With the caveat that my posts on this thread are perhaps starting to become redundant, I can't help writing a reaction after seeing Trump's tweets about the so-called Mueller questions. His tweets are so impacted with misinformation, but he knows how to speak to his base and fuel their mistrust and allow them to keep to their agreed upon narrative. If you live in the universe of FOX and these tweets, you simply are not exposed to the analysis and facts that make Trump's statements ludicrous.
It made me wonder why this works so well, and are we just screwed? Are we in for a string of bombastic, insulting, demagogues?
I don't know, but in the simplest terms, here is where I think we are (and of course others have written far more eloquently about this). There is a large group of people who consider themselves "Real Americans." Intellectuals, experts, feminists, gays, non-whites, non-Christians, are all "others" that the Real Americans define themselves in simple opposition to.
The Real Americans feel like their country is changing, being invaded, and taken away so they cling to a comfortable narrative and to people in power who LOOK and SOUND like them. They are not inspired by true greatness, they are threatened by it. They define great in the crass terms of materialism and power (authoritarian terms), not in terms of aspiration, enlightenment, spiritual growth, or idealism (these are Christians who would have stoned Jesus). What their leaders actually say or do is not important. Their thinking only goes so far as "yes that person too is a Real American." All the energy and animus of this tribe is directed against their feared future. They endeavor to wall off and dwell in the past--to be at the center of a world they understand and that values them. They do not need to be "great" themselves, they just need to belong (which is sadly ironic since the "identity politics" they loath is ultimately about wanting to belong and so they should understand).
Empathy is, I believe, the only learned emotion. Many of these Real Americans were raised without it and see it as weakness. Blame, anger, and reverse-victimhood is their substitute.
They see Liberals (and that is basically every "other" thrown in one bucket) as not American. So, if Liberals are fighting for anything (it could be giving away free money), they will fight against it because they see it as a fight to preserve America from these others. They DO NOT listen to what is being said or the facts. It's just who is saying it. They can even have critical thoughts about Trump (I wish he wouldn't tweet so much), but it's like a person who feels they can criticize their own mother, but YOU can't. Trump is theirs. If Liberals are saying he is guilty or criminal, it can't be true because they themselves are not criminals. And if they are decent God-faring people, than anything they support must also be righteous.
They have no idea about how their tribalism and prejudice works. They are the masses of unexamined lives. They will NEVER think Trump is guilty until twenty years from now when history says he was and then they will act like they never were on Trump's team. Justice needs to ignore these people because they will not do what is right at any point. One can not treat them like rational adults or hold out hope that they will ultimately defend the public good, Constitution, or country itself--their country does not include all of us.