OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

566,857 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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BearNIt said:

Question for the legal professionals:

Devin Nunes the ranking Republican on the House Intel committee has denied that he has worked with the White House in crafting the memo that the Republicans on the intelligence committee are set to release tomorrow, but he didn't answer when questioned if any of the staff of the Republican participants on the House Intel committee had had contact with the White House in constructing the memo.

1. If found to be false can Nunes be prosecuted for obstruction?

Certainly with talk of this exact situation taking place, wouldn't it be to Mueller's advantage to start subpoena Republican Intel Committee members and staff members for interviews in an effort to link the White House, Nunes, staff members concerning the issue of obstruction?

Breaking News!

Trump's prior spokesman who quit will indicate that there was a previous unmentioned contact with Trump and Hope Hicks where Hicks indicated that certain emails would never see the light of day. Drip, drip, drip, drip. It's going to be death by a thousand paper cuts.

Nunes has now materially altered the memo before the Committee could review his modifications and he has delivered it to the White House. As far as I am concerned Nunes is either a foreign operative and/or taking direct orders from tRump. Yes, he is engaging in obstruction of justice.

Hope is in trouble and will flip because she would not do well in a Orange is the New Black scenario.

If Melania has enough trinkets and cash in her Go Bag, the Stormy affair may put her in the frame of mind to waive the spousal testimonial privilege and give up some useful nuggets harmful to her beloved.

I think aggressive actions need to be taken to save the Republic and prevent The Fall of the Roman Empire Redux.

Once tRump is perp walked through the Rose Garden with other members of the Crime Family, all wailing like Banshees, the Deplorables may act out. That problem will be resolved by the National Guard, mass trials in football stadiums and re education camps.
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bearister said:

BearNIt said:

Question for the legal professionals:

Devin Nunes the ranking Republican on the House Intel committee has denied that he has worked with the White House in crafting the memo that the Republicans on the intelligence committee are set to release tomorrow, but he didn't answer when questioned if any of the staff of the Republican participants on the House Intel committee had had contact with the White House in constructing the memo.

1. If found to be false can Nunes be prosecuted for obstruction?

Certainly with talk of this exact situation taking place, wouldn't it be to Mueller's advantage to start subpoena Republican Intel Committee members and staff members for interviews in an effort to link the White House, Nunes, staff members concerning the issue of obstruction?

Breaking News!

Trump's prior spokesman who quit will indicate that there was a previous unmentioned contact with Trump and Hope Hicks where Hicks indicated that certain emails would never see the light of day. Drip, drip, drip, drip. It's going to be death by a thousand paper cuts.

Nunes has now materially altered the memo before the Committee could review his modifications and he has delivered it to the White House. As far as I am concerned Nunes is either a foreign operative and/or taking direct orders from tRump. Yes, he is engaging in obstruction of justice.

Hope is in trouble and will flip because she would not do well in a Orange is the New Black scenario.

If Melania has enough trinkets and cash in her Go Bag, the Stormy affair may put her in the frame of mind to waive the spousal testimonial privilege and give up some useful nuggets harmful to her beloved.

I think aggressive actions need to be taken to save the Republic and prevent The Fall of the Roman Empire Redux.

Once tRump is perp walked through the Rose Garden with other members of the Crime Family, all wailing like Banshees, the Deplorables may act out. That problem will be resolved by the National Guard, mass trials in football stadiums and re education camps.
Just out of curiosity: Specifically, WHO will order the National Guard turn into a cross between the Argentinian Military Dirty War, and the victorious North Vietnamese government retaliating against the defeated domestic enemy?; and has the lemmingization of the American Population gotten to the point where American soldiers can be so easily turned into the machete-wielding Hutu population slaughtering their actual neighbors?
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In an Alternate Universe far, far away:

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mikecohen said:

bearister said:

BearNIt said:

Question for the legal professionals:

Devin Nunes the ranking Republican on the House Intel committee has denied that he has worked with the White House in crafting the memo that the Republicans on the intelligence committee are set to release tomorrow, but he didn't answer when questioned if any of the staff of the Republican participants on the House Intel committee had had contact with the White House in constructing the memo.

1. If found to be false can Nunes be prosecuted for obstruction?

Certainly with talk of this exact situation taking place, wouldn't it be to Mueller's advantage to start subpoena Republican Intel Committee members and staff members for interviews in an effort to link the White House, Nunes, staff members concerning the issue of obstruction?

Breaking News!

Trump's prior spokesman who quit will indicate that there was a previous unmentioned contact with Trump and Hope Hicks where Hicks indicated that certain emails would never see the light of day. Drip, drip, drip, drip. It's going to be death by a thousand paper cuts.

Nunes has now materially altered the memo before the Committee could review his modifications and he has delivered it to the White House. As far as I am concerned Nunes is either a foreign operative and/or taking direct orders from tRump. Yes, he is engaging in obstruction of justice.

