OT: Trump/Russians/Robert Mueller

562,997 Views | 3284 Replies | Last: 3 yr ago by BearForce2
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sp4149;842853946 said:

Anybody else getting a RUSSIAN BEAUTIES pop-up next to this thread?

Two banners came up on mine: Babes of Belarus and Lovelies of Latvia.
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bearister;842853982 said:

Two banners came up on mine: Babes of Belarus and Lovelies of Latvia.

That's not cool. I got Hideous of Hungary & Mansters of Moldova
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Might be time to start a new bikini thread.
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Trump Deathwatch hottie thread?
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oski003;842854018 said:

Trump Deathwatch hottie thread?

We can post pics of the First Lady nude.
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NYCGOBEARS;842854024 said:

We can post pics of the First Lady nude.

For you trivialists out there (or as the case may be, degenerates, like NYCGOBEARS and Yours Truly), I believe there is one other First Lady that also holds that dubious distinction.
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bearister;842854030 said:

For you trivialists out there (or as the case may be, degenerates, like NYCGOBEARS and Yours Truly), I believe there is one other First Lady that also holds that dubious distinction.

Eleanor Roosevelt
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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

"HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?
3:35 AM Jul 16, 2017"
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It's so refreshing to have a president who takes responsibility for his actions and is a role model to our children.

That's a sentence I hope to be able to write truthfully some day.
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After the Birthers, John Miller/John Barron, Jersey City Muslims on 9/11, Ted Cruz's dad on the grassy knoll, etc...why is Trump still babbling about fake news?

Both Donnies clearly knew about personal and staff interactions with Russians and denied it in real time and for a year.

Despite that, Trump's GOP approval rating is still 85%. Yikes!
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Still need to please the dumb enough 'base' so that they keep donating to pay all the legal fees.
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Unit2Sucks;842854080 said:

It's so refreshing to have a president who takes responsibility for his actions and is a role model to our children.

That's a sentence I hope to be able to write truthfully some day.

Do you find it a little scary that POTUS is not sleeping at 3:35 am? Is he getting the Dr. Feelgood regimen?

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No more scary than the fact that we have an imbecile in the White House who Putin is likely to have kompromat on. I will concede that Trump is somewhat immune to traditional compromat because he is shameless.
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Trump's disapproval=58%, base or no base
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GB54;842854096 said:

Trump's disapproval=58%, base or no base

But Fox and Friends has his approval rating at 95%.
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bearister;842854078 said:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

"HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?
3:35 AM Jul 16, 2017"

Party of personal responsibility, everyone.
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That might be west coast time though.
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What say you if they prove Trumpus was at the meeting?

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bearister;842854149 said:

What say you if they prove Trumpus was at the meeting?


Would push the oompa loompa's GOP approval rating to 95%. Only way he gets to 100% is replacing Pence with Putin.

Trump rounded up (from 38%) and said a 40% approval rating was not bad. FFS, Ford was the only other prior POTUS below 40% (39%) and that was after pardoning Nixon,
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The White House is focusing on "Made In America" this week. Perhaps the President could stop being such a freaking hypocrite and make some of his crap in America. Is this man-baby really POTUS?

Lowest 6 months approval rating ever. Never has an individual fought against reality as POTUS
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Is the pomade used by Trump, Uday and Qusay drilled and barreled in the Homeland?
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Health care bill collapses. At this point it's better Trump stays until the midterms
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New Feature: Daily insight into the mind of Trump supporters (as evidenced by comments on the internet)):

1." I am sick and tired of the liberal media doing everything they can to derail President Trump. The American people see this and I guarantee that the Republicans will still hold the House and the Senate after the mid-term elections. Libs, you are not doing yourselves any favors by acting like children;"

2. "The whole Russia thing is fake. He went to a meeting. They spoke about Russian adoption where he left after 1/2 hour. The whole idea that there was any type of collusion is fake;"

3. "Those of you pushing this "I Hate Trump" agenda are going to be in for another rude awakening when you keep losing. The public is really sick of all of this fake news with only anonymous sources cited;"

4. "King Trump. Lord Trump, God Trump. That is a better headline DM. Bow to him losing Democrats. Your leader is making America safe again. Stock market at an all time high, illegals running home, what more could you want."

