OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

558,812 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
Another Bear
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Trump's sworn enemy John McCain drank his own pee...so he wouldn't die in prison camp. Irony has no bounds in this case.
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Another Bear said:

There's the saying, it doesn't matter about sex and a politician unless a girl is dead, or it's a boy.

Well...I think they're going to have to add..."or if the president of the United States drinks pee in the process". The American people simply won't stand for that because they think it's weird and kinky, and this is a Puritanical democracy, damn it!

If Dotard gets off that way, fine. Just don't do it in Russia while the cameras are rolling...like duh.
The only thing that can bring down a Congressman is a dead girl or a live boy. Remember the Senator that said no to Michael in the Godfather? The dead girl changed his tune.
Another Bear
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Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

What next? Pee tape?
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Another Bear said:

Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

What next? Pee tape?

War is next.
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Another Bear said:

Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

What next? Pee tape?

War is next.
Between whom?
What war is going to stop the eventual take down of Trump?
B.A. Bearacus
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War is next.
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Another Bear said:

Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

What next? Pee tape?
Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Going to Prague is not a crime, and lying about it is not a crime per se. However the underlying motivation for total denying is interesting.
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In the prison yard Ray Donovan wannabe Mike Cohen will be known as Sweet Lips.
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BearChemist said:

Another Bear said:

Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

What next? Pee tape?
Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

Going to Prague is not a crime, and lying about it is not a crime per se. However the underlying motivation for total denying is interesting.

Have never understood pols blatantly lying about meaningless stuff (sniper fire on the tarmac, sub three hour marathon) that is pure downside.

Cohen's an incompetent moron, but even he knows Trump wants to discredit the Steele dossier completely. Unless he had some magical invisibility cloak, zero upside for him to vehemently deny ever being in Prague. Trump has to be seriously pissed, but Cohen has a ton of leverage since he can flip on Trump to save his own hide.
Another Bear
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The whole Trump org is made up of morons. From the top down. Anyone who thinks Dotard got elected on his own really should have their head examined.
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Sleepy Chuck Todd reported that Michael Cohen has been under electronic surveillance for months. Wonder what they have on him and possibly the Big Cheeto as they have recently been talking despite warnings from their attorney's, obstruction and conspiracy to obstruct are charges that come to mind. Just speculating, but if Cohen was caught on a call involving a foreign target the CIA would advise the FBI who would then start their own investigation. There had to have been a good reason to start an investigation on the President's personal attorney, what it was is unknown at this point. A larger point is that Mueller may have all that he needs for the obstruction charges against the President and some of his associates. The new story being floated about Michael Cohen being in Prague before the election and meeting with a Russian after he and the President denied it is problematic now and could be the death blow if confirmed.
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Appears that Trump and the GOP are going to focus all their energy on going after Comey. Probably their best tactic since appears Comey's book is unnecessarily petty and snarky.. Problem for the GOP is they can't fire Comey again. Also won't run against Crooked Hillary again.

Trump likely will fire Rosenstein. His replacement will try and end Mueller's investigation and perhaps even fire him. Problem is that Mueller is way more credible than Trump, Comey, and Sessions. Mueller earned a Purple Heart, led the FBI following 9/11, and was given an extra two years as FBI Director with a unanimous vote of the Senate in 2013.

Mueller deftly flipped the Cohen stuff to NYC. Some may spill over to Chicago as well. Trump can't pardon any of that stuff away and a bunch of nasty dirt will come out on Trump Inc with or without Mueller.
Another Bear
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The "pee tape" claim, explained


The absurd-sounding, still-unverified tale of Trump and Russian prostitutes is back again. Here's where it came from.

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BearNIt said:

Sleepy Chuck Todd reported that Michael Cohen has been under electronic surveillance for months. Wonder what they have on him and possibly the Big Cheeto as they have recently been talking despite warnings from their attorney's, obstruction and conspiracy to obstruct are charges that come to mind. Just speculating, but if Cohen was caught on a call involving a foreign target the CIA would advise the FBI who would then start their own investigation. There had to have been a good reason to start an investigation on the President's personal attorney, what it was is unknown at this point. A larger point is that Mueller may have all that he needs for the obstruction charges against the President and some of his associates. The new story being floated about Michael Cohen being in Prague before the election and meeting with a Russian after he and the President denied it is problematic now and could be the death blow if confirmed.