Hope is in trouble and will flip because she would not do well in a Orange is the New Black scenario.

If Melania has enough trinkets and cash in her Go Bag, the Stormy affair may put her in the frame of mind to waive the spousal testimonial privilege and give up some useful nuggets harmful to her beloved.

I think aggressive actions need to be taken to save the Republic and prevent The Fall of the Roman Empire Redux.

Once tRump is perp walked through the Rose Garden with other members of the Crime Family, all wailing like Banshees, the Deplorables may act out. That problem will be resolved by the National Guard, mass trials in football stadiums and re education camps.
Just out of curiosity: Specifically, WHO will order the National Guard turn into a cross between the Argentinian Military Dirty War, and the victorious North Vietnamese government retaliating against the defeated domestic enemy?; and has the lemmingization of the American Population gotten to the point where American soldiers can be so easily turned into the machete-wielding Hutu population slaughtering their actual neighbors?

Don't you recognize tRumpian hyperbole turned on its head when you see it?
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Now there is talk that some Republicans are worried that the release of the memo will not have the desired effect and turn out to be a dud. Especially when people realize that the dossier did not provide the evidence for the FISA warrant renewal. Republican's are asking people to believe that the FBI, DOJ, and FISA courts are part of a conspiracy to ruin Trump's presidency and as a result prevent better relations with Russia?
Genocide Joe 58
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BearNIt said:

Now there is talk that some Republicans are worried that the release of the memo will not have the desired effect and turn out to be a dud. Especially when people realize that the dossier did not provide the evidence for the FISA warrant renewal. Republican's are asking people to believe that the FBI, DOJ, and FISA courts are part of a conspiracy to ruin Trump's presidency and as a result prevent better relations with Russia?
As long as the base bites I don't think R's gonna care. FOX and conservative BI posters need some new talking points.
Another Bear
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Looks like the GOP discharged another round in their collective foot with the Nunes memo release. Pretty soon they'll be less careless and put it in their mouth.

Jesus, what a shoddy piece of work. Aims to tag the blame on the Steele dossier but mentions Papadopoulos.

"Elect" a clown...expect a circus.
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this country is so fractured ...its pretty crazy..this thread is a real example of it. The demonization of the left and right against each other is at an all time high. Put down the knives and talk like adults.
Another Bear
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Incompetence and chaos in governance or institutions can be very devisive. Stop the incompetence and chaos and the divisiveness goes down.
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The fact that bulls$it like this is regarded as a state secret makes the whole process look farcical- that is, if it wasn't so corrupt and a violation of privacy. F$ck both the Intelligence Committee and the FBI is the only rational response.
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Anarchistbear said:

The fact that bulls$it like this is regarded as a state secret makes the whole process look farcical- that is, if it wasn't so corrupt and a violation of privacy. F$ck both the Intelligence Committee and the FBI is the only rational response.
Did the Senate Intelligence Committee contribute anything to the much-hyped memo? My impression is while the House Committee has been a clown show lead by the Trump-poppy David Nunes, the Senate Committee at least appears to be somewhat competent.
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Carter Page was being tracked as a possible Russian agent since 2013, a date glaringly left out of the memo. This was well before the Election or tRump's involvement. ''Twas tRump that injected himself into this mess by either knowingly or stupidly hiring a suspected Russian agent as a foreign policy advisor. But with Manafort, Papadoupolos and other Russian connected individuals in his campaign orbit, I doubt Page was an inadvertent hire. As Bannon knows all too well, the tRump Crime Family is not smart enough to play this game. As John Oliver says, this is Stupid Watergate. tRump and his associates will end up a disgraced pile of steaming turd like his mentor, Roy Cohn.
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No, I don't believe the Senate intelligence Committee even saw the memo
B.A. Bearacus
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Hannity: Nunes memo exposes the "biggest abuse of power, corruption case in American history ... many need to go to jail."

Fox is really ****ing up minds.
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Tillerson warns Mexico to watch Russian election meddling

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All that build up and then the reveal was like Geraldo's reveal of Al Capone's vaults. If this is Nunes' shot across the bow then somebody should take that cannon away from him before he hurts himself. Nunes has just looked dumb as he rushes around and coordinates efforts with the White House to discredit the investigation. He hasn't even read the FISA warrants he is using as a basis for the memo. Who would do this as the Chairman of the House Intel Committee?
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Hannity: Nunes memo exposes the "biggest abuse of power, corruption case in American history ... many need to go to jail."

Fox is really ****ing up minds.

