OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

558,776 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
Another Bear
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Another Bear said:

The Federal Witness Protection Program didn't do Joe "The Animal" Barboza much good. They found him in the street in the Sunset District with a dead bird in his mouth. I believe he was the inspiration for the character Willie Cicci in Godfather II.


Joe Barboza:

Willie Cicci:

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"With millions wondering if Vladimir Putin has damaging info about Trump, and suspecting they have a secret pact, the president does something almost unheard of in history: He meets alone with Putin for two hours. Then, with everyone looking for a public signal of Putin's power over Trump, the president shows so much deference at their press conference you would think he was meeting with the Pope.
Then the tape of Trump talking about pre-election payments to a Playboy model surfaces (on CNN, to boot!). The tape + Trump's admission that he paid off porn star Stormy Davis = confirmation of what so many thought pre-election happened just as suspected. There was after all a pre-election scramble to silence women and now it's on full display for all to see.
Then Cohen, the Trump boot-licker who had claimed he'd take a bullet for the president, indeed takes a bullet and aims at his sugar daddy, leaking word he wants Robert Mueller to know he will testify that Trump knew of the infamous Russian meeting to discuss dirt on Hillary Clinton. (Trump denies that.) If true and given Cohen's jam and reputation, it remains an if this is the kind of smoking gun that lives in infamy.
Be smart: Who the hell knows how this wild saga ends? But it's striking how much of it was foreseeable and foreseen"
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Another Bear
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His chances are still better going through witness protection. In jail there's a high likelihood he gets shanked or there's a staged suicide. In WP at least he'll get a head start and a chance. You know, he might extend his life for a few years. In the klink, he's cornered. Either way, he shouldn't count on too many more years.
B.A. Bearacus
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Unit2Sucks said:

I'm not keeping track, but I have a fairly high degree of certainty that Trump has been wrong every single time he has called something illegal or "possibly" illegal.

The irony of course is that he's a serial felon with absolute disregard for the rule of law as applied to himself and his cronies.

Unit2 has a show on CNN.
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Caught me red handed.

By the way, Trump called it an "illegal scam" to avoid a comparison between the investigation and Trump's businesses which he considers to be legal scams.
Another Bear
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So since Giuliani started represented Trump, the most effective front he has done is moving the goalposts. Inches by inches, to the extent that the deplorables do not think collusion is a big deal anymore.
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Unless Manafort cops a plea when he sees the whites of the eyes of the jury, he gets to test my theory: Since at least 40% of the country buys the Fox News narrative, anyone in tRump's orbit can count on getting a hung jury since at a minimum one juror will be willing to engage in jury nullification and refuse to convict. I will be shocked if he secures an acquittal.

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Watching Fox News and some Republicans engage in legal gymnastics over Trump and his associates seeking dirt on HRC and others with help from the Russians, is laughable as they they twist themselves in various animal shapes . They now are saying that even though there was contact between Trump, his associates, and Russians linked to Putin there was nothing wrong or illegal about it. Remember this all started with the denial that there had been no contact between Trump, his associates, and the Russians. To date there have been 82 known contacts between Trump, his associates, and the Russians. Mueller has indicted some 26 Russians and obtained 4 guilty pleas from people connected to the Trump campaign.

Is Ecuador giving Julian Assange the boot from their embassy in London soon?
Another Bear
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Regarding your theory, don't you think within the narrow direction of the judge and the process of determining guilt, the jury will have to focus on the crimes at hand, which is mostly tax evasion. Also as I understand it, the Russkie element will NOT be mentioned during the trial, so there shouldn't be cross-over.
B.A. Bearacus
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Another Bear
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In a nutshell: There was a second Russkie meeting two days before the infamous Hillary dirt session, thus making this a pattern of collusion. So Rudy is saying collusion isn't illegal...yet conspiracy is illegal. Seems like Trump and Rudy are grasping at straws, or really stupid...probably both.

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Last night I suggested to my wife that we force ourselves to watch Sean Hanity's show so that we can have a better understanding of the beliefs and opinions of a significant percentage of Americans. I figured I was up for the challenge in light of the fact my career required that I carefully consider facts that ran counter to opinions I had formed with regard to a particular issue. We put Hannity on. After 5 minutes we turned Hannity off. It appears that my career did not condition me to review and consider opinions (mostly expressed by unqualified hacks) that have no factual basis or to listen to matters served up as alleged facts that are not facts.
P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
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Another Bear
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bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.
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Another Bear said:

bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.

I have it on good information that it is traceable to a military dorm in Kiev and that it is specifically targeting the OT Board.
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Another Bear
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.

I have it on good information that it is traceable to a military dorm in Kiev and that it is specifically targeting the OT Board.
We need some military grade drones. Not to kill anyone...just bomb the fcck out their internet connection. Send them back to dial up!
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.

I have it on good information that it is traceable to a military dorm in Kiev and that it is specifically targeting the OT Board.

Well, we haven't seen Cal88 in a while, so. . .
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

bearister said:

Another Bear said:

bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.

I have it on good information that it is traceable to a military dorm in Kiev and that it is specifically targeting the OT Board.

Well, we haven't seen Cal88 in a while, so. . .

iwantwinners was quietly executed and buried somewhere outside Crows Landing by some left leaning former Tier 1 Operators that do wetwork in retirement.
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Another Bear
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Out of curiosity I'd like to see this $15k jacket.