Updated Depository for evidence of Russian collusion:

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bearister;842854369 said:

New Feature: Daily insight into the mind of Trump supporters (as evidenced by comments on the internet)):

1." I am sick and tired of the liberal media doing everything they can to derail President Trump. The American people see this and I guarantee that the Republicans will still hold the House and the Senate after the mid-term elections. Libs, you are not doing yourselves any favors by acting like children;"

2. "The whole Russia thing is fake. He went to a meeting. They spoke about Russian adoption where he left after 1/2 hour. The whole idea that there was any type of collusion is fake;"

3. "Those of you pushing this "I Hate Trump" agenda are going to be in for another rude awakening when you keep losing. The public is really sick of all of this fake news with only anonymous sources cited;"

4. "King Trump. Lord Trump, God Trump. That is a better headline DM. Bow to him losing Democrats. Your leader is making America safe again. Stock market at an all time high, illegals running home, what more could you want."

Updated Depository for evidence of Russian collusion:


This is the predictable and perhaps planned results of lack of education and the distraction of consumerism and economic divide. The disenfranchised and unsophisticated believe the propaganda and the corrupt consolidate their power.
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Monthly GDP down (no Grump won't tweet about that)

Moderates hate to be called Liberals by the neo-cons. Even those who voted for Grump.

When the only two countries that view Grump as an improvement are Russia (overwhelmingly) and Israel; is the world against us?

bearister;842854369 said:

New Feature: Daily insight into the mind of Trump supporters (as evidenced by comments on the internet)):

1." I am sick and tired of the liberal media doing everything they can to derail President Trump. The American people see this and I guarantee that the Republicans will still hold the House and the Senate after the mid-term elections. Libs, you are not doing yourselves any favors by acting like children;"

2. "The whole Russia thing is fake. He went to a meeting. They spoke about Russian adoption where he left after 1/2 hour. The whole idea that there was any type of collusion is fake;"

3. "Those of you pushing this "I Hate Trump" agenda are going to be in for another rude awakening when you keep losing. The public is really sick of all of this fake news with only anonymous sources cited;"

4. "King Trump. Lord Trump, God Trump. That is a better headline DM. Bow to him losing Democrats. Your leader is making America safe again. Stock market at an all time high, illegals running home, what more could you want."

Updated Depository for evidence of Russian collusion:


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GB54;842854360 said:

Health care bill collapses. At this point it's better Trump stays until the midterms

Now McConnell says he wants to proceed with straight repeal (no replacement).


Not sure if serious.
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It's become increasingly clear that McConnell and republican leadership can't count to 50. Maybe they believed Trump when he told them you only needed 46% of the vote to win.
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sycasey;842854435 said:

Now McConnell says he wants to proceed with straight repeal (no replacement).


Not sure if serious.

That would be a balls out move. I think he figures that with the clock ticking he can more easily get a compromise between the repeal only and the replace wings of his party and also put pressure on the Democrats but it's risky as hell and sets them up for a backlash at the midterms.

I think at some point Trump will realize that the key to his agenda may be to talk to Chuck Schumer not Mitch McConnell
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Unit2Sucks;842854446 said:

It's become increasingly clear that McConnell and republican leadership can't count to 50. Maybe they believed Trump when he told them you only needed 46% of the vote to win.