If Cohen's been under electronic surveillance for months, wonder what the basis for the warrant was? Assume the raid was because they suspected Cohen was in the process of destroying evidence.

Trump doesn't email, but it's conceivable the Feds already have incriminating phone calls between Trump and Cohen. Neither are Boy Scouts, but Cohen's been cleaning up Trump's messes for years. Both are clowns, but wild they would discuss sensitive matters any other time but in person. Serves them right if they're caught on tape.
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Popcorns are ready?
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BearChemist said:

Popcorns are ready?

I wonder what Hannity was using Cohen for. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
The other two clients had Cohen payoff women who had affairs with them. What is the Hannity connection?

The President and Hannity just let out a collective, F*UCK ME!
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BearNIt said:

BearChemist said:

Popcorns are ready?

I wonder what Hannity was using Cohen for. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
The other two clients had Cohen payoff women who had affairs with them. What is the Hannity connection?

The President and Hannity just let out a collective, F*UCK ME!

Taking them both down would be YUUUGE!
Another Bear
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Hannity on the hot seat...yeah, get the popcorn.
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Another Bear said:

Hannity on the hot seat...yeah, get the popcorn.

Mickey is a fixer. I have a hard time believing he has ever practiced law and certainly people with Hannity's money don't seek out legal advice from D- practitioners. Can't you just see this phone call happening:

tRump: "Seannie, I am really getting hammered in the media right now and I really need some cheerleading on your show tomorrow."

Hannity: "Mr. President, I'm sorry but we are going to focus on other issues on tomorrow's show."

tRump: "I'm very disappointed to hear you say that. It would really be a crying shame if that little "matter" Mickey handled for you was to leak out and I do have a lot of leakers in my orbit."

Hannity: "I'll get right on it boss. I think I can get the Fox and Friends crew to guest appear tomorrow dressed like the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders."

tRump: "Thanks, Seannie, I knew I could count on you."
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

Hannity on the hot seat...yeah, get the popcorn.

Mickey is a fixer. I have a hard time believing he has ever practiced law and certainly people with Hannity's money don't seek out legal advice from D- practitioners.

Get why Trump uses Cohen and can understand why the GOP donor/'SC alum who knocked up a playmate (Trojans really do burst under pressure), but not credible that Hannity would use Cohen for any non-sleazy legal work. Hannity's kid is on the Wake Forest tennis team, but doesn't use his last name to avoid scrutiny even in North Carolina.

Given that Trump used fake names to brag about cheating on Marla Maples, no surprise that a playmate has come forward to admit she had a six month affair with Trump while Marla Maples was pregnant with Tiffany.
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BearDevil said:

bearister said:

Another Bear said:

Hannity on the hot seat...yeah, get the popcorn.

Mickey is a fixer. I have a hard time believing he has ever practiced law and certainly people with Hannity's money don't seek out legal advice from D- practitioners.

Get why Trump uses Cohen and can understand why the GOP donor/'SC alum who knocked up a playmate (Trojans really do burst under pressure), but not credible that Hannity would use Cohen for any non-sleazy legal work. Hannity's kid is on the Wake Forest tennis team, but doesn't use his last name to avoid scrutiny even in North Carolina.

Given that Trump used fake names to brag about cheating on Marla Maples, no surprise that a playmate has come forward to admit she had a six month affair with Trump while Marla Maples was pregnant with Tiffany.

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Trump just blocked his own administration's Russia sanctions
B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus said:

That blazer Mickey C is sporting cost a whisker under 4000 bones.

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bearister said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

That blazer Mickey C is sporting cost a whisker under 4000 bones.


Nah...that's not the same one.
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bearister said:

B.A. Bearacus said:

That blazer Mickey C is sporting cost a whisker under 4000 bones.


