OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

566,870 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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BearNIt said:

Looks like the jury in the Manafort trial has come to an agreement on all but one of the charges against Manafort. The judge has given the jury instructions to deliberate on the remaining count. The first nail in the Trump coffin could be placed shortly.

As if it couldn't get worse for the Cheeto in Chief, Michael Cohen has a hearing scheduled today that could indicate a plea deal with investigators.

It also appears that the Flynn sentencing hearing has been delayed yet again which could mean that Flynn is providing further information to investigators.

Mueller just goes about the work of obtaining information, witness statements, and documents from anybody who can confirm what he already knows

I'm worried about this case, which I haven't been following that closely except for what's presented on maddow.

I read a Washington Post story about how the judge was weirdly biased against the prosecution.

Another Bear
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^^^ Concur...Manafort is likely thinking W.T.F. right now. Manafort should have taken a deal.

It seems what held up the plea deal was time in the pen. Cohen wanted 3 years, the Feds wanted 50 months. Guess who got what they wanted?

4 years, 2 months isn't bad consider the crimes involved. Wonder what the formal charges are.
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Interesting that Cohen would have to plea on payoffs to Trump's lady friends. This is a pretty big power move by Mueller (and possibly Cohen) to get under Trump's skin. I gotta believe they have Cohen on far worse things but they chose to have his plea be about this stuff in order to drive Trump (even more) bonkers.
golden sloth
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Unit2Sucks said:

Interesting that Cohen would have to plea on payoffs to Trump's lady friends. This is a pretty big power move by Mueller (and possibly Cohen) to get under Trump's skin. I gotta believe they have Cohen on far worse things but they chose to have his plea be about this stuff in order to drive Trump (even more) bonkers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Cohen's plea deal apart of crimes Mueller referred but is not in charge of? Isn't this really the DA at the Southern District of New York's Federal Court's plea deal and not Mueller's?
Another Bear
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I'm not 100% sure but I believe one count might be related: campaign finance violations, or paying off Stormy Daniels. So if this is the case, it should drive Trump further into insanity.
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prospeCt said:

OT BI's got *****-***** reality surrounded . . . ,

Not too often I see postings about Nina and A Camp. She is one of my all time favorites and first A Camp album is something I listen to all the time. Saw her a few times in NYC. Good call!
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You are right this is not Mueller's case nor is there a cooperative agreement. Still, not trivial though some first time drug dealer would have gotten a worse plea than this s$itbag.
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Manafort goes down. This can't be a good day for Trump. Manafort has been convicted of filing false tax returns. Don't understand the lack of convictions on failing to disclose foreign bank accounts and and bank fraud. It seems like he either reported them or he didn't. On the bank fraud charges, he either committed fraud or he didn't. It would seem like the loan docs would either support a bank fraud conviction or not. Wonder if the Judge's comments throughout the trial made it difficult for the jury to agree on convictions for all 18 counts?
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concordtom said:

Another Bear said:

It's going to be interesting how Ellis sentences Manafort given Ellis' weird behavior. Or does he throw the book, 305 years...or just 270? Or does he simply give him essentially life, Manafort pushing 70, with 30 years+.
Does anyone think Manafort is going to spend much time in jail at all?
Trump will pardon him universally on the last day of his presidency as a Thank You for not speaking a word. I'm sure that offer has already been made to all. What the hell kind of defense did Manafort provide? NONE!

I heard a hope is that the jury simply gets hung or confused. Looks to me like it's working if they could not reach consensus on at least one charge. Victory: bad guys.

Maybe Manafort will be found guilty and sentenced to 30 years with no chance of parole, and then Trump does that Header I keep speaking of before he can issue his pardon. Hmmm. I guess Pence would ride in to the rescue. The P in GOP must stand for Pardon.
You should at least begin to question your tendency towards negativity.

Re the case Manafort put on: If not standard, it is not far from it for defendants to make their case about reasonable doubt alone; and, from at least the little that I understand, they gave it the old college try, and had enough belief in their possibility of prevailing that this could explain Manafort holding out for so long, because, if he could get acquitted on reasonable doubt, that would be a huge victory for the bad guys.

In any case, we all have to keep in mind that Manafort has the right to appeal, and that could drag finality out for some more years. Indeed, especially if the Republicans can get their new Supreme Court guy approved, that could well mean ultimate acquittal by the Supreme Court.
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Trump will spin this as a good thing for him. Manafort was ONLY guilty on 8 out of 18 counts. Trump won an election with a smaller percentage of the popular vote! #winning
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It appears I was paranoid figuring jury intimidation and nullification would result in a hung jury on all counts. This is the first time in my life I have been happy to pay off lost wagers. tRumpland cannot be The Happiest Place on Earth right now.
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Cohen pleads guilty to tax evasion 8 counts. Campaign finance is a problem given that he is pleading guilty to working with Trump to hide the details of affairs just prior to the election by paying off the women through a corporation that he created to hide the payments. Seems like Cohen has implicated the Cheeto in Chief by specifically saying that he worked with a Presidential candidate to hide payments made to women the candidate had affairs with and both knowingly committed a crime.

Mueller is doing his happy dance
B.A. Bearacus
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Just how batshiit crazy will Trump become in his words and actions as the result the walls caving in on him?


B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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"At the direction."
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Womp womp

B.A. Bearacus
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Cohen's attorney:
Time for all of us to crank up some Toby Keith to drown out all this bad news.
B.A. Bearacus
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tRump's day today in boxing terms: Right cross; left hook; and upper cut.

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Another Bear
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Well, well... Manafort and Cohen go down on the same day. Ya think that was planned? Perhaps not but talk about Dotard getting beotch slapped and sucker punched on the same day. He must be spasming out, downing diet coke and Big Macs.

