OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

562,845 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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Can you imagine if Trump has to take the stand some day?

His A Few Good Men moment would go something like this.

"Q: Did you order the Code Red?"

"A: I did not order the Code Red, but if I did it's not illegal and it's a good thing not a bad thing and I didn't have to do it, but I thought to myself that I should do it, so I did, but no I never ordered the Code Red and you can ask anyone they all say I didn't except for the fake news and I got a beautiful letter from President Putin who said that I should get the Noble Peace Prize and he agreed that I should order the Code Red and ordering the Code Red is something that all legal experts agree I am allowed to do, and I am proud to have done it and it has saved literally billions of dollars and thousands of lives that Crooked Hillary and Obama did not care about saving and that the fake news media will not tell you about and I have all the statistics but I trusted my gut on this...but no I didn't. Sit down. Next question."

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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blungld said:

Do we all just wait until 2020 and hope the damage isn't too great, and that God forbid he doesn't win re-election?
I've pretty much been assuming for the last year and a half that the only way to beat Trump is at the ballot box. The administration's scandals (as brought about by the Mueller investigation, among other things) will hurt his standing with the public and make that easier, but I've never expected the Republican Senate to vote to remove Trump, and that's what it would take to get rid of him sooner.
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Nothing negative is going to come out about Trump in the publicly released version of the Mueller report. How do we know? Because IT IS CURRENT DOJ POLICY TO NOT SAY ANYTHING DEROGATORY ABOUT THE PRESIDENT.

These are two current DOJ policies:
1 - The President can't be indicted
2 - The DOJ won't say anything derogatory about somebody who is not being indicted.

This is a simple puzzle. This is a Trump victory. The next fight will be to continue the investigations outside the DOJ and make sure the truth comes out. Current DOJ policy is anathema to a free country.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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sycasey said:

blungld said:

Do we all just wait until 2020 and hope the damage isn't too great, and that God forbid he doesn't win re-election?
I've pretty much been assuming for the last year and a half that the only way to beat Trump is at the ballot box. The administration's scandals (as brought about by the Mueller investigation, among other things) will hurt his standing with the public and make that easier, but I've never expected the Republican Senate to vote to remove Trump, and that's what it would take to get rid of him sooner.
I hope you are wrong, and fear you are right.

Will the Republican Senators who knowingly obstructed an investigation, misrepresented to the public, chose loyalty to president over oath of office, and may have lied under oath or willingly participated in conspiracy ever be indicted? Why does there seem to be so little criminal accountability for them, just Trump and WH?

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
Cal Junkie
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blungld said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

Do we all just wait until 2020 and hope the damage isn't too great, and that God forbid he doesn't win re-election?
I've pretty much been assuming for the last year and a half that the only way to beat Trump is at the ballot box. The administration's scandals (as brought about by the Mueller investigation, among other things) will hurt his standing with the public and make that easier, but I've never expected the Republican Senate to vote to remove Trump, and that's what it would take to get rid of him sooner.
I hope you are wrong, and fear you are right.

Will the Republican Senators who knowingly obstructed an investigation, misrepresented to the public, chose loyalty to president over oath of office, and may have lied under oath or willingly participated in conspiracy ever be indicted? Why does there seem to be so little criminal accountability for them, just Trump and WH?
I've said this all along. The playbook is: House votes to impeach, Senate obstructs and overrules behind McConnell. The end.
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blungld said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

Do we all just wait until 2020 and hope the damage isn't too great, and that God forbid he doesn't win re-election?
I've pretty much been assuming for the last year and a half that the only way to beat Trump is at the ballot box. The administration's scandals (as brought about by the Mueller investigation, among other things) will hurt his standing with the public and make that easier, but I've never expected the Republican Senate to vote to remove Trump, and that's what it would take to get rid of him sooner.
I hope you are wrong, and fear you are right.

Will the Republican Senators who knowingly obstructed an investigation, misrepresented to the public, chose loyalty to president over oath of office, and may have lied under oath or willingly participated in conspiracy ever be indicted? Why does there seem to be so little criminal accountability for them, just Trump and WH?
Again: the only way to beat them is at the ballot box.

