocity. Furthermore, I did not obstruct. They falsely claim I obstructed. There was never any obstruction or obstructing. They lie when they say tRump obstructs. At no time was there any obstructiveness or obstructivity. And finally, categorically no obstructosity!"

This is pure and simple a witch hunt. Nothing less than a fishing expedition. It's a Spanish Inquisition. A persecution. A wild goose chase. It's a treasure hunt and an Easter egg hunt combined!"
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