OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

562,889 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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I'm telling y'all, Trump will demand trial by combat since he had a somewhat succeful WWE career.
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Unit2Sucks;842850727 said:

Bearister - you can't pardon impeachment. The only fitting punishment for Trump and his cronies is bankruptcy and forcing them to rely on Trumpcare. If he's impeached, bankruptcy to follow because his name will be dirt and that is literally all he sells.

Yes, I am aware of that. Here is another article:


From the linked article:

"So what would happen if Trump attempted a self-pardon? First, some pardon fundamentals: Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution gives the president the power to “grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, [U]except in Cases of Impeachment.[/U]” [U]Pardons thus can only cover federal criminal offenses and cannot thwart an impeachment (which technically is not a criminal prosecution anyway).
A person can be pardoned before being convicted and even before being charged with anything. The pardon need not specify what offenses are covered."
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BearChemist;842850735 said:

I'm telling y'all, Trump will demand trial by combat since he had a somewhat succeful WWE career.

With that wittle set of mittens he is possessed of he would have to be proficient at helicopter punching since each individual punch would not cause much if any damage.
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Aha, the difference between a lawyer and an engineer. The lawyer looks at the small hands and sees a weaker punch, while an engineer sees a punch with higher PSI. A facility engineer like A. Luck sees the holes in linoleum from small women with tiny spike heels, but never sees the big fat heel of clodhoppers worn by NFL linemen.

Given his reported behaviour, Grump's draft deferment for bad feet may have been due to holes left by spike heels...

bearister;842850771 said:

With that wittle set of mittens he is possessed of he would have to be proficient at helicopter punching since each individual punch would not cause much if any damage.
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Those of you that still support Trump had better search deep within your souls. This long ago stopped being an ideological debate. It is a moral one. Which side of morality and history will you stand on?
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NYCGOBEARS;842850788 said:

Those of you that still support Trump had better search deep within your souls. This long ago stopped being an ideological debate. It is a moral one. Which side of morality and history will you stand on?

Don't worry, they don't support the man, only every one of his policies.
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NYCGOBEARS;842850788 said:

Those of you that still support Trump had better search deep within your souls.....

"I was thrown out of N.Y.U. my freshman year for cheating on my metaphysics final, you know. I looked within the soul of the boy sitting next to me. " Woody Allen
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NYCGOBEARS;842850788 said:

Those of you that still support Trump had better search deep within your souls. This long ago stopped being an ideological debate. It is a moral one. Which side of morality and history will you stand on?

Was shocked when the latest batch of Nixon tapes was released a few years ago. He knew full well he was being taped and still freely unloaded. That was 40 years ago.

Trump's proudly spewing his crap on Twitter now and his staff, wife, and kids can't convince him to stop. Trashing Morning Joe is a higher priority than health care or North Korea?!?
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NYCGOBEARS;842850788 said:

Those of you that still support Trump had better search deep within your souls. This long ago stopped being an ideological debate. It is a moral one. Which side of morality and history will you stand on?

Face it, he's getting re-elected.
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Strykur;842850815 said:

Face it, he's getting re-elected.

I have no doubt the Russians could arrange that but since Trump is 71 years old, at least 65 pounds overweight, eats a poor diet, sleeps only a few hours a night, doesn't believe in exercise, is very angry all the time, and appears to dabble in something that "relaxes" his impulse control, you have to figure they are eyeballing the next generation of hand picked leadership. Someone like Stephen Miller. Will any of us say that a particular candidate has no chance to win ever again?

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Yeah I can see a lot of things, but hard to imagine Republicans electing a Jewish kid from LA. They probably think he's a sleeper liberal.
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Unit2Sucks;842850727 said:

Bearister - you can't pardon impeachment. The only fitting punishment for Trump and his cronies is bankruptcy and forcing them to rely on Trumpcare. If he's impeached, bankruptcy to follow because his name will be dirt and that is literally all he sells.

He's got so much stashed overseas I doubt he ever feels what should come to him...and his supporters are too "loyal" that his ego will ever take the proper hit of public humiliation. Nevermind him shooting someone, he could come out today and admit he rigged the election, launders money, engages in espionage with Russia, doesn't give a crap about religion, and supports an oligarchy of the rich/corporate interests and his supporters would start arguing that those things aren't all bad. Who cares as long as it keeps evil Liberals out of power. They will still believe they are good people who believe in justice, freedom, and American ideals. Words have no real definitions--they are just instruments of propaganda and self belief. And their personal ethics are much the same.
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blungld;842850874 said:

...Nevermind him shooting someone, he could come out today and admit he rigged the election, launders money, engages in espionage with Russia, doesn't give a crap about religion, and supports an oligarchy of the rich/corporate interests and his supporters would start arguing that those things aren't all bad. .....

