OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

562,931 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
Another Bear
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Manafort to attorney at trial regarding Gates' testimony.

Manafort: "That guy is killing me."
Attorney: "Not really, that would be Putin.".
B.A. Bearacus
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The GRU:

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If the judge doesn't equally dump on defense counsel as the case proceeds, then I have an issue with him.

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bearister said:

If the judge doesn't equally dump on defense counsel as the case proceeds, then I have an issue with him.

I don't have any real experience in a courtroom to know what is normal and standard, but for this outsideer, this Ellis Judge seems like a real piece of work. I'm not sure he is not biased in this case.
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
Another Bear
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This seems to be the case, Ellis is a freaky tweety guy but not sure he's against the prosecution. It sure looks that way but I heard he especially gives prosecution a hard time, and this sure looks weird, but he usually rules by the book and this looks to be a by the book case of tax evasion and fraud.

I can understand why he'd like keep the case tamped down and close to the vest so it doesn't spin out of control but his logic seems goofy at times. Like razzing the prosecution about showing too many photos of luxury items "because it's not a crime to be wealthy". Sure it's not but the point is Manafort's crazy spending on ostrich jackets and such is related to his alleged fraud, tax evasion and money laundering, so it's fair.

Oh well...if Manafort gets off, then lets worry. Find out if the Russkies have relatives of Ellis held hostage.
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bearister said:

If the judge doesn't equally dump on defense counsel as the case proceeds, then I have an issue with him.

What about the argument that, by leaning against the prosecutors, he's trying to protect against a defense appeal (keeping in mind that the prosecution has no appeal rights)?
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mikecohen said:

bearister said:

If the judge doesn't equally dump on defense counsel as the case proceeds, then I have an issue with him.

What about the argument that, by leaning against the prosecutors, he's trying to protect against a defense appeal (keeping in mind that the prosecution has no appeal rights)?

They don't want or need his help. It would be interesting to see a list of how many times that @hole judge has unnecessarily interjected himself into the trial to the detriment of the prosecution. If I read one of the articles correctly, the judge even interrupted the prosecution's opening statement and that is virtually unheard of.
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Could we be anymore owned by the Russians?

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B.A. Bearacus
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B.A. Bearacus
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Airing during Hannity all this week, in the media market where Trump is vacationing (Bedminister, NJ). Not sure what to make of the group that put this out, the "Swamp Accountability Project."

In May of this year, Mother Jones, referenced this group in an article: Dark-Money Group Targets Devin Nunes for Attacking "Conservative Hero" Jeff Sessions... A new radio ad is attacking Trump loyalist Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) for feuding with another Trump loyalist, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, whom the ad describes as "a conservative hero. An icon. A legend."
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B.A. Bearacus said:

I thought initially everyone was going to be very surprised if Manafort did not get convicted. I think that has shifted to being surprised if he does.
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I am not sure that I share the sentiment of many posters here, that Judge Ellis has been against Muller's team. I have been constantly following Renato Mariotti on twitter and he provides perspectives as a former federal prosecutor. He has been sharing his insights everyday since the trial began and here are merely two threads related to Judge Ellis:

Long story short, Ellis appears to be an experienced and hands-on judge. His approach might actually avoid the trial going off-rail, which typically benefits the defense.
B.A. Bearacus
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Fully expecting this exchange:

Prosecution: Mr. Gates, was learning about the ins and outs of bank fraud an easy process? Was it quick?

Gates: It was long and hard.

Judge Ellis: That's what SHE said!
Another Bear
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Despite Ellis being a real piece of work, I read that he thinks the case is an open and shut case for the prosecution. If that's the case, it sort of makes sense why he's pushing the pace. His comments however are way over the top.

So here's a question for the lawyers; how does the judge's jury instruction effect things? A lot, a little? Or what would indicate he really wants the case to fall for the prosecution?
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B.A. Bearacus said:

Fully expecting this exchange:

Prosecution: Mr. Gates, was learning about the ins and outs of bank fraud an easy process? Did it come easy?

Gates: It was long and hard.

Ellis: That's what SHE said!
Not having seen any transcript, I don't feel I can be sure how serious you are. I mean, is Ellis even close to being that edgy and/or clueless?, or is that just general humor to throw at people (judges, attorneys) whose questions are, shall we say, less than perfect, and open to double entendre humor?
B.A. Bearacus
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MC, check out the 32-second mark of this clip.

B.A. Bearacus
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Even Napolitano on Fox is like, huh?

"I'm not happy with this judge. He's making too much of the case about him and he's showing an extraordinary bias against the government. If you feel that negatively about the government, you shouldn't be on the case. Or you have to keep those feelings to yourself, not manifest them. You and I were talking during the break... the jury can't be happy with this judge because of the snide, snarky comments."
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B.A. Bearacus said:

MC, check out the 32-second mark of this clip.

WOW! Just Wow!
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"Mr. Manafort in my opinion kept fairly frequent updates," Gates said, after a discussion of movement between their consulting firm's offshore accounts. "Mr. Manafort was very good at knowing where the money was and where it was going."

Judge Ellis, as he has repeatedly, interjected:

"He didn't know about the money you were stealing," Ellis said, "so he didn't do it that closely."

