Given that half the country didn't vote, the coming civil war will be confined to Twitter.
Today reminded me of that moment in the early 1970s, when, in the midst of a years-long bummer in my life, which just happened to coincide with the presidency of Richard Nixon, I walked into a friend's house, and saw on the TV the first real indication that the forces of justice were stronger than Mr. Nixon. It was as if the sun shone for the first time in years, and I was allowed to feel good.bearister said:
This may be the only day I have felt joyous about current events since the day that orange tub of guts "won" the election. This is the beginning of the f'ing end. Paulie Walnuts will sing to avoid life in prison and connect all the dots between tRump and Russia. Many good days to come!
tRump went DOWN today!
But, I was duly impressed: The Iowa story, on Hannity, with Hungarian Nazi-sympathizer Sebastian Gorka berating immigrants, FEATURED a sincere and impassioned plea from Geraldo to keep the million-to-one good immigrant to bad immigrant ratio (I slightly exaggerate for effect) in mind, and the effect on the good ones of Fox's inordinately powerful demonization of the bad ones.blungld said:
...and FOX reports on Iowa (white girl dies at hand of brown person--while no reports on who knows how many people of color died this week)) while they downplay today's events. It's only the biggest Presidential scandal in 50 years, but hey, no biggie. They actually said "no one really cares about this in America and it has nothing to do with the President".
There should be serious criminal accountability for knowingly acting as propaganda and misleading the American people--and some official definition of news. They are repugnant.
You obviously don't read a lot of right-wing opinions. The spin doctors will have explanations for them toot sweet.BearChemist said:
I have a feeling that OneNote and 003 will disappear for a while even from the Republican music threads. Need more surfing pics!
I can't even begin to get my head around the Trumpspeak that it is a "sad day for the country" that Manafort was convicted. I know it just amounts to deflection and speaking in code, but if I am Trump supporter, how am I supposed to read that quote and make sense of it? Most of his idiot talking points have some basic kernel of truth that he twists--but where is it here?B.A. Bearacus said:
Trump's boy Manny ain't no dirty rat.
The talking point is in: According to Sarah Sanders, the president has not been charged with any crime.Yogi Bear said:You obviously don't read a lot of right-wing opinions. The spin doctors will have explanations for them toot sweet.BearChemist said:
I have a feeling that OneNote and 003 will disappear for a while even from the Republican music threads. Need more surfing pics!
Such a soaring high bar set for the great office of President. The Founders would be proud. I am sure they meant to add a description in the Preamble about the greatness of the office amounting to not being charged with a crime. I mean if there's no collusion, then by process of elimination he must be doing a real bang up ethical job. I didn't commit murder today, I am a model citizen.BearChemist said:The talking point is in: According to Sarah Sanders, the president has not been charged with any crime.Yogi Bear said:You obviously don't read a lot of right-wing opinions. The spin doctors will have explanations for them toot sweet.BearChemist said:
I have a feeling that OneNote and 003 will disappear for a while even from the Republican music threads. Need more surfing pics!
*This year.BearChemist said:The talking point is in: According to Sarah Sanders, the president has not been charged with any crime.Yogi Bear said:You obviously don't read a lot of right-wing opinions. The spin doctors will have explanations for them toot sweet.BearChemist said:
I have a feeling that OneNote and 003 will disappear for a while even from the Republican music threads. Need more surfing pics!
Just because I have been guessing right lately on the Trump-think of his base, I think the mindset (don't confuse them with factual details) is:blungld said:I can't even begin to get my head around the Trumpspeak that it is a "sad day for the country" that Manafort was convicted. I know it just amounts to deflection and speaking in code, but if I am Trump supporter, how am I supposed to read that quote and make sense of it? Most of his idiot talking points have some basic kernel of truth that he twists--but where is it here?B.A. Bearacus said:
Trump's boy Manny ain't no dirty rat.
So a guy he says he barely knew, who barely worked for his campaign (and yet has his full attention and defense) is caught and convicted by a jury in a very favorable court for 8 counts...and that is sad? Were we supposed to be rooting for the criminal to not get caught? Was the evidence inaccurate? Was the jury or trial rigged? What makes it sad? There are cases of fraud throughout the country--why is this one sad?
He says there is no connection to him or to collusion though this is man who has long ties to Russia and was on the take from oligarchs and worked with Trump before in deals with connections to Russia and re-wrote the Trump platform to be favorable for Russia. Those are some real simple dots to connect--but no there is nothing to directly connect Trump (yet), I mean he was only his FRIGGIN CAMPAIGN MANAGER!
This is from a man who attacks people with no evidence who are either not indicted, not convicted, or for whom there is no actual evidence of a crime, and yet he will call them guilty without hesitance. But Manafort who is actually convicted and seemed to actually do pretty well all things considered, is NOT guilty in Trump's mind and shouldn't be attacked or criticized? This is a good person?
It really does only come down to one thing: ethics, morality, justice, and doing right is not about law or social mores, it is only about loyalty to Trump. So, if you are the Pope but criticize Trump you are dirty, but if you are a loyal murderer you are a good person. It's absolutely sick and totalitarian...and Republicans just keep goose-stepping along with it like this is acceptable in America. Their party by extension has become one big mafia family where his supporters seem to be tacitly approving the "code" of omerta and the inherent logic of the noble criminal and protecting ones own.
I've never experienced group think in this way and never thought American ideals would fall this quickly and for such bad reasons.
Look back at these threads from 2 years ago. We were all predicting the slippery slope of Republican "values" and a moving of the goal posts, but I never thought they would still be poo-pooing with this mountain of evidence and the crimes we are currently seeing play out before us. I can't believe they have been convinced that Liberals are so evil that this still is worth their loyalty and that this is better than giving an inch to the Dems.
They have literally polluted and corrupted our country with banners of MAGA and simplistic financial, jingoistic sloganeering thinking. It's the same corrupt force that tears down so many countries and civilizations...and these horrible small minded people actually think they are the good guys. Every good stormtrooper doing his job and thinking they are the rebel.
- President Donald Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, made a previously unreported payment of $50,000 to a tech company in connection with Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.
- The document detailing the payment does not say which company Cohen paid the money to, or what, exactly, the company did for him.
- The payment suggests that Cohen may have been doing more for Trump, and for the Trump campaign, than had been previously known.