This will be harder in the Senate, since red rural states have such disproportionate power there, but again I think the incompetence and criminality of the Trump administration is souring younger voters on the Republican Party (and combined with the Bush years, that's quite a one-two punch for anyone under 40). The shift may happen sooner than pundits expect.
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Cal Junkie said:

blungld said:

sycasey said:

blungld said:

Do we all just wait until 2020 and hope the damage isn't too great, and that God forbid he doesn't win re-election?
I've pretty much been assuming for the last year and a half that the only way to beat Trump is at the ballot box. The administration's scandals (as brought about by the Mueller investigation, among other things) will hurt his standing with the public and make that easier, but I've never expected the Republican Senate to vote to remove Trump, and that's what it would take to get rid of him sooner.
I hope you are wrong, and fear you are right.

Will the Republican Senators who knowingly obstructed an investigation, misrepresented to the public, chose loyalty to president over oath of office, and may have lied under oath or willingly participated in conspiracy ever be indicted? Why does there seem to be so little criminal accountability for them, just Trump and WH?
I've said this all along. The playbook is: House votes to impeach, Senate obstructs and overrules behind McConnell. The end.
That's like saying Cal will lose Big Game again. The high likelihood of that bitter truth is hard to swallow ahead of time.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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sycasey said:

This will be harder in the Senate, since red rural states have such disproportionate power there...
It's quite disheartening that one of the greatest societies/nations in Man's history is held back and possibly undone by such a simple tactic: if you install a few old white men who are willing to pretend to be good Christians, play bigot cards, and sell out their votes for bribes/kickbacks in a few tactical rural regions with low-information voters, you can swallow up unwarranted, disproportionate political power. Just camp out in the "heartland" and pass all your corrupt laws for the .01% in the cities who have NOTHING in common with these people.

It's dastardly simple and the poor saps can't see past their crucifix and FOX broadcasts to see how they are used.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
Another Bear
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House Oversight Committee says Michael Cohen will testify publicly on February 27.

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Coast Guard officer, self-described white nationalist, planned terror attack to 'kill almost every last person,' feds say

Whether Trump is impeached, indicted, or defeated on ballots, the aftermath is not gonna be pretty.
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BearChemist said:

Coast Guard officer, self-described white nationalist, planned terror attack to 'kill almost every last person,' feds say

Whether Trump is impeached, indicted, or defeated on ballots, the aftermath is not gonna be pretty.
It's really strange how peaceful coexistence escapes so many. The very people crying for Freedom in this pathological way are the ones who feel like their life is somehow ruined or under attack if a trans person is in a bathroom, or gay person gets married, or they encounter a minority in their daily life, or if that person over there doesn't worship the same God.

The threat of the other is so palpable to them. And it would seem that they are easily moved to violence with just the suggestion that an other is getting something they are not, or might someday get what they are not, or worse, would win a culture war where freedom is actually practiced in a future that requires them to adapt or their small-mindedness becomes obsolete.
Another Bear
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Report: New York prepared to prosecute Manafort in case of Trump pardon

New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is prepared to file tax charges against Paul Manafort in the event that he is pardoned by President Trump for his conviction in the Mueller investigation, Bloomberg reports, citing two sources familiar with the matter.

Why it matters: Trump has not ruled out a presidential pardon for his former campaign chairman, who is set to be sentenced and could face at least 19 years in prison in Virginia on March 8 and D.C. on March 13. Vance has reportedly been investigating Manafort since 2017, months after he was charged for tax and financial fraud by the special counsel. Bloomberg notes, however, that laws that prevent defendants from being charged twice for the same crime could make the case difficult to prosecute.

From Axios.
Peanut Gallery Consultant
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There is not a single non-criminal justification for pardoning Manafort.

I know Trump seems to not care at all and is desperate, but he has said he barely knows the guy (completely 100% false)...but likes him for keeping his mouth shut.

There is not a single person in the public saying, "Man, that Manafort needs to be pardoned for all those crimes he committed." There is no suggestion by anyone that he is innocent or that his crimes are meaningless.