The comment by the judge goes to a question at the heart of the trial how much fraud could possibly have gone on under Manafort's nose without his knowledge." Washington Post

Ok Judge Ellis apologists, put a happy face on that turd. In no universe is that interjection helpful to the prosecution. I have already lost faith in the integrity of the electoral process. Now the judicial system is leaking oil. I figured outside forces would tamper with the jury. I still maintained enough Pollyanna in me to assume the judge would be beyond reproach. As I sit here today, I just don't know.
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BearChemist said:

I am not sure that I share the sentiment of many posters here, that Judge Ellis has been against Muller's team. I have been constantly following Renato Mariotti on twitter and he provides perspectives as a former federal prosecutor. He has been sharing his insights everyday since the trial began and here are merely two threads related to Judge Ellis:

Long story short, Ellis appears to be an experienced and hands-on judge. His approach might actually avoid the trial going off-rail, which typically benefits the defense.

Looks like the know it all judge stepped on his wurst and forgot to issue the traditional order barring all trial witnesses from the courtroom so they can't watch other witnesses testify:

"Prosecutors asked the judge to allow Welch as an expert witness meaning he, unlike other witnesses, would be allowed to offer his professional opinion to the jury. Assistant U.S. Attorney Uzo Asonye then revealed that Welch had been seated in the courtroom for the duration of the proceedings.

Prosecutors asked the judge to allow Welch as an expert witness meaning he, unlike other witnesses, would be allowed to offer his professional opinion to the jury. Assistant U.S. Attorney Uzo Asonye then revealed that Welch had been seated in the courtroom for the duration of the proceedings.

Ellis erupted, saying that he typically bars all witnesses save the case agent from observing and thought he had done so in this case.

"I want you to remember, don't do that again. When I exclude witnesses, I mean everybody," Ellis said. When Asonye pointed out that the judge had previously said the expert could stay in the courtroom, the judge snapped: "I don't care what the transcript said; maybe I made a mistake. Don't do it again." Washington Post
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Another Bear
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Okay, so Ellis was appointed by Reagan and he's showing his GOP stripes as a senile, partisan asswipe. KICK HIM IN THE NUTS, then the head. Another senile old fcck.

More seriously, is there any appeal for Ellis' jawboning his opinion?
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Another Bear said:

Okay, so Ellis was appointed by Reagan and he's showing his GOP stripes as a senile, partisan asswipe. KICK HIM IN THE NUTS, then the head. Another senile old fcck.

More seriously, is there any appeal for Ellis' jawboning his opinion?

Well, if his interference causes a hung jury they can retry Paulie Walnuts (which they can do regardless of why jury hung). If his jawboning results in an acquittal that is all she wrote because of the double jeopardy doctrine. I suppose they can report him to the governing judicial body for reproval, but it appears he has been doing this act his whole career.
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Another Bear
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bearister said:

Another Bear said:

Okay, so Ellis was appointed by Reagan and he's showing his GOP stripes as a senile, partisan asswipe. KICK HIM IN THE NUTS, then the head. Another senile old fcck.

More seriously, is there any appeal for Ellis' jawboning his opinion?

Well, if his interference causes a hung jury they can retry Paulie Walnuts (which they can do regardless of why jury hung). If his jawboning results in an acquittal that is all she wrote because of the double jeopardy doctrine. I suppose they can report him to the governing judicial body for reproval, but it appears he has been doing this act his whole career.
In that case, someone really should kick him in the nuts, really hard.

Some opinions and personality injected into the situation is reasonable...that much however is in very poor judgement. My guess however is the jury sees him for who he is...a jackass, and will work around him.
B.A. Bearacus
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NBC: Secret recording shows GOP's Nunes essentially saying that there is a plan to impeach Rosenstein, but they want to wait till after a new SCOTUS justice is confirmed, so as not to delay that.

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Nunes has that look on his face like he just had a premonition flash of his future sexual assault behind the bleachers at Leavenworth.
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Are you obsessed with sex?
"The rules were that you were not going to fact check"
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dajo9 said:

Are you obsessed with sex?

Is there a wrong answer? Nunes is a traitor.
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B.A. Bearacus
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I agree with BearChemist that Mariotti is insightful. Here's his analysis of today's proceedings, which has me back in the Manafort will get his just deserts camp. Click on the following tweet to read the 20-tweet thread.

B.A. Bearacus
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dajo9 said:

Are you obsessed with sex?

Imagined exchange from today:

Defense: Mr. Gates, did you tell Mr. Mueller's team that you had not one but four extramarital affairs?

Judge Ellis: Are you obsessed with sex?
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B.A. Bearacus said:

dajo9 said:

Are you obsessed with sex?

Imagined exchange from today:

Defense: Mr. Gates, did you tell Mr. Mueller's team that you had not one but four extramarital affairs?

Judge Ellis: Are you obsessed with sex?

Mr. Gates: No, Your Honor, I'm getting it too often to be obsessed with sex.
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B.A. Bearacus
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bearister said:

Mr. Gates: No, Your Honor, I'm getting it too often to be obsessed with sex.
B.A. Bearacus
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Toobin ain't havin' Judge Ellis.

Nasty old crank apologizes [Mediaite]:
There were several tense moments between Ellis and the prosecution team this week, not the least of which was the moment when the judge accused one of the attorneys of having "tears in his eyes" and impolitely refusing to look at him. Ellis also criticized the prosecution for presenting evidence of Manafort's extravagant lifestyle, and he also snapped at them for having IRS revenue agent Michael Welch attend court proceedings before taking the stand as an expert witness.

A court filing was submitted on Thursday to remind Ellis that he previously allowed Welch to attend the trial, and the prosecution team also asked him to tell the jury he was wrong to accuse the government of improper conduct. According to CNN, Ellis spoke to the jurors and walked back his scolding.

"Put aside any criticism. I was probably wrong in that," said Ellis. "This robe doesn't make me anything other than human."


ps. I somehow missed these pure assshole comments by Ellis earlier in the trial:

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