Researchers Sean McElwee and Jason McDaniel reported in The Nation in March:

“In short, our analysis indicates that Donald Trump successfully leveraged existing resentment towards African Americans in combination with emerging fears of increased racial diversity in America to reshape the presidential electorate, strongly attracting nativists towards Trump and pushing some more affluent and highly educated people with more cosmopolitan views to support Hillary Clinton. Racial identity and attitudes have further displaced class as the central battleground of American politics.”
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This may be OT for this thread on the OT board

A timeline of Trump's clearly made-up "secret plan" to fight ISIS

Speaking of farting from the mouth
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"Donald Trump is depending on people's fatigue. He is banking on your becoming overwhelmed by his never-ending antics. He is counting on his capacity to wear down the resistance by sheer force."
- Charles Blow, NY Times
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bearister;842850932 said:

"Donald Trump is depending on people’s fatigue. He is banking on your becoming overwhelmed by his never-ending antics. He is counting on his capacity to wear down the resistance by sheer force."
- Charles Blow, NY Times

It's working on me. The defense of idiocy, lies, and greed makes me shake my head in frustration and start to believe that we deserve the end of American Exceptionalism/Idealism that has been sown right in front of our faces...and how easy it is to make the masses complicit if you give them a little propaganda to fuel their fears and rage. It does wear me down and make me feel the worse of human nature wins because it is not self-conscious of itself.
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I'm being worn down by endless punditry.
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GB54;842850980 said:

I'm being worn down by endless punditry.

But that crew is sure making bank. They glam up the gals and the guys get fitted with pretty neat hair systems. ....and don't get me started on the over sized pearly white gnashers. I'm assuming you are excluding us amateur pundits on the OT board.
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bearister;842850982 said:

But that crew is sure making bank. They glam up the gals and the guys get fitted with pretty neat hair systems. ....and don't get me started on the over sized pearly white gnashers. I'm assuming you are excluding us amateur pundits on the OT board.

Mika and Low IQ Joe cancelled their vacation to duel with Trump over fake facelifts- that's Woodstein Pulitzer s$it right there plus they got 10 million likes on Facebook
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Gee, I thought he was talking about all the fresh young faces on Fox News replacing the sexual predators and their female victims. I've noticed Fox News doesn't seem to be giving any background on their guest commentators. At least on other cable news shows they say so-an-so is a professor, ex head of the RNC, columnist with the Times, etc... I did see Huckabee's defense of his daughter, the biggest media hating press secretary in the world; the rest of them seem to be talking heads without credentials. I don't think the new staff at FOX knows that Joe S. was a Southern GOP Congressman; turning on their own kind. Lost in the media bashing are comments like those from Ann Coulter saying Hannity would defend Trump if Trump declared he was taking our country Communist. She had a point, nothing Trump could do will bother Hannity, but in better times that would have been a damming statement, not just simply overlooked.

GB54;842850997 said:

Mika and Low IQ Joe cancelled their vacation to duel with Trump over fake facelifts- that's Woodstein Pulitzer s$it right there plus they got 10 million likes on Facebook
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In 2013, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft told a story during a gala at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York about how Putin supposedly stole his 2004 Super Bowl ring while Kraft was visiting Russia in 2005.

"I took out the ring and showed it to [Putin], and he put it on and he goes, 'I can kill someone with this ring,'" Kraft said. "I put my hand out and he put it in his pocket, and three KGB guys got around him and walked out."

Putin's representatives denied the story. Business Insider
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Did Trump Jr. and Kushner meet with a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin on the idea that the lawyer had access to damaging information on HRC and her campaign that they could obtain? Has Trump Jr. now changed his story to that the meeting took place with the Russian attorney to discuss possible adoption? More meetings with the Russians? There seem to be an awful lot of meetings with Russians prior to the elections by people in the Trump camp, maybe they just like vodka and caviar? Why all the Puty love from Trump? Who has been financing Trump and Kushner's real estate developments over the years?
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BearNIt;842852106 said:

Did Trump Jr. and Kushner meet with a Russian lawyer with ties to the Kremlin on the idea that the lawyer had access to damaging information on HRC and her campaign that they could obtain? Has Trump Jr. now changed his story to that the meeting took place with the Russian attorney to discuss possible adoption? More meetings with the Russians? There seem to be an awful lot of meetings with Russians prior to the elections by people in the Trump camp, maybe they just like vodka and caviar? Why all the Puty love from Trump? Who has been financing Trump and Kushner's real estate developments over the years?

The Trumps are an "altruism first" family so I am sure, as Jerry Lewis says at the Telethon, "It's for the children!" The next round of secret meetings between Don, Jr. and the Russians will be a jawboning session to kick around his ideas to save the Canadian seal pup.
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I guess we're still waiting for the official talking points on this latest disclosed meeting with a Russian?

It's amazing that as loudly as Trump's defenders scream that there is no evidence of collusion, like clockwork every couple of week we find out about a new meeting between high level people in the Trump campaign and Russians that somehow everyone forgot about. I would like to see everyone in the campaign brought in under oath and asked to state for the record every contact they had with representatives of foreign governments.