The only persons who would benefit or want the pardon are Manafort and the person his silence would protect.

Trump should be indicted for obstruction and conspiracy the minute he does it, if he does in fact do it.

Any citizen or politician who would allow that pardon to happen is a traitor. Just a straight traitor. Period.
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Even Nixon wasn't like him': Trump's bid to upend Russia inquiry unprecedented, experts say

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B.A. Bearacus
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BearChemist said:

Coast Guard officer, self-described white nationalist, planned terror attack to 'kill almost every last person,' feds say

Whether Trump is impeached, indicted, or defeated on ballots, the aftermath is not gonna be pretty.

I hope his disgruntled base brings it so the National Guard can shoot them down in the street like the dogs they are and call in drone strikes.

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Just watched the movie Recount with Kevin Spacey.
Damn, that made me mad.

Another Bear
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Peanut Gallery Consultant
Another Bear
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Nice to see some action on this.

U.S. Cyber Command operation disrupted Internet access of Russian troll factory on day of 2018 midterms

The U.S. military blocked Internet access to an infamous Russian entity seeking to sow discord among Americans during the 2018 midterms, several U.S. officials said, a warning that the Kremlin's operations against the United States are not cost-free.

The strike on the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg, a company underwritten by an oligarch close to President Vladimir Putin, was part of the first offensive cyber campaign against Russia designed to thwart attempts to interfere with a U.S. election, the officials said.

"They basically took the IRA offline," according to one individual familiar with the matter who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss classified information. "They shut 'em down."

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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Holy moly. I normally leave ignorance like that alone but...

"What was Obama's Excuse?"

Seriously? Other than the fact that Obama was what, 14 when the Vietnam War ended (and the draft ended around that time)?


Edited to add, to be clear Okaydo, I am commenting on the commenter. I know the absurdity is the point you were making, so this is obviously not directed at you. Or was the commenter themselves being satirical? Oh whatever. Poe's Law really applies these days.
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OneKeg said:

Holy moly. I normally leave ignorance like that alone but...

"What was Obama's Excuse?"

Seriously? Other than the fact that Obama was what, 14 when the Vietnam War ended (and the draft ended around that time)?


Edited to add, to be clear Okaydo, I am commenting on the commenter. I know the absurdity is the point you were making, so this is obviously not directed at you. Or was the commenter themselves being satirical? Oh whatever. Poe's Law really applies these days.
See. It's people like Paulie Waknuts (and my dumb as nuts cousins in TX) who elected Trump.
They have no clue about reality.
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Oh wait! I've got it! I've got it!

Paulie Numbnuts is on to something!
Obama's excuse is that he was not subject to the draft because he was not an American citizen, being born in Kenya and all.
What a brilliant sleuth!! Thank you, Pauly, for educating us!!!!!

F--king idiot!!!!!!
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okaydo said:

drumpf is thinking, "hold the pose until the director yells, "Cut!"

Drumpf is going for the rare Nobel and the Oscar double.

Next, he'll be pontificating that a constellation in the sky be called King Trump.
Unfortunately, this will come after his death, and it will be the image of, well....

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To recap, and to acknowledge the usual alt-right playbook tactic of controlling the conversation by making quippy but bad arguments and forcing their opponents into lengthy rebuttals to their BS:


The Alt-Right Playbook: Never Play Defense

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OneKeg said:

To recap, and to acknowledge the usual alt-right playbook tactic of controlling the conversation by making quippy but bad arguments and forcing their opponents into lengthy rebuttals to their BS:


The Alt-Right Playbook: Never Play Defense

And don't forget about Control the Conversation!

Another Bear
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What goes around, comes around. Karma...ever the beotch!

Look for Trump's emergency order on the wall to come back and haunt the GOP.

House Democrats eye GOP playbook for Justice Department requests.

Democrats warned the DOJ it was setting a precedent by giving Republicans access to its information. Now they will use those precedents against Trump.

Rudy Giuliani 'perfected the template' that prosecutors could use to bring down Trump and his family
Peanut Gallery Consultant
Genocide Joe 58
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Another Bear said:

What goes around, comes around. Karma...ever the beotch!

