golden sloth said:
bearister said:
"This is the end of my Presidency" and "I'm ****ed," can only reasonably be interpreted as the reaction of an innocent man, right?
His saving grace on obstruction may be the fact that he was impotent and incompetent in its execution.
... and the fact that some of the more competent people surrounding him refused to go along with what he ordered them to do.
I am about as far right of the crazy, left-wing, crying-wolf mainstream media as one can get without being a Trump supporter. I have been skeptical of the stupid "collusion" charge from the very beginning. And I have downloaded the entire report and wasted many non-billable hours reading the damn thing. But I came away convinced that we have a crook in the WH surrounded "mostly" by crooks. I don't need a "full" unredacted report to learn more. This is report is NOT good for Trump by any means. He's indeed f*cked.
Part II of the report -- the Obstruction part -- is about as damning a declination to prosecute as one could be. Reading between the lines, Mueller & co. decided not to prosecute because they agreed with the OLC's opinion that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions." Trump is about as innocent of obstruction as OJ following his criminal trial.
The question is: how are we going to replace him, and with whom?
It shouldn't be that tough, right? But somehow I'm sure the Dems will *****it up, in some way, some form, some fashion.