GB54;842840291 said:
Democrats need to connect more with working class witches
They tried.

GB54;842840291 said:
Democrats need to connect more with working class witches
Cal88;842841187 said:
They tried.
Cal88;842841184 said:
I'm not an apologist for Trump
sycasey;842841207 said:
. . . he says while posting the longest Trump apologia in this thread.
Sure you're not.
BearNIt;842841170 said:
The only way Trump survives this is if republicans ignore the findings, bury their heads, and vote en bloc, which would be political suicide. Every day there is a new revelation which confirms Trump's inability or incompetence is govern as POTUS.
oski003;842841213 said:
I'm still waiting for these "findings." They may or may not exist. Many feel that the existence of an investigation at all is proof of guilt.
oski003;842841213 said:
I'm still waiting for these "findings." They may or may not exist. Many feel that the existence of an investigation at all is proof of guilt.
sycasey;842841207 said:
. . . he says while posting the longest Trump apologia in this thread.
Sure you're not.
Cal88;842841184 said:
You're holding Trump accountable for Deutsche Bank financial wrongdoings because he happened to deal with that bank, a giant financial group with $2 trillion in assets? That would be like saying a big client of Wells Fargo is guilty by association for their fake account scandal.
Your interpretation of Trump vs "Science" is equally misguided.
Unit2Sucks;842841221 said:
I'm still waiting for a meaningful factual conflict between Trump and the media/leakers/unnamed sources/any other human outside of Trump's orbit (take your pick) to be resolved in favor of Trump. How many times does he have to con you before you acknowledge he has zero credibility? Lately we don't even need third parties to do the work because Trump comes right out and confirms facts that he and/or his enablers previously characterized as fake news. Alternative facts indeed.
As I mentioned in my missive above, I feel pretty comfortable that the reports about the Comey memos, the summary of the Russia oval office meeting and the requests Trump made to Coats/Rogers will all be confirmed by Mueller and that likely some of that information will be provided directly to the public. If you would like to go on record saying that you don't believe any of those things to be true, please feel free to do so. Happy to come back and revisit after the conclusion of the investigation.
oski003;842841213 said:
I'm still waiting for these "findings." They may or may not exist. Many feel that the existence of an investigation at all is proof of guilt.
BearChemist;842841225 said:
Please give me one example of well respected scientist leading EPA or DoE? I though Trump being anti-science is a fact.
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.
“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data."
Koonin, who served under Obama from 2009 to 2011, went on to lament the politicization of science suggested that the ethos should be to “tell it like it is. You’re a scientist and it is your responsibility to put the facts on the table.”
Cal88;842841244 said:
Trump replaced social anthropologist/policy planner Gina McCarthy at the head of the EPA with lawyer Scott Pruitt.
Rick Perry as head of the DoE is a lightweight, granted, but you have Tillerson (UT Civil Engineer and Exxon CEO) way up in his administration.
This being said, the concept of being pro or anti-science is a reductive, politically biased notion.
Cal88;842841223 said:
-has avoided military escalation in Syria, so far at least (knock on wood)
-Tillerson is a good SoS, not an ideological neocon
Minus column:
-detente with Russia/disengagement in the ME and EE/[U]Peace dividend[/U] not quite implemented, though the insane domestic political turmoil around this issue is partially to blame
Unit2Sucks;842841247 said:
Call88 - bonus points for misdirection. If you're not a Trump apologist, I can't wait til an apologist comes along.
No one claimed there were no STEM majors in Trump's administration, even "way up". You give Trump credit for Tillerson's undergrad degree but don't acknowledge McCarthy has an MS in engineering. I'm not sure how Tillerson's undergrad degree shows any commitment to science but I do think the fact that the Trump administration is suppressing the display of climate change science on the EPA website, etc. is telling. Pruitt was not appointed to the EPA in order to ensure that the EPA is science-driven. And let's not forget that Trump claimed the concept of global warming was created by and for (his good friends) the Chinese to make US manufacturing less competitive which is both non-sensical and unsupported.
Now let's talk about the Department of Energy. The last 3 heads of the DoE were PhDs from Cal, Furd, MIT (one a nobel prize winner from Cal - Go Bears!). According to Trump, Rick Perry started wearing glasses to appear smart. And I can't talk about Rick Perry's intelligence without reminding everyone he got a D in Meats.
So I think it's fair to question Trump's hostility to science and your defense is not credible.
Unit2Sucks;842841272 said:
As for McCarthy's degree, you are splitting hairs and of course have no defense for Pruitt or Perry. I haven't seen McCarthy's transcript so I don't know whether the one year degree curriculum you cited is similar to the degree she received 36 years ago. For all I know she got a D in Meats like Perry. Maybe you can use that line for your next misinformation campaign.
There is zero evidence to support the fact that Trump's agenda is science driven. Let's be honest there is very little evidence to support that Trump even has a policy agenda let alone would understand what drives it. What is clear is that he has done very little to show any indication of a faith in science and has done plenty to show the opposite.
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama's administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.
"What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I'd say, misleading, sometimes just wrong," Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data."
Koonin, who served under Obama from 2009 to 2011, went on to lament the politicization of science suggested that the ethos should be to "tell it like it is. You're a scientist and it is your responsibility to put the facts on the table."
dajo9;842841263 said:
Did you receive Russia's Order of Friendship like Tillerson Did? If not, you need a better agent.
sycasey;842841287 said:
Honestly, at this point I don't think Cal88 is any kind of Russian agent. I think he's just reflexively anti-establishment. As in, whatever the established common opinion is, he reflexively wants to be against it.