Nah...that's not the same one.

Maybe not in that picture but he gots one.


That would be fun to go up to Mickey's cigar smok'in group and say "What federal penitentiary you figure you'all b@tches will be assigned to?".....and then when they take exception:

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golden sloth
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You know, I wouldn't be too keen on quoting the Daily Mail. Below is a link to a video of a popular British television show discussing Venn diagrams, one of which involves the Daily Mail. Some NSFW language, and they get to the Daily Mail around 1:40. (though, I find it pretty funny the whole way through).

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golden sloth said:

You know, I wouldn't be too keen on quoting the Daily Mail. Below is a link to a video of a popular British television show discussing Venn diagrams, one of which involves the Daily Mail. Some NSFW language, and they get to the Daily Mail around 1:40. (though, I find it pretty funny the whole way through).

I quote The NY Times, the Washington Post and the Guardian for the important stuff but the DM is my go to source for identifying the type of blazer a d bag and soon to be jail bird is wearing.
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Although I believe Comey is a straight shooter and I hope tRump and other members of the Crime Family are executed under the treason statute, I share some of the same reservations about Comey's recent conduct as set forth in the article linked below. Comey is miles apart from tRump and his criminal associates in the integrity department, but he is shortening that distance with his book and support tour. I suppose if he donated the proceeds to a charity like a halfway house for Women that Have Had Their Meow Meow Grabbed by POTUS he could recapture at least some of his street cred.

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bearister said:

Although I believe Comey is a straight shooter and I hope tRump and other members of the Crime Family are executed under the treason statute, I share some of the same reservations about Comey's recent conduct as set forth in the article linked below. Comey is miles apart from tRump and his criminal associates in the integrity department, but he is shortening that distance with his book and support tour. I suppose if he donated the proceeds to a charity like a halfway house for Women that Have Had Their Meow Meow Grabbed by POTUS he could recapture at least some of his street cred.

Comey wants to be in the spotlight. That is why he broke procedure to have a press conference about not charging Clinton, rather than just issuing a press release saying they aren't charging Clinton. I mean, as a US citizen, if the FBI investigates me and decides not to press charges then they should shut the hell up about any other commentary they may think they have.

That is also why Comey authorized providing information to the media even though investigations are supposed to be quiet, and why he is doing interviews and writing books. His legacy is forever stained. He failed in 2016 to conduct the FBI in an appropriate manner, and impacted a Presidential election (possibly in violation of the law) and as a private citizen he can do what he wants now, but his recent actions just continue the trend of his original failings. He should go away. If it were up to me, he and many within the FBI would be the subject of an investigation into Hatch Act violations.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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Comey portrays himself as some kind of moral evangelical but he is an apparatchik, right out of Death of Stalin, interested more in his self-image and protection than any higher calling.

In 2016 there were two active FBI investigations, one on Clinton, one on Russian meddling with a Trump component. Steele dossier.

Comey had a bureaucrat's dilemma. He had to serve two constituencies, his masters at the time, Lynch and Obama; and his Republican benefactors and possible future masters. He chose to do this by the most disastrous and self-serving way, grandstanding the decision not to prosecute Clinton while putting her over his lap and publicly spanking her; and at the same time keeping quiet about Russians. He managed to piss off everybody.

He then writes this book which portrays himself as Thomas More fighting for justice and truth among the barbarians and the feckless. He savages Trump but that's not all. Loretta Lynch comes across as Inspector Clouseau and Obama is portrayed as a hapless twit, praising Comey's virtue while he brings down the Republic. In the mean time there are no new revelations or facts.

The 2016 election continues to expose rot in high places.

Another Bear
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So Paul Ryan is out as congressman and speaker. So California's Kevin McCarthy is going to run, a position he held for a bit. Here's what he said about Trump:

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in 2016: "There's two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump."

The questions thus are: will the GOP have the majority in the house in '18, and if so, more dysfunction?

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dajo9 said:

.... Comey...... His legacy is forever stained. .....

Or, as it were, tainted.

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B.A. Bearacus
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"I am more of a spy than he is."

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