I would also say until the evidence gathering has completed, people should stop insulting the intelligence of the american people by continuing to claim that there is no evidence of collusion.
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Unit2Sucks;842852902 said:

I guess we're still waiting for the official talking points on this latest disclosed meeting with a Russian?

It's amazing that as loudly as Trump's defenders scream that there is no evidence of collusion, like clockwork every couple of week we find out about a new meeting between high level people in the Trump campaign and Russians that somehow everyone forgot about. I would like to see everyone in the campaign brought in under oath and asked to state for the record every contact they had with representatives of foreign governments.

I would also say until the evidence gathering has completed, people should stop insulting the intelligence of the american people by continuing to claim that there is no evidence of collusion.

Charles Blow's pen is actually an artist's brush:
"America is under sustained, possibly even accelerated, attack by a foreign power, the same one that attacked our election, and Trump not only wavers on the source of the attack, but also refuses to condemn the culprit and in fact has a penchant for praising him. This whole thing stinks to high heaven, and we must press on until we uncover the source of the rot.
....I say this to remind you of something that you can never allow to become normal and never allow to become acceptable: Our "president" is a pathological liar. He lies about everything, all the time. Lying is his resting condition.
Therefore, absolutely nothing he or his team says is to be believed, ever." Charles Blow, NY Times
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Unit2Sucks;842852902 said:

I guess we're still waiting for the official talking points on this latest disclosed meeting with a Russian?

It's amazing that as loudly as Trump's defenders scream that there is no evidence of collusion, like clockwork every couple of week we find out about a new meeting between high level people in the Trump campaign and Russians that somehow everyone forgot about. I would like to see everyone in the campaign brought in under oath and asked to state for the record every contact they had with representatives of foreign governments.

I would also say until the evidence gathering has completed, people should stop insulting the intelligence of the american people by continuing to claim that there is no evidence of collusion.

As I've said before, it sure is strange how many people on the Trump team conveniently "forgot" about meetings with Russian officials.
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bearister;842852929 said:

Charles Blow's pen is actually an artist's brush:
"America is under sustained, possibly even accelerated, attack by a foreign power, the same one that attacked our election, and Trump not only wavers on the source of the attack, but also refuses to condemn the culprit and in fact has a penchant for praising him. This whole thing stinks to high heaven, and we must press on until we uncover the source of the rot.
....I say this to remind you of something that you can never allow to become normal and never allow to become acceptable: Our "president" is a pathological liar. He lies about everything, all the time. Lying is his resting condition.
Therefore, absolutely nothing he or his team says is to be believed, ever." Charles Blow, NY Times

I don't know who this Charles blow fellow is, but for a rapper/actor mos def has been making some pretty good points on CNN
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Donnie, Jr. will be seeking a POTUS pardon from Papa Bear because he in big doo doo. His carnival barker line of rapid fire bs is not going to un f*ck this. Some creative state prosecutor has to craft some state law violations because POTUS pardon power doesn't extend to those.

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Yup. Starting to feel like Putin doesn't think Trump is keeping up his end of the bargain so he's sabotaging Trump associates to remind Trump who's boss. Wonder what else he has in his pocket.
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Unit2Sucks;842852960 said:

Yup. Starting to feel like Putin doesn't think Trump is keeping up his end of the bargain so he's sabotaging Trump associates to remind Trump who's boss. Wonder what else he has in his pocket.

But I think we found out about the meeting in question because of Jerry Kushner's recently amended disclosure statement. I'm not sure KGB Boy is willing to bail on his highly cultivated asset quite yet.

Fredo Corleone: "It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect! "
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bearister;842852965 said:

But I think we found out about the meeting in question because of Jerry Kushner's recently amended disclosure statement. I'm not sure KGB Boy is willing to bail on his highly cultivated asset quite yet.

Fredo Corleone: "It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect! "

I've posted this GIF several times since Trump took office and it's still relevant.

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sycasey;842852970 said:

I've posted this GIF several times since Trump took office and it's still relevant.


"Three reasons why Trumpeters are unable to accept even legitimate criticism of Trump;

"The first is belief perseverance, which is the idea that once-formed, beliefs are resistant to change. Another principle is commitment. When we make a choice, we are hesitant to change. A third principle is confirmation bias, which suggests that we take in new information that is in line with our preexisting beliefs and disregard contrary information."
Patrick Mattimore
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Senate voted 98-2 (Rand & Bernie) to sanction Russia. House GOP slow playing legislation/pouting since they insist bill had to start in the House. 98-2 isn't remotely close, but the House is that terrified of Trump that they're looking for excuses to weaken sanctions or not even bring it up for a vote?
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The email thread involving Donnie Jr. is damning, kinda wonder how Sarah and co. will spin it. Are the talking points ready yet?
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