Taking this attitude to its unfortunate extreme leads to some nutty conspiracy theories, and also the very attitude that helped elect Trump: "Everything in Washington sucks, so let's try this guy who really knows nothing about governing!"
I suspect we have largely reached the end of this kind of thinking, and the constant scandal and incompetence of the Trump Era will create a backlash in a voting public that starts to see more value experience and expertise.
sycasey;842841287 said:
Honestly, at this point I don't think Cal88 is any kind of Russian agent. I think he's just reflexively anti-establishment. As in, whatever the established common opinion is, he reflexively wants to be against it.
Taking this attitude to its unfortunate extreme leads to some nutty conspiracy theories, and also the very attitude that helped elect Trump: "Everything in Washington sucks, so let's try this guy who really knows nothing about governing!"
I suspect we have largely reached the end of this kind of thinking, and the constant scandal and incompetence of the Trump Era will create a backlash in a voting public that starts to see more value experience and expertise.
Unit2Sucks;842841329 said:
Oh please climate change denier darling Steve Noonin? Never heard of him so had to look him up. Couldn't find a quote from Joe Bastardi to squeeze in? You guys will lap up anything anyone says that supports your preordained position so like moths to a flame you now think Steve Noonin is the ultimate arbiter but if he were on the other side you would criticize him as a theoretical physicist who is out of his element. Even if what he says is true and that there were some misstatements or even outright fabrication, it doesn't negate the point that scientific consensus is that climate change is real and problematic. The new administration prefers to stick its head in the sand and shout lalala and you seem all too happy to go along with it.
I would appreciate it if you deniers would just be honest and say you don't care what happens to the planet but want to maximize your income/wealth in the short term. At least that would be an honestly held position that people could debate.
Climate change denial is just another gift from the baby boomers (who will go down in history as the "Worst Generation") like our $20T in government debt accrued in order to fatten their retirement accounts and social security benefits while guaranteeing the music will stop playing once their generation has moved on. By the way that is not a knock on individual boomers, but the aggregate impact is undeniable.
dajo9;842841327 said:
I don't think he's a formal Russian agent. I just don't think he supports America and he is wittingly or unwittingly on board spreading propaganda that originates in Russia because he wants to see America withdraw from the world stage.
Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government)
China 1949 to early 1960s
Albania 1949-53
East Germany 1950s
Iran 1953 *
Guatemala 1954 *
Costa Rica mid-1950s
Syria 1956-7
Egypt 1957
Indonesia 1957-8
British Guiana 1953-64 *
Iraq 1963 *
North Vietnam 1945-73
Cambodia 1955-70 *
Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 *
Ecuador 1960-63 *
Congo 1960 *
France 1965
Brazil 1962-64 *
Dominican Republic 1963 *
Cuba 1959 to present
Bolivia 1964 *
Indonesia 1965 *
Ghana 1966 *
Chile 1964-73 *
Greece 1967 *
Costa Rica 1970-71
Bolivia 1971 *
Australia 1973-75 *
Angola 1975, 1980s
Zaire 1975
Portugal 1974-76 *
Jamaica 1976-80 *
Seychelles 1979-81
Chad 1981-82 *
Grenada 1983 *
South Yemen 1982-84
Suriname 1982-84
Fiji 1987 *
Libya 1980s
Nicaragua 1981-90 *
Panama 1989 *
Bulgaria 1990 *
Albania 1991 *
Iraq 1991
Afghanistan 1980s *
Somalia 1993
Yugoslavia 1999-2000 *
Ecuador 2000 *
Afghanistan 2001 *
Venezuela 2002 *
Iraq 2003 *
Haiti 2004 *
Somalia 2007 to present
Honduras 2009
Libya 2011 *
Syria 2012
Ukraine 2014 *
dajo9;842841327 said:
I don't think he's a formal Russian agent. I just don't think he supports America and he is wittingly or unwittingly on board spreading propaganda that originates in Russia because he wants to see America withdraw from the world stage.
Cal88;842841335 said:
The choice in the last elections was between a seasoned yet deeply unethical politician who has had a lot of experience implementing bad policies, and a flawed outsider. So is this perspective really "reflexively anti-establishment"? Does this world view really amount to belief in "nutty conspiracy theories"?
Unit2Sucks;842841329 said:
Climate change denial is just another gift from the baby boomers (who will go down in history as the "Worst Generation")
BearNIt;842841349 said:
Is it incompetence or stupidity?
Unit2Sucks;842841385 said:
I don't believe those are mutually exclusive. Trump has no impulse control, isn't that smart and has exceedingly poor judgment. None of this should surprise anyone and in many ways these are the very same qualities that made him so attractive to his base. There was an article in politico about it recently with some great examples but he's creating new examples on a weekly (if not daily) basis.
I mentioned this quite a bit before the election, but I never had any doubt that Trump would divulge classified information publicly. I didn't know to what extent and how early and often he would do so, but I'm not surprised by anything he's disclosed. I predict at some point he will tweet classified information. Of course his sorrynotsorry defenders will point out that he can declassify any information he chooses, but that isn't what's going on. With all the tough talk about withholding classified information from Clinton (I think Paul Ryan suggested this), Trump is by far the biggest disclosure risk we've ever had. And this isn't some theoretical risk - it is readily apparent that Trump will continue to do so as long as he is in possession of classified information.
Cal88;842841351 said:
Right, because if you are not in favor of the US policy overthrowing democratically elected regimes, [URL=""][U]like the Clinton-led overthrow of the Honduras Zelaya government[/U][/URL], you're a Russian propagandist.
GB54;842841237 said:
Repealing Obamacare otoh would be a political disaster for the Republicans.