bearister said:
I'm gonna repeat myself here, for the reason that the post to which I am responding is so directly relevant to my point:
From a point of view the most hostile to Trump and Trumpism, making a point which questions the significance of Russia's interference in American politics/elections/etc.:
The thrust of the reported interference was to stimulate Trump voters and depress Hillary voters, by means of well targeted appeals to the most inflammatory prejudices based on outright lies; and the point is that the Republicans have been doing this for decades and undoubetdly have endless expertise and more than enough money to execute it.
Also, those techniques are not illegal for the Republicans to do - although for the Russians to do anything in connection with the election IS!
So, since the Russians' efforts undoubtedly therefore had to guarded by that Republican expertise, why was it necessary and/or even meaningful for the Russians to be involved at all?