Trump's enablers are going after Heller and Flake now, both Mormons. GOP doesn't understand the West. Long before Huckabee started dry humping Kim Davis as a champion of religious freedom, he trashed Mormonism to get at Mitt. Five states chased future designated drivers and homecoming queens out before they ended up in Utah. Mormons hate the Muslim ban and Trump. Utah's not going Dem anytime soon, but actively marginalizing Mormons isn't remotely helpful to the GOP given the changing demographics in NV and AZ.
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Earlier this year the previous GOP Speaker of the House said that he had been in the house for 25 years and the Republicans never could produce a workable health plan. Repeal now and replace in two years is a pipe dream. The ACA had over a 3 year phase-in (signed March 23, 2010; full implementation January 1, 2014). No way the GOP can produce a plan (at some future date) to replace the ACA two years from now. The intent is really to repeal only...
Let the cow chips hit the fan...

Constitutional law experts, please Comment: AS I understand it, any new health plan could face legal challenges as did the ACA; however there could be no legal challenge to a repeal of the ACA. (I suppose if there is a potential conflict with a newer law tied to ACA then repeal could face a legal challenge).

GB54;842854447 said:

That would be a balls out move. I think he figures that with the clock ticking he can more easily get a compromise between the repeal only and the replace wings of his party and also put pressure on the Democrats but it's risky as hell and sets them up for a backlash at the midterms.

I think at some point Trump will realize that the key to his agenda may be to talk to Chuck Schumer not Mitch McConnell
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GB54;842854447 said:

That would be a balls out move. I think he figures that with the clock ticking he can more easily get a compromise between the repeal only and the replace wings of his party and also put pressure on the Democrats but it's risky as hell and sets them up for a backlash at the midterms.

Already there are three GOP Senators publicly against this plan (they can only lose two).


Seems unlikely to work.
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GB54;842854447 said:

I think at some point Trump will realize that the key to his agenda may be to talk to Chuck Schumer not Mitch McConnell

Schumer is not up for re-election until 2022 so Trump would have no leverage against him, that would make no sense. McConnell has no chips to play now other than a straight repeal.
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Strykur;842854496 said:

Schumer is not up for re-election until 2022 so Trump would have no leverage against him, that would make no sense. McConnell has no chips to play now other than a straight repeal.

The leverage works the other way; nobody's going to beat Schumer anyway. Trump's agenda is dying on the vine- health care gone, the tax bill, next to be gone. At some point Trump realizes he can't pass s$It with his so-called majority and his Presidency is a perfect storm of incompetence; he then pivots towards the Dems.
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GB54;842854501 said:

The leverage works the other way; nobody's going to beat Schumer anyway. Trump's agenda is dying on the vine- health care gone, the tax bill, next to be gone. At some point Trump realizes he can't pass s$It with his so-called majority and his Presidency is a perfect storm of incompetence; he then pivots towards the Dems.

That is what I mentioned awhile back on here (that Trump is not a right-wing ideologue per se and could pivot to the Democrats should it be politically expedient) and was laughed at, maybe by next year when the Russia "scandal" ends with a whimper and the Democrats are left exposed, then this could be done. Trump as party leader could also tell the GOP that McConnell and Ryan have to be replaced in their respective positions, if he really wanted to stay the course and retain the GOP vote.
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GB54;842854501 said:

The leverage works the other way; nobody's going to beat Schumer anyway. Trump's agenda is dying on the vine- health care gone, the tax bill, next to be gone. At some point Trump realizes he can't pass s$It with his so-called majority and his Presidency is a perfect storm of incompetence; he then pivots towards the Dems.

If Trump and the GOP decided to prioritize infrastructure improvements (besides the border wall) they could get some support from Dems. Some patch improvements to Obamacare could have done it too. Might have been easier if they did it right away, rather than immediately try to destroy the accomplishment all long-time Democrats have worked their entire careers for (health care reform), and in the process mobilized a large and angry opposition among the left-wing party base. Now it will be tougher.

Anyway, if there is a pivot towards working with Dems, I suspect we'll be waiting a while for that.


Trump on Senate GOP: “The vote would have been pretty close to, if you look at it, 48 to 4. That’s a pretty impressive vote by any standard”

I mean, never mind that there are actually 100 Senators. He's still within the framework that he only needs Republican votes.
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