Day one of the Paul Manafort trial: Jury selection, first witness called and a $15,000 ostrich jacket

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Another Bear said:

bearister said:

.P.S. I think the Amazon pop up threatens the viability of this website and that that someone better figure out a fix quickly.
+1 ...it's reassuring it's not just me. I did a malware scan and deleted all cookies/history on the iPad, but it's still here.
FWIW: I have Malwarebytes and AdBlocker (and maybe a few other things I don't know about); and I don't have this problem.
Another Bear
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So Manafort buys very expensive suits and British luxury SUVs with wire transfers from overseas accounts like in Cyrus, not with a check, credit card or cash. Even the most expensive store in the country, House of Bijan in Beverly Hills, thought that was unusual.

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
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Another Bear said:

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
Only people who are bad at money laundering. I can't believe Manafort thought it was a good idea to go to a trial. There is no defense for what he's done.
Another Bear
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Unit2Sucks said:

Another Bear said:

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
Only people who are bad at money laundering. I can't believe Manafort thought it was a good idea to go to a trial. There is no defense for what he's done.
I can only think Manaforts either believes he'll get a pardon...or the Putin and the Russkies are a bigger concern, as in everyone in his family gets hit with nerve gas. But yeah...how stupid can you be? I guess plenty.
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Another Bear said:

So Manafort buys very expensive suits and British luxury SUVs with wire transfers from overseas accounts like in Cyrus, not with a check, credit card or cash. Even the most expensive store in the country, House of Bijan in Beverly Hills, thought that was unusual.

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
It occurs to me that, if you're swimming in enough money, you'll figure you can get away with spending it any way that's at hand.
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Unit2Sucks said:

Another Bear said:

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
Only people who are bad at money laundering. I can't believe Manafort thought it was a good idea to go to a trial. There is no defense for what he's done.
They're undoubtedly looking for Jury Nullification
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Another Bear said:

Unit2Sucks said:

Another Bear said:

Anyone use wire transfers to buy clothes or cars?
Only people who are bad at money laundering. I can't believe Manafort thought it was a good idea to go to a trial. There is no defense for what he's done.
I can only think Manaforts either believes he'll get a pardon...or the Putin and the Russkies are a bigger concern, as in everyone in his family gets hit with nerve gas. But yeah...how stupid can you be? I guess plenty.

If the Russians can fix a Presidential Election then tampering with a criminal trial is child's play. The judge's interjections thus far in the trial seem squirrelly to me. The jury is not sequestered so I am having visions of broad shouldered, buzz haired former Spetsnaz commandos (now in Russian embassy posts) making late night visits to jurors' homes and having discussions regarding getting poked by an umbrella with a delivery system. Watch for a hung jury. An acquittal would really impress me.

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Another Bear
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What I've read is the judge is notoriously salty and is into ripping EVERYONE a new one given the chance. He told both sides to knock off the eye rolling when the opposition says something. Who the fcck says that? Yeah it's weird but despite his AR control complex, he usually rules law and order, more or less by the book.

If russkies are involved, or even a hint, I'd imagine the CIA or FBI have an idea, one would hope. They knew about Red Maria, the NRA and all those goons. If not, well we'll see what happens. If there is an acquittal, it will look way too fishy. I think the Russkie would rather kill Manafort before he talks then get in blackmailing jurors.
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If our intelligence agencies conclude the Russians tampered with Paulie Walnuts' trial, tRump will simply proclaim it Fake News disseminated by the same Deep State that tried to discredit his victory. His base will eat it up.
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If Huey Newton was able to secure 4 hung juries; John Gotti 3 acquittals; and Gotti, Jr. 4 hung juries, I'm really feeling it right now for the Russkies delievering a hung jury for Manafort.
Another Bear
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Perhaps it's time to start a RED LIST of American traitors to Russia. Seagal and Rorhabacher would head it up.

Actor Steven Seagal appointed Russian ministry's 'special representative'


Washington (CNN)Russia appointed actor Steven Seagal as a "special representative" on US-Russian humanitarian ties, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in statement on its official Facebook page Saturday.

According to the statement, the action star's role will be to promote US-Russia relations "in the humanitarian sphere," adding that the role will include collaboration "in the sphere of culture, public and youth exchanges."

The foreign ministry said the unpaid role will be similar to the United Nations' goodwill ambassador positions.

Seagal, who became a Russian citizen in 2016, is a close friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin. He attended Putin's recent swearing-in ceremony in May.

Seagal has been an ardent supporter of Putin, going so far as to defend his government against allegations of election meddling in the United States. He told Piers Morgan on the British ITV network's "Good Morning Britain" last year, "For anyone to think that Vladimir Putin had anything to do with fixing the elections, or even that the Russians have that kind of technology, is stupid."

And this kind of propaganda is really a diversion ... so that the people in the United States of America won't really see what's happening, " he added.

In the interview, Seagal also praised Putin as "a great world leader" and a "brilliant tactician."
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Chuck Norris was once told during an interview that Steven Seagal said he could take Norris in a fight. Norris replied:

1. The reason Seagal has his fight scenes photographed so close up is to cover up his lack of technique; and
2. I am willing to meet Mr. Seagal any place at any time to engage in a fight but please tell him to leave that gun he always carries on him at home.

B.A. Bearacus
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BREAKING: Rick Gates in trial:

Prosecutor: "Were you involved in any criminal activity with Mr. Manafort?"

Gates: "Yes."

Prosecutor: "Did you commit any crimes with Mr. Manafort?"

Gates: "Yes."


Gates testifies that he assisted Manafort in filing false tax returns.
B.A. Bearacus
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Thought going through at least one Manafort juror's mind:
"Paulie Walnuts is a victim of a Deep State conspiracy. I have seen no evidence of illegal conduct. Those documents marked as Exhibits that the judge admitted into evidence and the trial testimony on the witness stand is not evidence, right? Only what Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson say on TV is evidence, right? What was that Russian guy's name that threatened me on my back porch last night?"
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