Look for Trump's emergency order on the wall to come back and haunt the GOP.

House Democrats eye GOP playbook for Justice Department requests.

Democrats warned the DOJ it was setting a precedent by giving Republicans access to its information. Now they will use those precedents against Trump.

Rudy Giuliani 'perfected the template' that prosecutors could use to bring down Trump and his family
Clearly they haven't learned the lesson that so many of us have. Precedent does not matter to these people.

They will invoke the double standard that they always have with everything. We need to balance the budget when a Democrat is president, but we don't care about the deficit when a Republican is president. We have an idea on healthcare that we liked when it was implemented by a Republican governor, but not when it's adopted by a Democrat president.

The same will be true here. The Republicans are going to use every trick they can and probably federal judges will have to force the Justice Department to disclose things that Trump doesn't want seeing the light of day. It's all about the bottom line with these people and logic and fairness has no role to play.
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Yogi Bear said:

The Republicans are going to use every trick they can and probably federal judges will have to force the Justice Department to disclose things that Trump doesn't want seeing the light of day. It's all about the bottom line with these people and logic and fairness has no role to play.
Maybe I am a loser by American standards, but my brain just doesn't understand win at all costs. I am a try as hard as you can, play by the rules, and learn from it when you lose, type of person. I think that is why my passion for Cal sports has always been such a good fit, and why I detest the Ohio State Buckeyes who I grew up loving as much as I now love Cal.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
B.A. Bearacus
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blungld said:

Maybe I am a loser by American standards, but my brain just doesn't understand win at all costs.
That's probably why you're not a Republican.
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"President Trump is promising the tornado-stricken state of Alabama that FEMA is on the way, while Puerto Rico's governor is fighting to make sure the administration doesn't divert its aid money to building a border wall.

Trump today on Alabama: "FEMA has been told directly by me to give the A Plus treatment to the Great State of Alabama and the wonderful people who have been so devastated by the Tornadoes."
The latest: 23 are dead, and the worst tornado was an EF-4 with a damage path nearly 1 mile wide, the National Weather Service reported today. Dozens are still missing, AP reports.
More from the AP: National Weather Service meteorologist Chris Darden "said the 'monster tornado' was the single deadliest twister in the U.S. since May 2013, when an EF-5 killed 24 people in Moore, Oklahoma."
Why it matters: The president's responses to natural disasters have been criticized for varying based on his relationship with each state's political leaders.

In Puerto Rico, Gov. Ricardo Rossell told Axios' Andrew Freedman in late February, after failing to secure a meeting with Trump during a visit to Washington, that his state is fighting to prevent recovery funds from being taken away. "Puerto Rico has always been treated differently, and by differently I mean in an inferior fashion."
Flashback: Axios' Jonathan Swan reported in November that Trump didn't want to give Puerto Rico any more federal recovery money, claiming without evidence that the island's government was using federal disaster relief money to pay off debt.
In California, Trump has repeatedly expressed sympathy for fire-affected residents while also threatening FEMA funds unless the state government acts in his favor. He has railed against the state's forestry practices, blaming poor forest management for record and deadly wildfires, thereby ignoring the roles played by climate change and development.
The bottom line: In a future where natural disasters could be more frequent and more intense because of climate change, the politics of natural disasters will just get hotter." Axios
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Yup, Dems warming up, stretching...getting ready to administer a beat down... My guess is around June things heat up...and in the dog days of August, in the extra humidity of D.C....da shtt hits da fan.

House Democrats Launch Wide-Ranging Inquiry Into Potential Trump Corruption
Judiciary Committee's Focus Includes National Enquirer 'Catch and Kill' Arrangements

Democrats just took their first baby steps toward impeaching Donald Trump

House Judiciary Committee launches sweeping Trump probe

Peanut Gallery Consultant
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sycasey said:

blungld said:

Maybe I am a loser by American standards, but my brain just doesn't understand win at all costs.
That's probably why you're not a Republican.
Yep, that was my point.

"The Bear will not quilt, the Bear will not dye!"
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