Hannity will end up on the trash pile of history like Michael Savage.
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Fox is really ****ing up minds.
Not a difficult task to do to Trump's supporters!
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BearNIt said:

All that build up and then the reveal was like Geraldo's reveal of Al Capone's vaults. If this is Nunes' shot across the bow then somebody should take that cannon away from him before he hurts himself. Nunes has just looked dumb as he rushes around and coordinates efforts with the White House to discredit the investigation. He hasn't even read the FISA warrants he is using as a basis for the memo. Who would do this as the Chairman of the House Intel Committee?
This is what happens when you elect a bunch of people who believe the government can't do anything right. They go ahead and prove it.
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BearChemist said:

BearNIt said:

Now there is talk that some Republicans are worried that the release of the memo will not have the desired effect and turn out to be a dud. Especially when people realize that the dossier did not provide the evidence for the FISA warrant renewal. Republican's are asking people to believe that the FBI, DOJ, and FISA courts are part of a conspiracy to ruin Trump's presidency and as a result prevent better relations with Russia?
As long as the base bites I don't think R's gonna care. FOX and conservative BI posters need some new talking points.
You are hitting on what I think is the fundamental point.

What you say is exactly right.

Tonight, both Fox and Republican spokes-spooks, wherever anyone will give them a microphone, are sounding totally and religiously convinced (with appropriate smirks and knowing glances) that the desired message about the subject of the memo is not only so unquestionably true but that EVERYBODY knows it, sees it, and otherwise just not admitting it.

There are a lot of people on our side (I saw a law professor at one of the prestigious eastern law schools, who was particularly impressive) making very specific, cogent and powerful points (whereas the righties, like the memo itself, speak only in gross generalities with major questionable inferences).

And so, the question is: Whither the American Body Politic?

To me, of course, Trump [with his endless outright falsehoods, skillful demagoguery (surprisingly, really, in the physical style of the fabled European Dictators - especially, in his case, Mussolini), and, accordingly, appeals to outright hatred and scapegoating - the very meaning of scapegoating, from the Bible, being to heap all the sins of the community on, in the Bible, a helpless animal, and, in the modern world, a sufficiently despised minority] is the epitome of Evil.

I think it is apparently comforting, for some, to make what sure looks to me like a false equivalence with the same feeling on the other side, toward some figure or figures on our side.

But, when I try to listen to those spokes, I fear that I truly do not hear anything that a valid education could credit.

I am aware that saying that highlights the meme that Trump is the expression of the regular folk against the educated elite (who are responsible for the regular 99% being so progressively disadvantaged).

But that just gives me more pause about the possibility that where this is leading is to the authoritarianism which is necessary to govern a people who can't fight against it, because they lack either the intellectual skills to see the prison and/or any way out, or the military instincts to avoid being purged by the oppressive organs of the authority.

Maybe someone on the right on this board can tell me how my feeling is wrong.
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For those on the Right that are protectors of fair play and Due Process, can you please give me your sales pitch for why it is consistent with your high ethical standards that the Republicans put the kibosh on the Democrats circulating their counter Memo?
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Are they putting the kibosh on it?
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oski003 said:

Are they putting the kibosh on it?

Originally they did.

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A lot of it is in the press already. Blocking it just makes it more credible. It will be out one way or the other.
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The man who looked forward to being interviewed will not be interviewed on advice of his legal counsel. He will then be subpoenaed and once he sits in front of Mueller he will then take the 5th. SCOTUS will have to get involved.
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

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The nearly uniform cowardice among elected Republicans is staggering. One is left wishing that Obamacare covered spine transplants. The Republican-led Congress is now an adjunct of the White House. The White House is now an adjunct of Trump's chaotic will.

By his recent actions, Paul Ryan has provided political cover for a weakening of the constitutional order. He has been used as a tool while loudly insisting he is not a tool. The way Ryan is headed, history offers two possible verdicts: Either he enabled an autocrat, or he was intimidated by a fool. Michael Gerson, Washington Post
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Another Bear
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Wow have you heard the latest? Trump has instructed the Pentagon to set-up a military parade, apparently for him. Will he instruct U.S. troops to goosestep? Will there be heroic songs honoring the Bone Spur in Chief?
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Another Bear said:

Wow have you heard the latest? Trump has instructed the Pentagon to set-up a military parade, apparently for him. Will he instruct U.S. troops to goosestep? Will there be heroic songs honoring the Bone Spur in Chief?

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Another Bear said:

Wow have you heard the latest? Trump has instructed the Pentagon to set-up a military parade, apparently for him. Will he instruct U.S. troops to goosestep? Will there be heroic songs honoring the Bone Spur in Chief?
A FREAKIN PARADE? (Face Palm) Auuuuuuugh! A FREAKIN PARADE? What is he 4 years-old?
Republicans have to be worried at this point as the train has just gone off the tracks. North Korea must be going *** I thought we were the only ones with a child for a leader.
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I can't wait until he starts wearing military dress. He will have at least six stars maybe seven.
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Unit2Sucks said:

I can't wait until he starts wearing military dress. He will have at least six stars maybe seven.

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