Can't wait to see the Trump response...and just for the heck of bat****crazy...what Rudy has to say.

The Trump ship is taking on water. It'll take more to sink the motherfccker but it will go down.

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"Manafort's guilty verdict may strengthen Mueller's hand as he continues to investigate possible conspiracy and seeks an interview with the president; an acquittal could have led to a broader effort by conservatives to shut down the special counsel's office."
Senate Intel Committee ranking Democrat Mark Warner in a statement: "Any attempt by the President to pardon Mr. Manafort or interfere in the investigation into his campaign would be a gross abuse of power and require immediate action by Congress."
The bottom line: Former Trump allies are going to jail, with no end in sight for the Mueller probe. Axios
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My next wager: I'm thinking Melania won't be filing any applications for conjugal visits.
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Another Bear
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If Trump goes to jail...have no fear. Putin will provide a Russkie bedfellow to calm Dotard down...or shank him.

Yeah, don't you just love the Russkies?
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Another Bear said:

If Trump goes to jail...have no fear. Putin will provide a Russkie bedfellow to calm Dotard down...or shank him.

Yeah, don't you just love the Russkies?

I'm less impressed with Putin now. The Cosa Nostra and the Black Panthers successfully intimidated juries many times yet those meow meow Bolsheviks couldn't pull it off for Paulie Walnuts and the Fat Man. tRump, tRump Lite and Jarvanka are probably grinding up oxy like Nurse Jackie 'bout now and snorting it through a straw.
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golden sloth
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Another Bear said:

Well, well... Manafort and Cohen go down on the same day. Ya think that was planned? Perhaps not but talk about Dotard getting beotch slapped and sucker punched on the same day. He must be spasming out, downing diet coke and Big Macs.

Can't wait to see the Trump response...and just for the heck of bat****crazy...what Rudy has to say.

The Trump ship is taking on water. It'll take more to sink the motherfccker but it will go down.

I think Trump and his administration will keep hobbling along until his core base start abandoning ship, which is only possible if the Dems take the House for two reasons:

1. It shows other Republicans in congress that loyalty to Trump does not protect you from an electoral comeuppance.

2. If the Republicans keep the House, Trump's allies (aka Devin Nunes) will continue to spout lies under the guise of being a credible non-Trump related official and give the 40% of Americans a reason to not believe the truth. If the congressional enablers disappear, I believe (and hope) half of Trump's core base will begin to see the light, the other 20% won't be large enough to protect Trump.

So go out and vote this fall!
golden sloth
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I do wonder if Putin would rather have Trump in office or the US dissolve into a civil war. I think he'd prefer the civil war given his history on playing both sides of the aisle.
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golden sloth said:

I do wonder if Putin would rather have Trump in office or the US dissolve into a civil war. I think he'd prefer the civil war given his history on playing both sides of the aisle.

When tRump gets removed from office there will not be a civil war, just a lot of target practice for the National Guard.
Is there an upper age limit for enlistment in the Guard if I try to volunteer? I wonder if the Guard in the flyover states or the ones below the Mason Dixon line would take me?
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

If Trump goes to jail...have no fear. Putin will provide a Russkie bedfellow to calm Dotard down...or shank him.

Yeah, don't you just love the Russkies?

I'm less impressed with Putin now. The Cosa Nostra and the Black Panthers successfully intimidated juries many times yet those meow meow Bolsheviks couldn't pull it off for Paulie Walnuts and the Fat Man. tRump, tRump Lite and Jarvanka are probably grinding up oxy like Nurse Jackie 'bout now and snorting it through a straw.

Seriously -- this article freaked me out. there was no reason for this judge to behave this way...

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This may be the only day I have felt joyous about current events since the day that orange tub of guts "won" the election. This is the beginning of the f'ing end. Paulie Walnuts will sing to avoid life in prison and connect all the dots between tRump and Russia. Many good days to come!

tRump went DOWN today!

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B.A. Bearacus
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We need all characters, past and present, alive and dead, to come back for the 8/21/18 episode of this thread for an epic dogpile.

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Like Nixon, tRump has to resign and have President Pence pardon him. It is the only way he avoids the yard at Leavenworth. Because the minute he leaves office he gets criminally indicted.
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...and FOX reports on Iowa (white girl dies at hand of brown person--while no reports on who knows how many people of color died this week)) while they downplay today's events. It's only the biggest Presidential scandal in 50 years, but hey, no biggie. They actually said "no one really cares about this in America and it has nothing to do with the President".

There should be serious criminal accountability for knowingly acting as propaganda and misleading the American people--and some official definition of news. They are repugnant.
B.A. Bearacus
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Conservative NYTimes columnist Bret Stephens:

"I've been skeptical about the wisdom and merit of impeachment. Cohen's guilty plea changes that. The president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. He should resign his office or be impeached and removed from office."
Another Bear
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You can't make this shtt up. Trump gets hit hard today by a 1-2 legal combo that could take him down...AND yet...

Crowd Chants 'Lock Her Up' The Day Trump's Former Aides Are Convicted Of Felonies

The president's West Virginia supporters attacked Hillary Clinton hours after Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen were convicted of felony charges.
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Michael Cohen's attorney just drove half a dozen nails into Trump's coffin. He said that Trump had knowledge about the emails, who was offering the emails, and the subject of the emails. He advised that Cohen would be happy to provide the "TRUTH" regarding Trump's knowledge of payments to various women during the campaign to keep them silenced, think John Edwards. Cohen's attorney also has given the impression that Cohen will provide testimony that contradicts the testimony of Trump, Jr, and possibly Kushner.
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